So I have been saving up progress pics, mostly because I haven't had time to upload them with all that's been going on lately
Boots are done I don't have a finished pic, but I do have some of my boot slave making them for me... (everyone needs a boot slave)
The extra brown in the sole was visited by a sharpie and is now black
My bucket was the SC bucket which means the back piece is in two halves. I got to play with ABS goo to fill in the crack and avoid painting the bucket it was fun
You can see the crack in the first pic, then I took small pieces of ABS plastic and mixed it with Acetone until it was the right consistency (I didn't get it right first time so had to do a bit of sanding and reapplying)
slap on and let it set up, then sand and sand and sand...
I also painted my thermal det tubey whatsit
... more to come