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501st SpecOps Siren[TX]
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Everything posted by Wraith

  1. Hey welcome aboard! Where are you located? There will be someone if your local garrison who can most likely help you out too, and it's always fun to meet local troopers
  2. Looks good can't wait to see it all finished and approved
  3. heehee It looks awesome in person you should be very proud of all the hard work you put in.
  4. Um.. I suppose it's kinda cool I come with a warning (thanks soooo much BH) Hey welcome to spec ops Sh1x
  5. Hey, welcome aboard.. shadow troopers are fun!
  6. I think my drop box webbing was 1 inch thick.. I don't have my armour to hand to measure it.. it's currently on vacation in a friends garage, but 1 inch sounds about right..
  7. I love how i get the blame... pretty sure you were as involved as I was in this.. and ELP might have had a hand in it too :P
  8. Yeah I am planning on it.. they are only about 2 inches thick.. I am just a midget trooper lol but yeah they are on my things to do once I am approved list (Armour is never finished)
  9. I carry a DLT-19 when trooping with my Shadow Scout, what can I say... I'm compensating
  10. Yeah, when I remember to take one lol (I suck at remembering stuff right now, life has me a little stressed and my brain is fried)
  11. So I'm all done and submission pics taken I don't have access to a card reader to upload them right now, so they are on izzi's computer, he might be nice and stick them up here if he has time though Here's a pic from a phone for now!
  12. Lol they were nice and blue to match a dress I'd worn earlier that week.. but acetone and painted nails do not go well together
  13. ... wait a few weeks whilst you attend a con and life get's in the way THEN more armour progress Go to izzi's and laugh whilst he uses pink tools.. (you don't know what I had to do to get that photo.. lol he kept moving so the pink didn't show) And back to helmet work, more goo this time thinner and two buckets ..also bottles of misspelled izzi essence help.. ( That's a Dark Crystal reference.. if anyone get's it) izzi's bucket My much messier bucket and that's all I took pics of, but it's almost done next time you'll get to see the finished armour also note to izzi.. scout bunds are NOT EVER worn like this...
  14. So I have been saving up progress pics, mostly because I haven't had time to upload them with all that's been going on lately Boots are done I don't have a finished pic, but I do have some of my boot slave making them for me... (everyone needs a boot slave) The extra brown in the sole was visited by a sharpie and is now black My bucket was the SC bucket which means the back piece is in two halves. I got to play with ABS goo to fill in the crack and avoid painting the bucket it was fun You can see the crack in the first pic, then I took small pieces of ABS plastic and mixed it with Acetone until it was the right consistency (I didn't get it right first time so had to do a bit of sanding and reapplying) YAY GOO!! slap on and let it set up, then sand and sand and sand... I also painted my thermal det tubey whatsit ... more to come
  15. Yay progress Feels good to be making a start doesn't it?
  16. The secret pocket is totally my favorite part of my gloves..
  17. Hey, welcome aboard, shadow scouts rock! I have SC armour and I love it.
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