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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by Fivezero

  1. So got some pics taken today. Unfortunately my strap broke on my left shoulder as I was about to take the first picture (if it looks a little funky). That and I forgot to pad the arms to keep them from moving around. I also decided not to use a thermal detonator since the original one in-game didn't have one. But I do feel that I will need one, especially since the Basic Nova CRL has a det. I'll see what happens. Stupid lighting is also making it look more pink than it actually is. Fivezero
  2. I spent the last couple days making a rough representation of the dome for the helmet. Once again, did it to make sure it would fit. Cutting out a mold (especially the helmet) and not having it fit wouldn't be too much fun. Looks like I should have plenty of room in the thing when it's done. Also excuse the messiness of my work area, I'm working on an interim project (the black bit in the top left of the pic) while I'm waiting for paint to dry and for a CNC machine to cut molds. Fivezero Also there probably won't be updates for this for awhile, in case you guys start wondering (waiting for a CNC machine).
  3. Yeah, that's my plan when I get the scale set for all the pieces. I'll probably do it when I prepare and finalize the models for mold cutting. Also in case anyone is wondering, that half shoulder I made will not be an actual piece of armor. It was just to verify it would fit human proportions.
  4. And here's half a shoulder bell made out of poster board. It's over my Nova Medic shoulder for comparison. Looks like I'm right on with the scale (though it will be big on purpose), so they should be fine when I go to cut the molds. Fivezero
  5. Alright so here's my new plan with this thing. I will probably have access to a CNC machine in the near future. I figured why not go ahead and use it to cut molds out for this thing. And using CAD software, I can just mirror things like the biceps no problem. Here's some of what I've been working on for the last month or so. I found a 3d model online of the whole Darktrooper, it just needed lots of adjustments and cleaning up. For example, I'm pretty sure no one would have been able to squeeze their leg in the bottom of the calf armor and it also would have been too high (about 3/4 the height of my entire leg). The helmet also needed some details around the eyes and in the chin. Now obviously, there are things that are still out of scale (the helmet, forearm, foot, thigh) and I'm still messing around with the chest piece (nowhere near done) However I feel this will be able to give a more accurate representation of the Phase II Darktrooper than my previous work. I might construct something like the shoulder bell soon (using the polygons in the model) to check to see if my scaling is correct. Also if I am able to successfully get molds cut out for this thing, I do plan to add a lot of the finer details at the end (things like the teeth on the helmet). Fivezero
  6. I used a couple coats of future shine on this.
  7. Of course, I'm sorry for misspeaking. Your greatness has put me back into line. Anyway, here's a comparison between the untreated paint (on the left) and the future shine coating. The gloss seems to darken the overall color and make it a little more red (or something I can't place my finger on)? I still don't like it too much, but I'll see what happens when it goes to get approved. Fivezero
  8. Yeah, well...I think there's been plenty of randomness in this thread already. I'm used to it now. Fivezero
  9. And the other set of arms is done! Now to get them all rigged up, maybe have some pictures later this week? Fivezero Oh and I have the test strips done too, I'll get pictures later when they're all set.
  10. It is a flat paint, I kind of had a brain-fart when I went to get it (wish I had gotten at least a semi-gloss). I did try a clear coat on it once to see how it looked, but it altered the color a little too much for my liking. I'll do some more test stripes when I paint the rest of the armor tomorrow. Fivezero
  11. Well the stripes are done for the right side. Waiting for the black on the left side armor to cure a bit, hopefully tomorrow they'll get their stripes. Here's a pic: I do believe that after the next set of arms are painted, I should be about done with this project. Fivezero
  12. Here's mine. Used the suspension from an M1 military helmet liner (had a couple extras ). Currently trying to fit some fans in there (hence why the trim is off), but my big head won't let anything else exist in the thing. Fivezero
  13. Thanks Daetrin! Anyway I started removing clay off the right arm armor pieces and primed them. You can also see the handplates in the corner, that is the color of the rest of the striping without the flash making the LIGHT RED vibrant and pink-like. Fivezero
  14. Well I'm still working with the silicone to get it to do what I want it to. But my future plans for this project may eliminate the need for any of this sculpting/molding. Here's a sneak peek. Fivezero
  15. Sorry, but I've been quite busy the last month and a half. Though very soon I will get back on track with all of my projects. Fivezero
  16. Not quite yet, almost there though (thanks anyway ). I figured if I ran into any problems like my boots then I can sort them out and I'd be ready to go by my birthday. Also I'll try talking to my GML about the boots like you said Izzi, thanks.
  17. Here ya go Iz, I got them from Payless (I think) but it seems they are no longer available (tried to get a link to the site). Sorry they looks so bad right now, they got tossed around and beat up so all the polish is coming off. Fivezero
  18. So I went ahead and sent in my application the other day for this thing. My GML said the only problem was my boots (I figured they weren't going to work anyway but thought I might try). I have been unable to locate any good boots in my size, 14. Everything I see usually goes up to about 12 or 13, so I'm going to have to work something out (If anyone knows where to get some size 14 ones that'd be awesome!) Otherwise he said it looks great. He also said my MG-42 is fine for trooping, just not for my profile picture. Fivezero (After this thing gets approved, I promise to get back on track with my other projects too)
  19. Unfortunately no, sorry guys. I've been a bit busy the last month, so haven't got much done on any of my projects. Fivezero
  20. A little quick update for today. I've been slowly working on cleaning up the arm armor (been quite busy the last couple weeks). Lunar lord also got me thinking about trying to mold one to get both pieces of armor. I think I may have come up with a solution to get this done using some silicone molds. I currently have some silicone coming and will post an update after I do some experimenting. Fivezero
  21. So I was fortunate enough to find a scope on Ebay the other day. Haven't had much time to work on the Sterling yet, but I'll get around to getting the stuff off the old tube soon. Fivezero
  22. So got the calf painted last week (didn't get a chance to post it until now). Also did some final things to the helmet like moving the tube stripes up and some paint touch up. Now I need to finish up the Darktrooper pieces so I can get some arm armor. Fivezero
  23. Yeah, I thought they looked low too, thanks Izzi. I'll fix that tonight. Fivezero
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