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Captain of the Guard[COTG]
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Everything posted by RAIDER

  1. Whew...thx Rob. Info overload...got ur PM. Sorting through what I need to ask first lol.
  2. Thanks for the love. Yes any help on that list Chef would ROCK! I will look for a Shadow Scout at SWW. I am a teacher full-time but I work part-time for the LEGO store at Downtown Disney. I was one of a few chosen to actually work the LEGO mini-build in the shop...so I will be there every weekend either working or spending nights in autograph lines lol.
  3. Awesome! Thx for the warm welcome! I had to dig out the list from an old email account but here is what Jeff (SC) sent me. If it looks good I can start purchasing...if there are other places I should go, let me know and I can head that way. THX!!!: Studio Creations Cost for an BLACK ABS kit with a black helmet (.093 guage glossy plastic) The kit will consist of: - 1 helmet kit - (plastic parts, green tint visor, temple bolts.... but no headliner, no decals) - 1 chest - 1 back - 1 back hump - 2 shoulder pads - 2 biceps - 2 elbows - 2 kneecaps - 2 Thigh boxes - 4 belt boxes - 1 belt buckle - 1 thermal detonator - 1 boot holster - 1 black tank-topper - 2 bicep t-bits - velcro strips - elastic bands - web belts - thermal detonator pipe/endcaps - Zip ties - 4 quickclip buckles (medium) - 1 quickclip buckle (large) - assembly instructions TOOLS NEEDED FOR ASSEMBLY.... You'll need a drill, some drill bits, couple nuts and bolts (or rivets and a rivet gun) , some modelers glue (or hot glue), scissors, razor/x-acto blade, and a sewing machine (you have to sew the velcro strips to the elastic bands, we do not send presewn elastic bands) THE KIT DOES NOT COME WITH... the scout blaster, cummerbund and pouches, black undersuit, black gloves or black boots. LIST OF VENDORS FOR THESE PARTS... CUMMERBUNDS AND POUCHES: Cathy B. He provided me w/ an email for her custom cumberbund and pouches. SCOUT BLASTER: Highly accurate Resin Scout blasters are available as kits from www.polymerarmory.com BLACK JUMPSUIT: These are very wearer specific in size. Flights suits are measured in Chest size, not waist size.: http://www.tedsmilitarysurplus .com/clothacc/fsafblack.html (black flightsuit) GLOVES: Accurate custom made gloves from Dale at vintageleatherproducts@hotmail.com -Or- http://www.jcwhitney.com search for "INSULATED LEATHER MOTORCYCLE GLOVES" -Or- http://ebikerleather.com/ (glove items #BGL2065 or BGL2040 CALF-HIGH BOOTS: http://www.gemplers.com , but really there is no definitive black boot that I can recommend. Alot of people Take Vinyl Cloth, and E6000 Glue and then hand make their own black Scout boots over a pair of existing tennis shoes that have a cool looking rubber sole. AIR FANS AND SPEAKERS: http://www.triktoys.com
  4. Hey all!!! My name is David...from Lakeland, FL. I've been lurking in the forums awhile checking in and out dreaming of the day I could start a build on SHADOW SCOUT. Well...the wifey finally gave me the green light to start my first project! SO EXCITED!!! That being said...also very nervous. I've never worked on a costume of any kind, I'm not very handy/crafty, and I'm pretty much clueless towards techniques to correctly build something like this. I do have an old email (a few years ago) from Jeff at SC with info on the majority of the things I would need to get. It also included info on where to buy them. I was wondering if there was an updated list on where to actually accumulate the materials??? Also...if there is anyone nearby my location with experience willing to assist that would be awesome. Any tips, advice, etc. from anyone would be great as well? I've looked at the 501st requirements for a Shadow Scout and will be sifting through the forums as well hoping to find as much info as I can. Funds are ready...I have the wifey approval...just need the knowledge and some help! Thanks so much!!!
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