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Everything posted by Fivezero
Got the magazine and started cutting it up. I still have to take another half an inch off the end with the feed lips (the part that's inserted into the gun). I didn't cut out the part on the tube for the magazine to be inserted (part of my deactivation method), so the magazine obviously can't be inserted like it is. Unfortunately, my local hardware store had absolutely nothing I needed to make a scope rail or use for t-tracks so I probably have to take a trip out to Lowe's.
Booyah, it's starting to look like a blaster! The Sterling part is done, now to make the E-11 parts. The scope rail is the template I made this morning. I'll get some metal strips to make the real rail tomorrow. I'll try to find something to use for t-track while I'm out. I also have a magazine coming to cut up. Then clean it up and give it some paint!
I'm going to clean it up at the end since there's little bits of metal everywhere from when I machined the tube and fit the parts. I'm going to have to paint it or something at the end so not a big deal to clean it (but I usually use painters too). Just finished the bayonet lug. Took me about two hours of grinding and cutting to get it to fit. It got a little warped when it was removed. A couple of pieces left to mount.
Yep (I had nothing else when I started this on a whim last night), I'm gluing everything on with E-6000 temporarily. I plan to actually solder them back together in the future (after I do some practicing). I want to take some new Nova Medic pics with an E-11, so I'm dedicating the next couple days to get this thing finished.
Progress. Hope to get the magazine housing and rear sight mounted tomorrow and maybe start working on the actual E-11 extras.
I used some of the cardstock leftover (almost a whole pack left) from my Darktrooper build.
Got bored yesterday. After fighting myself on whether to start ANOTHER armor project, I remembered I still need to start this one...this hobby is getting a little too addicting... Anyway got a template built for the face of the helmet. The outline on the top of the piece on the right is going to be a raised portion (which is what the piece on the left is for). It's also got a very nice field of view, I can just about see everything perfectly. I haven't started any work on the actual pieces yet since I'm waiting for a hard hat to arrive (coming tomorrow) to make some adjustments (if any) to my template. I also found some nice dark blue vinyl to make the gloves (looks like an almost exact match). http://www.onlinefabricstore.net/vinyl-fabric/color-vinyl-fabric/dark-blue-vinyl-fabric-.htm
Updated shin piece. I spent the last couple days really working on these things (thighs too). So they're ready for some new paint! I have worked on it some more since this photo was taken (my camera died and I haven't gotten around to charging it yet). But it's definitely looking less jagged and sharp. I've also smoothed out the helmet dome some more. I beefed up the left tube as well since my emergency repair on the right tube made it massive comparatively. Improvements are coming along nicely.
Here's some nice detail shots! http://s910.photobucket.com/albums/ac308/Fivezero50/Phase%200%20Darktrooper%20Pics/ Update: Added some more of the chest and back.
Well Tachyon, you are completely and utterly correct. Everything you said is everything I've been thinking about over the last week. After I looked at those pictures again and again, I knew there was no way this thing would get approved (hence why I haven't taken any new pictures). Originally I had planned to make molds to use for vacuum forming. Then construct the suit after that. But I stumbled upon pepakura and thought it would be a quick way to get an approval ready costume. The legs fought me the whole way through and I was never really pleased with them. I was going to use them to help sculpt new ones down the road. But I think it's time to go ahead and make improved ones. I didn't notice how angular everything was until the flash from the camera exposed all the little shadows and lines. Not to mention they were one of the last pieces to be made so I was sick of bondo and sanding at that point. The helmet also got stretched out and widened during the scaling process. I thought to do another one but make it a little more narrow, especially in the face. I believe the frowns also got scrunched up too, they're too small compared to in game shots. The helmet along with the legs were on my rebuild someday list. I wasn't too pleased with them. Also to clarify that the first shot of the helmet I posted (by itself) was not the finished thing (if you were looking at that). I put a quick coat of white to show all the little holes and divets and see what needed more smoothing and proceeded with a mediocre detailing job to visualize the finished product. But it obviously still needs more for the general shape. Some of those little details you talked about like the brow trim were my original thoughts too. However I didn't have enough trim on hand to go around the helmet like it's supposed too. So instead of waiting and purchasing more trim, I placed some electrical tape around the dome for a quick finishing touch. But there are actual greeblies for the mic tips (they aren't painted on despite them looking like it). The hoses were in part to poor armor fitting at the time and could use some extending in spots. Honesty, I have been getting sick of this build. I've been working on it for over a year now. I wanted it to be finished and I rushed, I admit it. I saw the light at the end of the tunnel and it blinded me from seeing how bad this thing really looked due to my rushing. Only until those test fit shots showed all the little problems, did I realize I rushed and created an inferior costume to what it could be.Your post confirmed to me my fears and suspicions. So I thank you. I set aside this month to fix any issues that arose. I wanted to get at least one test fit in before July ended and I did. Now seeing all the problems of the test fit, it is time to really get this thing finished. Thanks for the kick in the butt, Tachyon! Fivezero
Mine's based off of the PC/Xbox version. I believe Crazas is using the Wii version (it doesn't have the lighting). It's a bit odd but the Xbox version also has a different helmet (one solid color rather than the two-tone in that pic and the Wii). Here's one of my ref. pics I'm using (with all the lighting): I'm still a little confused myself on what I want to do due to all these different references (I want to deviate from Crazas paint scheme, but yet I want to stay with it, my brain hurts from thinking about it).
