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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by Fivezero

  1. Look what I got to do the other day! This thing is starting to look like a muscle car now! Those fenders were probably sitting about 2 inches lower than in this pic (thanks new springs). It no longer looks worn out. Oh and the straightened frame really made everything fit much better too, doors aren't catching the fenders, fenders aren't super high in the air, etc. Been spending the last couple days putting stuff back together. Just a few more things to knock out today and she'll be ready for an alignment and my new wheels. :D The only big thing left to do is to rebuild the carburetor and then it is drivable again. Fivezero :D
  2. I'm back!!! So here's what I've mostly done in the last couple weeks. A couple "Before Pics" before I show you what I've done. One worn out and dirty engine compartment with worn out suspension. Frame and firewall painted, amazing what some power washing and paint can do. Oh and got some new springs and bushings put in, it sits much better now! The stuff in the next three pics were all done this week too... One 350 V8 engine with some fresh Chevy Orange. And yesterday we put the engine back in it's spot, now to hook everything up. And yeah, hopefully get this thing back on the road next week, still have some rust repair to do on the fenders before the front end and hood can go back on. We also need to put new springs and bushings for the rear suspension stuff. And then we get an alignment and my new wheels can go on it and it lives once again!!! So I'm back from my little hiatus, I'll get rolling on my other projects after this thing is back together and on the road. Fivezero
  3. http://www.therpf.com/f24/how-plastic-coat-foam-costume-pieces-146539/ If you want to see what I'll be doing.
  4. Got the basic shape for the chest last night and finished about 90% of the etching this morning. Still need to make the central detail plate thingy and give it some curves but it's coming along nicely.
  5. What's better than one shoulder, how about two?!? Made it last night but was too tired to post it up. Hopefully I can get a start on the Chest tonight.
  6. I may shave my head, but I might go with a bald cap. Still haven't quite decided yet........ And so it begins. No turning back now. So before everyone says "Fivezero, that's foam!?!?!" I have a special little trick up my sleeve to "plasticize" the foam and make it look like a proper piece of hard armor. And I'm off to make the other shoulder!!
  7. Alright I think I'm going to do Darth Malgus as well............ But I'll do his version as seen in the "Return" trailer for SWTOR, so I don't have do quite as much makeup. I just feel like I need something a little more...aggressive looking.
  8. Wow when I get bored on a Thursday evening, I sure get a lot done. First I made a backplate and now I've made a mask. I put a couple touches on it this morning like the nose, cheek/side pieces and the dome (it's actually a cut-down shoulder bell ). I do foresee many hours of Bondo ahead though. I also need to adjust the eyes since they're at a little too much of an angle.
  9. After some bondo and spot putty, we're getting there, still not quite finished.
  10. How to make a Back Plate: Part 2 While glue dries, we cut the new hole for the detail stuff. And begin gluing in the new parts. All done gluing. Not bad for an hour's worth of work, just needs some love and Bondo... And no it didn't hurt to cut either backplate since they were both extras that were laying around and the black one was unusable for anything anyway (stupid recast Ebay armor). So might as well save some money instead of buying a new backplate and just make one. And I thought this project was enough of a Franken-armor already...........
  11. How to make a Back Plate: Part 1 So you need a backplate, but have plenty of parts to make one. So why not just make one? We begin with a messed up backplate (that is too small as well) on the left and a General Veers backplate on the right. We proceed to cut out the O II design out of the old backplate to attach into the new one. It also doubles as a nice bowl to eat out of as well..... But we proceed to cut it in half to later extend for the new backplate (since it is a bit wider than the other one). We also take this time to draw out the lines to cut for the new detail that is going in. Finally we craft the extensions to begin extending the details. And that ends Part 1. Fivezero
  12. I use 110 lb. cardstock for all of my pepping needs, it's the standard/common weight for this stuff.
  13. Thank you guys! Well with the success of one thing (my really cheap recast molding.....) comes the failure of another. I tried attaching the thigh belt to the thigh the other day, the LED strip was of course making things difficult, and pretty much everything came undone. So I instead glued the LEDs to the thigh, and will now figure out another way to get this dang thigh belt on, I'm probably going to have to make some sort of spacer or something. orezeviF
  14. ^ Thanks ^ Anyway also forgot to mention that we did it get it driving. I took it out to work once, that was awesome.... But then had to really tear it apart to fix a bent frame. So the whole front end is off of it right now as well as the engine is out. But the frame is straight again so hopefully get it back together again in a couple weeks. She also needs some new springs, bushings and some little rust work before she'll be on the road again. I also have a nice set of Rally wheels I snagged for $350, to piece the wheels together comes to roughly $1200. So that was a good deal, can't wait to put them on after this stuff is taken care of. Here's my current to-do list on this thing: New bushings New motor mounts New springs Cowl rust work Clean Carburetor (or rebuild) Put engine back in Alignment After the above stuff is done, I can at least drive it again. The rest of the list can be taken care of as time goes on (more importantly as $$$ flows in) Re-upholster front seat (the seat backs). Floor rust work Rear quarter panel rust Minor door rust Roof rust (hopefully everything is alright) Rear window rust (where all of them rust) Door weatherstripping Trunk weatherstripping Fender dents fixed Align body panels New headliner New carpet New door panels (interior) New sail panels Re-upholster rear seat New grille New turn signal lenses New dash way down the line New steering wheel New paint (original Burnt Orange or the Antique Green I want) Of course this list is very....vague, there are still many small things to do. orezeviF
  15. Finished this up yesterday! orezeviF
  16. Well had exams all week, and then the truck decided to burn out a universal joint so got a bit delayed, sorry! Anyway check this link out! You might something you like... I have work later tonight so it might be awhile before I respond to anyone (just didn't want to wait another day). Fivezero
  17. Took a look at that Shadow Trooper the other day, Darth. Whew that's going to be a project and a half! Anyway we're getting close....
  18. Hey thanks man!! Here's a pic to get you excited. I wasn't able to get as much done as I wanted but still got a couple cranked out. I'll get #2 and #3 cleaned up and ready to go, geez this is cool!!
  19. Welcome aboard! I would say to avoid buying from them, there are better kits for less money (way less money). I'll send you a PM to get ya started. Fivezero
  20. Thanks! Just got enough resin to make 5 helmets, so I'll try to get some casted this weekend. Be on the lookout for a thread soon. Fivezero
  21. You know that moment when you forgot to put some sorf of mold release on, yeah just had that.... Set this aside for a couple weeks, went to demold it today and the mold stuck to the forearm. Good thing I used my old Nova forearm... On the other hand I'm now offering a limited edition, one-time run of a Novatrooper Forearm preserved in clear silicone!
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