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Darth Emphatic

Detachment Web Master[CMD-DWM]
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Everything posted by Darth Emphatic

  1. Phillip, welcome back. I am very excited to see your pictures and help you on this journey. Looking forward to your work in progress thread.
  2. That looks killer! It will be really nice when we've got the full 360 on it (if we do)
  3. Yep, let's see a pic when you get a chance and we can assist
  4. Love Chef's stuff, its awesome, but he is in the UK so the shipping can be killer. Send him a PM and he'll let you know bad it might. You can then decide if it is cost prohibitive.
  5. That is a solid choice. I wouldnt hesitate there.
  6. Porbably went a little smaller than you need, but you can tell what they are. I believe imgur has a size titled 'message board'. That is usually perfect. Congrats on the delivery.
  7. Ah, easy way to resize is to use a site like imgur which can let you resize the image on upload.
  8. What Jim said - chicago screws are where it's at
  9. Yep, post some pics. The other WIP threads on these boards should help too.
  10. Congrats man. The armor looks awesome!
  11. I always like wired tools. G dremel brand and you'll be set.
  12. Ha, Chef, I didnt notice the costume - it shows where my heads out. Ignore the padding advice. Ive got one and oadding is unnecessary. One thing I'd suggest is working out a system to keep yourbchest plate where you want it on top of the cumberbund. I use snap strips.
  13. It help in a few different ways. Padding will keep the armor aligned properly. Thighs tend to naturally want to rotate in. Also, where armor overlaps it will prevent clacki g from plastic on plastic
  14. Let us know what you are thinking about doing? I like to think forearms are a good start, but that is just me. They don't really require strapping if padded or the strapping is simply a connector to the bicep or to your undersuit. Also, depending on how you hook everything together, you can always make a adjustments later. If you use e-6000 and glue stuff, it can be separated later with some work. I did this and retrimmed some pieces later down the line.
  15. Chef mentioned this, but I wanted to chime in that ive probably used my dremel more than any other piece of equipment while building armor. Cutting wheels for lsrger pieces, snading wheels for area where i want to to take less off or even out what I cut. After that, I sand by hand.
  16. I saw at least 2 of these at CVII. It is totally thing!
  17. No personal dealings, but that can be the case sometimes with internal member vendors and they usually come through. How did you place the order? Were you in contact before hand? Through a website? Sending paypal after reviewing a sale thread on the forum?
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