Hey, I'm slowly working on one of these right now as well. Don't know if you saw my build thread. I tried EL wire but was overall too dim and thin for what I needed. However, LED strips tucked underneath produced a great effect, as seen in the pic below. As for what needs to be lighted; Helmet (eyes, frown and tube stripes), Chest onto ab, small bit of shoulder bells, forearms, Belt onto kidney/butt, Therm. Det., knee ammo box on the right thigh, and around the ankles of the calf armor. I'm currently working with Scootch to see if he can vac-form some clear armor for me to help the light shine through for certain armor pieces. Initial trials with PETG plastic weren't working so well... Thanks for reminding me that I need to finish this project though FIvezero
Here's the first test fit of this thing. In general, everything looks a little scrunched togethern The torso armor and thighs look they need to be moved up. Also had some straps fail causing pieces like the bicep and right side of the chest to look a bit odd. Finally the kneeplates need a little perking up. Here's more proof that things need to be lifted up (it looks like I took a dump in my armor ) There are some more minor things that need to fixed (the hoses on the thighs for example). I'll work on this throughout the week and hopefully have new pics next weekend. Fivezero
Well I'm going to start this in September probably. I'm leaving August to make adjustments to the Darktrooper as it goes through the approval process. I also have another little project I want to do real quick before the Bombtrooper build commences. So if anyone notices no progress on this, that's why. Fivezero
Luckily the helmet wasn't too bad to fix, just soaked up time that I could have used finishing other things. Anyway, I pronounce this build finished (for now). PIcs will be coming this weekend!
Well unfortunately the helmet fell down after the paint dried and the right tube pretty much shattered (it's almost fixed). If all goes well then I should have pics of the whole setup by the end of the week.
I'm close...been getting bogged down at work so haven't gotten quite as much done as I've wanted, but almost there. But here's a few pics for ya: The arms (might run some gray down the indent in the forearm): The helmet (still needs some work). Mind my quick, messy paint job: Almost there...
Well I've been working on the tube when I'm waiting for stuff to dry. And it is all finished too! Now to start putting it all together, hopefully start on that soon (after the Darktrooper is finished).
No it's not the one that's canon for the scouts, but it's a bazooka
I have an M1A1 bazooka (like those from WWII) that I work on once in awhile...
Since I can see the light at the end of the tunnel for the Darktrooper, I thought I would go ahead and start a thread for my next project....the Bombtrooper! There is no progress yet as I'm going to finish up the Darktrooper first. But I have done some research into materials and thinking how to go about this particular project. First off for the helmet, I'm thinking one of the full brim hard hats similar to this one (with some mods of course). Then I would create a separate shoulder/chest piece and stretch fabric from the helmet over the armor. But like I said I've just been thinking about until the Darktrooper is finished. Fivezero
Well unfortunately my fellow Spec ops. brethren, I bring bad news. We may now have white armor among our ranks... But yeah been painting the finished pieces. Hopefully get the arms and the ab/cod armor painted tomorrow and work on the leg details and rondoing the helmet while the paint dries. Also ordered some vinyl to recreate the area in between the chest and the ab armor. I also figured out how to cut the nozzles for the jetpack using the PVC pipe, but I'm still deciding if I should remake my jetpack or work with the current one. We should have our first Darktrooper by the end of next week?
Forearms, biceps, shoulder bells, thighs, calves and the feet are finished and awaiting paint and other details. Hopefully I'll finish the torso and helmet this week in between detailing and painting the other pieces. Then I'll start getting it all rigged up for approval!
SWG does call it a Storm Commando, but the game also calls some other troopers some weird names (Blackhole trooper = Stormrifle, Novatrooper, Stormsurgeon, Bombardier, etc.)
Here's a quick comparison pic for ya: The Storm Commando has some more armor including thighs, shins and forearms. The helmet also has variations from the regular Scout helmet. I was thinking about doing this one day as well so I've done some research into what needs to be made. Fivezero