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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by Fivezero

  1. And the helmet is done! The handplates have been painted too and I have the black on the calf drying right now. I should be able to paint the stripe on the top of the calf tomorrow. Fivezero
  2. After closer examination while cleaning everything, I noticed stuff attached to the old tube had this yellow line on all the parts that met the tube. I started thinking that everything might have been soldered on and sure enough after some research they were. However the solder is a silver solder that needs a pretty high temperature to melt. But that seems better than trying to get off pieces that are welded on to the tube. I'll see how it goes. Fivezero
  3. Thanks guys! I've always wanted an E-11 so I figured I'd go all out and build the most accurate I can for my first one. I plan to use it with my Nova Medic and any other future projects I might have and just have it as a cool display piece. Anyway the most difficult part of this is going to be cleaning all the grease off they stored these things in and getting parts like the sights off the old tube. But after that I shouldn't have much of a problem putting it back together. Of course, I'm really excited for this too! Fivezero
  4. So my Sterling parts kit came in the mail yesterday, woot! Now to build it into an E-11. I plan on using resin parts for the scope, counter, etc. until I can get my hands on real ones. But first it needs to look like a Sterling. I do have a replacement tube coming for it (hopefully next week). Anyway here's a pic of my kit. Fivezero
  5. And Santa was nice enough to give me the last bits of armor for the Medic. Already trimmed them out, now for paint. Fivezero
  6. The middle is what I was leaning towards and think I'll definitely stick with it. Thanks guys. Just finished painting the stripes on this thing (the camera flash makes it look more pink and vibrant than it actually is). Just need to do some touch up work. Now I need to get some lenses, trim and decals and it'll be finished. Enjoy Fivezero
  7. Well the front is going to have a ridge (that I haven't made yet). And the back is a little different than the front of the bicep (it has a slight angle from top to bottom). So I couldn't really just mold one to get both.
  8. So been working on the biceps a little bit over the last couple days. Here's what they're looking like. Still trying to get them to look identical and they need some ridges too (but I'll worry about those once they look the same). And of course the usual smoothing out at the end. Fivezero
  9. And the black is finished with this helmet. It's ready for its stripes now. Also tried a clear coat on top of another strip of this red. I don't know which I like better, hmm. Fivezero
  10. Ahh, thanks guys. I have some plans in the future too (once I get the Darktrooper finished and approved). Anyway Rotccole, technically no I can't carry the MG-42, Dengar had one though (without a scope). I just had it sitting around when I took my initial pictures. But I have a DLT-19 I'm working on too. Fivezero
  11. I didn't enjoy my experience with Cushman too much. I ordered a DLT-19 from him in May and didn't get it until 5 months later and after tons of emails and complaints. That and it isn't the greatest thing made either. Just my experience with him. Fivezero
  12. No I haven't submitted it yet. I still have to wait until I turn 18 in 2 months. Also that rifle is an MG-42 with a scope added on to it to kinda make it look like an E11s sniper rifle (that and I didn't have any other blasters at the time I took that photo). Here's some pics of it. Fivezero
  13. That is Admiral Victor Strang, commander of the Conqueror (the Star Destroyer with the superlaser). He was a former storm commando, hence why he's surrounded by them. Fivezero
  14. Here's some 360 shots of a Darktrooper (Phase III) costume I found in SWG the other day. Don't know if it'll help, but might as well put them up. http://s910.photobucket.com/albums/ac308/Fivezero50/Darktrooper%20Phase%20III%20Pics Fivezero
  15. So I went a little crazy with the E-6000 when I was making the little ab plate and the plastic warped a lot. So I remade it today. Here's the damage: And now my new clean one with no damage and the old one on the right: Also redid the belt for this project (it ended up breaking) and will put the bottom armor back together tomorrow. Started on the left bicep as well, hopefully make some progress on that over the next couple days. Fivezero
  16. I believe, after lots of thinking, that it a T-21 with some modifications. Knowing SWG there is a Modified T-21 in the game that is a T-21 with the stock cut off. I can grab a screenshot if you want. Fivezero
  17. Thanks for the input guys, I will do some more experimenting with the color. Anyway the helmet has started its path towards the dark side Got the first coat (hence why all the primer is poking through) of black on it today, hopefully get more coats on as the week progresses. Drop boxes are also painted and ready to go. Fivezero
  18. Well got the helmet primed for paint today (had no school, thanks snow ) I also ran out and grabbed some paint from Sherwin Williams. Here's what it looks like: Fivezero
  19. Here's a nice collection of screenshots: http://s910.photobucket.com/albums/ac308/Fivezero50/JKII%20Shadowtrooper%20Pics/ Fivezero
  20. This reminds me that I have a ton of screenshots as well (kind of forgot about them since I decided to do the Darktrooper). Here they are: http://s910.photobucket.com/albums/ac308/Fivezero50/Swamptrooper%20JKII%20Pics/ Fivezero
  21. Alright they're all uploaded now, if you need some better ones I can try again. Fivezero
  22. Well I spent a few hours looking over the last couple weeks and found nothing, these guys are pretty hard to find. But as I was about to end my hunting trip last night, I was able to stumble across one. Unfortuanately I was on duty, so I got into combat with them. I picked the best looking screenies and put them in the album with the other pics. I do have others if you want them. http://s910.photobucket.com/albums/ac308/Fivezero50/SWG%20Armor%20and%20Nova%20Variants/ Fivezero
  23. So I spent the first part of this week cleaning up my helmet from my Darktrooper helmet attempt. Then I spent the last couple days actually assembling the thing. Hope to get it painted black this weekend. Last week I got the drop boxes together (no pics, sorry). Also found a prospective paint color from Sherwin Williams. It's called Kirsch Red. Might work, what do you guys think? Anyway that's all for now Fivezero
  24. Well got the left forearm almost sculpted out. Just need to work on the ridge since it's ugly and then clean it up and smooth it out some more. Also make it a little swoopier (or some term to describe it) on the side Mini-Nova is sculpting. Also decided to scrap the helmet. I was using a TK (well a TX after I'm done with it) helmet as a base for sculpting. However there were some things that just weren't going to work and overall the details on the face were too small. I'll work on a new one when I'm finished with the arms. So that's all for now Fivezero
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