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501st SpecOps Siren[TX]
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Everything posted by Wraith

  1. Yay! I am excited that you are going to attempt this, the red and black colour scheme is cool
  2. Sorta hit a wall with the armour as I think it needs to be trimmed but not quite sure how much to trim off. Once I am not so busy I'll probably get with some of AG's scouts and maybe our GHA and see what they all think Also I wanted to ask you guys, did you rig the strapping with velcro or did you use snaps and which would you recommend?
  3. Pretty I like the red and black a lot, not so much a fan of the white and gold though
  4. Looks good All the hard work will be worth it when you get it finished and look awesome
  5. You can never have too many costumes!

    1. izzi


      Seriously... You're on FB ALL the time, yet you can't update this since November?

    2. Wraith


      people read FB.. only you comment here :P lol (also I forget this has a status thingy)

  6. Thanks for all the feedback and advice guys. I don't really have any progress to report as all my spare time is going to finishing my custom mando for a fan film that's being shot next weekend... as soon as that's done though I will be getting to work on this ASAP
  7. Thanks for all the advice you guys rock!! I think I am going to attempt the boots myself, I helped Dart a little with his swampy boots so hopefully I can put mine together okay Look what arrived today!!! I am so excited Storm Trooper (my dog) give the box his sniff of approval The box opening ceremony commences... All neatly packed, it wont stay that way for long.. Not the most flattering pic of me but I love that you can see my mando wip and jedi belt wip behind me costumes everywhere.. does it get any better than that? Buckets on! Gonna have to fix those lenses I think.. but it fits!! and once it's all padded it'll fit even better All unpacked and laid out so shiny!! So yeah as you can tell I am more than a little excited that I finally have armour of my own!
  8. Thanks for the encouragement and advice everyone.. it's much appreciated Sucks having unreliable seamstresses doesn't it ... of course if she had some measurements she could probably remedy your lack of cummerbund pretty quickly lol well as soon as she finishes up the Mando sewing projects that is
  9. So now I am actually making progress I figured I'd better start a progress thread Armour and Bucket- ordered from SC should be here in about 3-4 weeks Gloves- in hand jumpsuit- at a friends Cummerbund- in hand Blaster- need to get one Boots- need to make them still
  10. Lmao I think you just earned a new nickname.. my vote's for Magma hole
  11. Looks cool, can't wait to see more progress
  12. Looks cool, I wish I had enough skills to build my own armour from scratch
  13. Woot!! Congrats to both of you!!
  14. That scout is kinda cool looking. If I understood right you decided to go with a snow scout instead? (which is also awesome) Is it just the reference picture you are lacking for this scout? Maybe we all need to get searching and see what we come up with.. (Of course my French comprehension being as bad as it is I may have completely misunderstood your posts in which case just ignore me )
  15. busy being busy.. :)

  16. Looks awesome! Good luck with the approval!
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