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501st Retired[501st]
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Everything posted by bscheff

  1. Is "clam shelled" glued on one side and Velcro on the other?
  2. I'm not sure what your asking. Can you elaborate?
  3. Here they are. Turned out pretty darn good... Even if I do say so myself.
  4. So I finished the gold... I think it turned out pretty well. I put on two clear coats last night so I will remove the tape and get some pictures of the finished product up tonight or tomorrow.
  5. So I am still plugging away. Put the second coat of gold on, on Saturday. I didn't like the way it dried so I wetsanded it and will paint it again when I can. There were bubles and rough patches. I am not sure if it was too hot on Saturday or just bad luck with the can. Either way I am waiting for a cooler evening to apply (hopefully) the final gold coat. My glue just came in on Saturday so I will be trimming and bonding pieces as appropriate when time allows. I'll get some more pictures up as I make more progress.
  6. Thanks bro! Btw, is it me, or did your bucket go from white to pink? Here are two more pictures. I got the 3rd coat of primer sanded way down and then applied the gold. I made sure to shake the crap outta that can, I think that was the problem with the test pieces. Not shaken enough, and I was a little heavy handed with the paint. So this time, I went nice and light.
  7. Double check under your couch cushions Chex...
  8. Yeah, looks great! Nice work ELP.
  9. So the second coat of primer is dry and sanded. I was about to skip to the gold paint when I decided to paint my "test" piece. It's hard to see here, but it has that snowflake look in one spot like Izzi complained about on his helmet. I wasn't sure if that was from the paint not being mixed enough, too much paint or a negative reaction to the plastic. So I took the other handguard (Test2) and painted it. Now this one has no primer and isn't sanded. It's just gold paint on black ABS. I am testing for a reaction to the plastic. So I decided to put a third coat of primer on the arms and wait and see how the gold dries. Oh and the top one has no flash, but the bottom one does. That's why the color is different. With the flash on, the "snowflake" wasn't visible to the camera lens. In person the color is the same. More to come...
  10. Well we have just under three years to work up to it. That would be so awesome. So I got the arms sanded, primed, sanded and primed. The second priming is currently drying. I am thinking two coats of primer should be enough. I've read that ABS plastic doesn't need to be primed, but other sites recommend it, so I figured why not. My "test" piece: The real McCoy: I also read that ABS breaks down in the sun. Considering I live in the Sunshine state, that's a concern. How do we protect it from that? Is that the reason for the car wax?
  11. Can't wait to see your build thread.
  12. For decorative purposes it shouldn't matter but would the scope in or out be based on whether you were right or left handed? If I was left handed I would wear it as you show in the picture, so my dominant hand (left) can grab the blaster easy. And if I was right handed, I would wear it with butt/handle facing forward so when I reach across my body I can pull it out and fire faster? Might explain why it is shown both ways? Just a guess. Someone more familiar with sidearms would probably know. Your holster looks great so far! I can't wait to see more pictures.
  13. Iz, I think this is the same picture just reveresed, or very close. But it shows a right handed Elite Novatrooper. Add it or delete it. Your call.
  14. Best to wait for Iz to give you the "official" answer, but I am pretty sure for the blackhole trooper everything should be black. As silver would reflect light and hinder your "stealth." But then again, your teeth are silver, lol, so who knows. But again, best to wait for an official answer.
  15. is making it happen.

  16. Ok, I'm with you now. Thanks for the info. What do you think of the stuff that came with the kit? I'm at work, so I can't get the bottle. But I think it is polish/scratch remover. Is it Novus by any chance?
  17. Hmmm. I thought you were the one that had suggestedthe futureshine Iz. Is that just for the non painted pieces? I don't need to trim any of those pieces. Well I take that back, I am gong to use the Dremmel to sand down the lip on the bottom portion of the bicept. Not shortening it, but essentially widening it. It's kinda tight on my guns.
  18. Tonight I managed to get the forearms and bicepts taped. This weekend I will sand and paint them. Where you see blue they will be polished black, and the black will be a metalic gold.
  19. So I have been chatting with Izzi and he has tasked me with "being a credit to the armor. Take what the guy before you did and improve it." lol the guy before, being Izzi. Nah, he didn't set the bar high or anything. Anyone who has seen his gear knows he is an extremely talented armorer, so I would be thrilled just to match him. But as he suggested, I am not just going to replicate his setup. I plan to tweek the striping. Perhaps make them a hair thinner and change the angles a bit. Keeping with the Crl of course, but doing my best to look like the TCG image he has posted in the reference materials. A bird told me that Izzi may be reworking his Nova in the not to distant future, so there are big things on the horizon for Elite Novatroopers. More to come...
  20. So last night after my daughter went to bed I had some time to tinker around out in the garage. I got the whole suit unpacked and laid out. My first impressions of the armor would be: the coloring is great. A nice rich black that once I get some future shine on it, should really come alive. The size is great. I am 6'4" and I weigh 275lbs. I was afraid that the armor would be too small. Not the case. The bucket is huge, the calves/shins will be snug but not tight. The thighs are huge and may require some trimming. The forearms, lol popeye could wear them. I will definitely be trimming the width of those. The chest, back, abs, kidney and butt plates all fit but they will just meet at the sides (under the arms.) I figure another 20 lbs or so lost and they would close comfortably. But as with many troopers, even some thinner ones I have seen, there is a gap on the sides for me. As far as quality of the gear, I am satisfied but there were a few dimples or pok marks that I assume were air bubbles or imperfections in the molds. One of the shin pieces looked like a dog bit it with his canines, but fortunately it will be glued and not visible. All and all I am satisfied and would buy more from this armorsmith. My "Shop" First trip to Home Depot My first steps into a larger world... I feel the beer gives it scale
  21. Got any updates Bond? You were really trucking, I have to assume you've made more progress.
  22. As the title indicates I will be building an Elite Nova Trooper. With Izzi's recommendation I jumped on the black AM run and my armor came in this past weekend. After an hour in Home Depot this evening, I am about ready to begin my adventure. Since this is my first suit, I had to make a sizable investment in supplies and equipment: Dremmel, gold paint, clear enamel, primer, sand paper, wet sandpaper, files, clamps, box cutters, painter's tape, a partridge and a pear tree. But for me, it's as much about the journey as it is about the destination. I am looking forward to the actual construction of the armor and I want to do it right. I will try and get some pictures of the armor tomorrow night and kick off this build thread right. Sith'ari
  23. Did this belong to someone in your garrison or did you find it on the net?
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