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501st SpecOps Siren[TX]
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Everything posted by Wraith

  1. Updated cuz izzi gave me crap... :P

  2. Looks awesome! cuz you don't have enough helmets?
  3. Welcome aboard!! Shadow scouts are the coolest of of all TX's (Just kidding, I don't want to end up target practice for all the Shadow Stormtroopers lol)
  4. Hahaha yeah... but we all know underneath it all you are just a great big teddy bear.. lol (Wraith... keeping izzi's ego in check since 2009)
  5. Heehee thanks for helping me and Clark.. and not getting as much done as you'd like as a result We appreciate it!
  6. I work because if I don't I have to look at this... izzi's motivational face.
  7. I MADE PROGRESS!!!!!! I went to hang out in izzi's fortress of solitude (AKA the Garage) tonight and finally made some armour progress We put my belt together, attached the hump to the backplate, then shaped the armour with a heat gun so it'll fit me better.. I still need to add a little paint to the bucket, sew my strapping and make my boots. But I am getting there
  8. Looks good, I'll have to crack the whip over Clark and get him to get his done.. (and get some work done on my armour too)
  9. I think that must be the only short joke/comment on this forum that wasn't directed at me lol
  10. Welcome aboard! Shadow Scouts Rock
  11. Looks cool Fivezero lol That totally made me think of Pirates climbing around on the rigging of a tall ship (random I know sorry lol)
  12. So that's what you two were doing all night, standing around with bits of ABS in your hands
  13. I'm a bit late to the party but Congrats on the approval it looks awesome!
  14. Looks great!! Also.. lol I think you just got yourself a new nickname iz..
  15. lol nice Just make one of all the spec ops possible costumes iz, then we'd be covered
  16. Can't say I blame you for ducking outta the shot and looking the other way, I wouldn't want to be photographed with izzi either Hope Shadow is tracked down and get's his Weir approved, it's an awesome costume
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