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Everything posted by Fivezero
Still not sure on that Iz. I'm aiming for around $100-150 for a kit, but still not sure. The mold came out fine and I'm really excited to get some helmets made. I have some resin coming tomorrow (enough for one bucket). It'll end up being my test bucket to make sure everything looks good and they come out fine in the end. I'll post up a separate thread when I'm ready. But I definitely want to see more EVOs hence I'm making these buckets and eventually I'll get the other custom pieces made up. Fivezero
Pretty huh? Molding the bucket today, a couple more coats of silicone and it'll be done. Helmets available next week???
Ah, I feel like a mad scientist sometimes....
So cool....
Already have another update! Found an extra LED strip and decided to rig up the thigh belt for lighting! Fivezero
Hi! I used to work on this.... So was bored today after I got all the work done on the EVO helmet, so worked on this a little. Adjusted LEDs in the Detonator, made the "spiral" better to reduce the hotspots showing through. Ended up getting a tighter "spiral" with the LEDs by cutting 9 of them out. One of them decided to unspiral when I took the pic. Going to pick up some diffuser film eventually to help spread the light further and figure out a way to fuse the spirals together to keep them in place better. Started strapping everything. Really only got the kidney and butt together along with the cut cod on the ab plate. Finally started repairing the belt from my Darktrooper to use it for this thing. Had a couple cracks to fix and reinforce. Nothing too crazy in terms of progress. Hopefully get this (and my other builds) finished this summer. Fivezero
How's this for a nice big brown box!!! (EVO pack for scale). Seat foam for the front seat (the stuff on the end would be my new seat covers)!!!! All the little mechanical and electrical problems are sorted and as soon as I have some more $$$ it will start to look pretty again!! Fivezero
So been working (of course) on this for this last couple days. We actually got it started and running on Sunday (first official day of work on it). The car hasn't run in 2 years so that was cool. What was even better was that we got it driving!!! The guy I bought it from said that it would need a new transmission, but it was working just fine for us! So fingers crossed, I won't have to mess with it too much. But yesterday, spent most of the day doing some routine tune-up stuff. Oil change, new wheel bearings, etc. We still need to do a little more adjusting to really get this thing running smooth, but it runs pretty good now. Today I conquer the interior (well tearing it apart at least). Unfortunately discovered some more rust as I cleaned it up, but nothing too major. Hoping to have this thing on the road by the end of the week though! Won't be the prettiest Chevelle yet, but at least I can drive it places! Back to the garage!! Fivezero Oh did I mention that this thing is awesome?!?
Heh, yeah I'll also replicate some rust chips on the edges No, no that's for the Chevy Nova silly.... But I have break next week and I took the whole week off of work to get this thing going! Should get the thing running at least!
And the car has arrived, woot!!! Definitely a project though, but better than any Michigan car looks... PICS!!!! GAH, SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fivezero :D
WOW REALLY!?!?!?!? WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well I drive a military Chevy Blazer (M1009 CUCV technically), so I'm a Chevy guy! I also just love the look of it and drooled over many of the ones I've seen at car shows. Originally I was going to get a Chevy Nova (since I'm a Novatrooper, a Nova with his Nova), but I kept seeing these Chevelles and fell more and more in love with them. Also growing up watching muscle car shows with my dad, you could say I'm a bit wired for this era of American cars. Eventually I'd like to get it all painted up and looking nice similar to this one: Of course that is still a very long way away, but someday...
Right now it's got a stock 350 V8 in there, but I'll probably build it up over time as an SS car with a big ol' 396 (of course when I actually have money). But right now I'll get it driving and give it a good cleaning.
Thanks guys! Luckily it is a nice rust free car coming from California so it really only needs some mechanical things and a nice car wash (it isn't as bad as it looks, stupid bird poo). But hey it's my dream car and I don't mind putting some work into it
Well just bought my dream car, a 1971 Chevrolet Chevelle But this thing is a project so it will need SOME cleaning up and some work. Of course this also means I won't be able to do any armor projects for quite some time (the bank account is quite literally tapped out, guess it is time to get some EVO helmets churned out ). But I'm so excited Fivezero
Gah so close!!! Very minor things to fix. Bigger tubes for the calves and forearm, a little bit more natural weathering and some suggestions for paint on the helmet (pinstripe tape). SO CLOSE!!!!!!! :D
Unfortunately the barrel shroud that was originally ordered will not be coming... So instead I received this: A Yugoslavian M53 kit. The M53 being an exact copy of the MG-42 that serves as the basis for my E-11s (you can see my current Cushman blaster on the far right of the pic). So I follow the same set of guidelines as my MG-34 and keep it deactivated and demilled. So someday when I save up some more money I will go about getting a dummy receiver chunk (cause technically the whole barrel shroud is part of the receiver) for the rear then it should be rocking in no time.
Yes another grand project from Fivezero. However I'm putting everything else on hold (cause well it has all been a hold for awhile... ). I shall make the great Sith Acolyte seen in the trailers for Star Wars: The Old Republic. These guys: But where to start? How about we modify a Jedi armor kit from Kevin at Imperial Surplus. I haven't decided how to do the mask. I may scratch build it or grab the one from My Wicked Armor. I'll decide later but first the armor! Fivezero
Alright here's a link to the full 360 pics. Helmet's been worked on and improved, there are new shoulder bells, new kneeplates and reduced weathering across the whole thing. So hopefully my changes will be fine for the second pass on this thing and nothing else will come up.
Hey Izzi I'll get some pics posted tomorrow (I did do a full blown pic session so I have the full 360). I'm not sure if you saw but I've already submitted it once but it got deferred and I have since worked on the issues that initially concerned the LMOs. I also sent along the pics to my GML already but I'll still post them up tomorrow. Oh and thanks for the replies everyone!
More goodies coming in (buffer, pins, flash hider). Unfortunately I had to tear apart the rear portion of the receiver to get the buffer to fit in the threads in the back (stupid torch cut receiver complicating everything). But she's getting there. The barrel shroud SHOULD be on the way but haven't heard anything on that... And this thing is weighing in at 9.5 pounds now, definitely won't be using for any long troops Izzi. It will probably wind up being a wall hanger for me.
FINALLY got around to taking some pictures (December was a bit busy for me...). So here's the new setup I also have lost about 30 pounds since the last photo session so everything was a bit loose fitting and made it quite hard to get pictures taken but we finally succeeded .
So I'm getting the last of the parts I need to finish this thing off (it definitely has taken a lot less time than I thought ) I received the stock and grips today! I also have the barrel shroud and flash hider coming as well as other parts to get the thing put together like pins for the grips, trigger housing and top cover and the buffer to connect the stock and the receiver. All that I really need is the bipod after that for the external appearance and probably some other pins and latches for the other parts that haven't come in yet. I'm probably going to grab a couple of the internal parts for the top cover later on. Oh and it weighs in at about 8 pounds right now about half built...
And the pepping is underway. I still need to make up and attach the dome but I'll do that tomorrow, I'm burned out for today, Pepakura decided to split and divide up every face so it was a bit of a puzzle putting it together and spent too much time putting it together. But I do like this base a lot better than the standard Scout helmet. Here's a pic.