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501st Retired[501st]
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Everything posted by bscheff

  1. Looking forward to watching your build. Grats on the kit bro!
  2. Speaking of canvas, is a black canvas belt acceptable for a blackhole trooper or does it need to be a patent leather.
  3. Same here. I didn't trim my front or back pieces of my bucket at all. I simply lined it up and bolted the front and back together. Then I find the lid doesn't want to fit in. So after some brute force I realize that by pulling the lower pieces toward eachother it widens the top like so: l l -> \ /. Then it fits and hopefully the brow will cover the quarter inch gap above the bolts. Also the sides of the two lower pieces don't join to the helmet all the way around. I may have to spot glue and hold pieces closed after the dome is firmly in place. Love the armor, disappointed with the bucket. Your bucket looks great though, which is why I asked if it gave you any trouble.
  4. Great progress so far! Is this an AM kit? Did the helmet give you any trouble? Do you glue inside the house or out in the garage? I am using the plasticweld and it's too strong for me to use unless I open the garage.
  5. I am also curious about this Iz. I know you painted one, is the one in the background picture the one you painted? How did you protect the black edge that wraps around the gold? Also in regards to your pack, is the radio scratch built or did you buy it? Can you pm me the info? I saw a sale thread for crashman but I could buy a bfg for what he wants for a radio... Thanks bro!
  6. I have a couple questions: Are the thighs supposed to cover my kneecaps or rest just above them? How do you get the ear pieces that wrap around the bottom of the helmt to stay in place on the bottom? Glue, or another bolt?
  7. I am a "bigger fan" myself I put the two clamps on each end of the thighs and then held the center together while they dried. Which was only four minutes with the welder I use. But they turned out great. No gaps. If you havent alredy finished them, make sure to hold the center down so they dont gap. Good luck.
  8. From the blackhole CRL: * PAULDRON: May wear a solid black pauldron over the shoulder of the arm carrying the sidearm. So only black, as far as I can tell.
  9. This is a great topic. I am interested how others act when in character. And @ ELP: Hi5, that's awesome.
  10. Spent some time out in the garage this weekend and I have made some nice progress I glued my right bicept, both forearms and both thighs! That makes the completed armor list: Hand Guards Left Forearm Right Forearm Left Bicept Right Bicept Left Thigh Right Thigh Now I just need to join the calves and build the helmet. Then it's on to the torso. Once that's done then I can move on to the backpack and blaster.
  11. Can't wait to see pictures Wraith! Grats on the positive movement towards becoming a shadow scout.
  12. You're right about the spectators not noticing. I have looked at all your pictures dozens of times while creating my Nova and never noticed
  13. I'm confused on how FISD EIB or MEPD Deployed standards relate to our detachment. They don't. I just figured if one of the helmets isn't considered accurate you could mention it in your guide. Now that I think about it, I probably would still have gone with the AM helmet as the others are likely too small for me.
  14. Wish I had known that, I could have saved some cash and just painted my eFx. Maybe you could edit that into your original post so people who want screen accurate will know which ones are and aren't and can get light kits when approriate? On the bright side I won't have to worry so much about messing it up now since I will likely be buying another kind down the road.
  15. So you don't use glue on the forearms? Is the gap created by the Velcro inevitible or is there a trick for hiding it?
  16. Did you only use Velcro or are the clam shelled?
  17. So I have been cruising the Mos Eisley PD site a lot lately. No I am not defecting, but the Sandies and Novas have very similar accoutrements so it's been a great resource. Under their requirements for "Deployed" status, which I equate to our under development "Specialist" status, they say "no fx helmets." Any idea why? Isn't the AM helmet a recast FX? Other than being three pieces as opposed to two, what's the difference?
  18. My first finished piece: I had to use the dremel to sand out most of the return edges. Just couldn't fit my pipes in otherwise: Here are my forearms. As you can see they are all painted. I trimmed the upper inside edges to allow for easier bending of the arm. Nothing major, just a lil angling. I havent glued them yet, I will do that this weekend when I can open the garage: Here is my left thigh. I am debating on trimming this to give it a more screen accurate look. I left my Snapple bottle next to it, to give you some scale:
  19. So I am reading this and looking at the date, Aug 25th, and wondering: How the heck could I have missed this thread? Then I realized someone was just being stealthy and editing his old posts. I like this Izzi. For those of us on our first suits, this will help a lot.
  20. So I ended up spending an evening on the couch with my better half, watching Ironman 2. I will be working on my gear tonight so I will be sure to get a few pictures. But since my last update I have completed the left bicept, trimmed the right one as well as the right forearm. **A word of caution for any would be Novas: trim you gear first, making sure all the pieces fit together nicely THEN paint. I fit all the pieces I intended to paint on myself and didn't feel they needed adjusted for size. But I didn't trim them down to fit each other. Fortunately I have not damaged any paint makig them fit together, but I would advise that you cut first, match edges, then paint then glue. I got excited and after deciding the length was good I started painting.
  21. I will take some pictures tonight and post an update.
  22. I'd recommend getting the pvc pipes like Izzi suggested and cut them at a 45 degree angle. Then you could angle them so that the top is closer to your back and the bottom is a few inches further away giving them / this type of look. Looks great so far though! Keep at it.
  23. What is that material Obie? Leather?
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