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501st SpecOps Siren[TX]
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Everything posted by Wraith

  1. LOL A little iz goes a long way...
  2. Lol maybe you are a hobbit elf hybrid?....
  3. thanks BH.... I wax so it's all good
  4. So.... I made progress finally gotta stop slacking and get things finished!!! Helps when you have some extra motivation though excuse the awful pics.. lol We trimmed the shouler bells after the pics were taken and I still need to finish my boots, belt and finish the bucket.. not far off now though
  5. Tori you need to build one.. i am working on mine too Though I don't think mine will ever look as girly as izzi's does in the above photo!
  6. Bahahahaha thanks for posting that here DE!!!
  7. lol I'm feeling left out, maybe I should post mine.. and Clark's once he decides him his colour scheme.. lol he can never make a decision ever! I love the pink bucket so much.. I am almost tempted to switch buckets with Clark and blatantly steal your awesome idea lol I don't think he'd let me though.
  8. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  9. Okay so I have been slowly working on this, no pics cuz I managed to delete them accidentally.. (Yes I am an idiot) I have a few kinks I still need to work out but have a friend from my garrison who has a biker scout coming over on thurs to help put everything together and hopefully I'll be able to get some approval pics on sat at our Garrison photo day.. so fingers crossed.
  10. You are all in soooooooo much trouble....
  11. make it your avatar iz.. on all boards ever....
  12. Too late, he has spies everywhere.... *dodges behind a rock in the vain hopes of escaping from being kicked by izzi's boot of justice*
  13. Sigh... can't argue with that.. I have serious izzi hair envy...
  14. Nice work on the boots iz, I think that's the kind of paint we ought to have used on my Leia belt. Maybe when I bribe you to remake it we could give it a try
  15. Dustin...welcome to the madhouse, but wasn't I the one who convinced you to go Shadow Scout instead of Shadow Stormtrooper? Why does izzi get the credit?
  16. *TP's BH's wall* :P

  17. Looks awesome, wish i had the patience and talent to do something like that

  19. sleep, who needs sleep..

  20. ooh that looks very complicated and also very awesome
  21. I survive trooping with izzi on a regular basis...

  22. Updated cuz izzi gave me crap... :P

    1. tigger68


      and that's something new?

    2. Wraith
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