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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by Fivezero

  1. I used some flat black paint (Rustoleum) I had and painted over the pouches. They soaked up the paint really well. Only suggestion would be to fill them with cardboard or something so when/if you paint them the pouches get thoroughly covered with paint. I hadn't done that and when I decided to bulk them up all the small green spots appeared between each pouch. Fivezero
  2. Don't worry Izzi I'm paying attention to the color. I will be playing around with it a lot to get the right color. I just thought I would see if any colors would be close right out of the can (which I figured they wouldn't be and aren't after playing around a little bit). I think I might try some pinks next to see how they compare. But definitely won't paint the armor until I find/make the right color and see what you guys think about it (just to be sure). Fivezero
  3. No the Darktrooper isn't scrapped That is still my primary focus right now. Right now I'm sculpting over TK parts for the Darktrooper parts like the forearms, biceps, shoulders and the helmet. As I finish sculpting them and making molds for the Darktrooper parts, I'll clean the TK parts and paint them black and red since these are pretty much all of the pieces I need except for the calf/knee plate and new hand plates. I was then going to exchange the red parts with my gold parts on my Nova and we have a Nova Medic. I wouldn't have used the TK parts when I was done anyway so I'm just putting them to good use when I'm finished sculpting over them. This is kind of a side project as I work on the Darktrooper. Fivezero
  4. Since I already have most of the pieces that are needed, I thought I might as well use them to try and get the Nova Medic approved. As I finish sculpting over the arm pieces and the helmet for my Darktrooper project, I'll paint them black and red, woot! I plan just swapping out the red striped parts with my gold parts on my Nova. So while I'm sculpting Darkt. pieces I figured I'll try and experiment with different red paints to get the red color for the stripes. First up is Regal Red from Rustoleum. Once my scrap piece of plastic is dry (I painted it black), I'll put a stripe of this and another red to compare them. I also realized after looking at the pictures that I'm going to need drop boxes. So I dug mine out from the depths of my room. I figured I would never need them, so they're a little beat up from being tossed around. I'll keep you guys updated. Fivezero
  5. Alright here's some pics of the Assault Trooper. I also snagged some pics of Shocktrooper armor from the game. Here's a link to the album. http://s910.photobucket.com/albums/ac308/Fivezero50/SWG%20Armor%20and%20Nova%20Variants/ Update: Finally found the Novatrooper Medic and obtained the 360 pics. The pictures are in the same album with the Assault Trooper pics and are undisturbed. The first pic is reduced in size but the original is in there. Fivezero
  6. Yep I'm still playing SWG (on the Shadowfire galaxy), and Mustafar was the last expansion. They actually reactivated all the accounts for a week for free, so you can check out the game on your old account this week (you also get a fedora and whip for some reason). Here's a link to the article: http://starwarsgalaxies.station.sony.com/players/news_archive.vm?id=69000&month=current Anyway I'm thinking about trying to do the Medic (see if I can get it approved for a new costume) once I'm done sculpting over parts for my Darktrooper helmet, shoulder, biceps and forearms. All are conveniently the pieces that are needed for this, except the calf armor and knee plate which I would need. I'll see how it goes. Fivezero
  7. So after messing around with the shoulder bells last night, I got nothing done. They were really fighting me. However, I decided to use them as a base to sculpt out some new shoulder bells. They're much bigger and bulkier now. Started on them this morning and worked on them after hanging out with my family for Thanksgiving. Here's a pic (it looks a little better in person ) Now to smooth it out a little bit and even up that ridge. Also after thinking about it, I'll also use the biceps and forearms as bases for sculpting too. I think it will be easier this way than trying to modify the heck out of them. Well that's all for today. Hoping to get the other bell sculpted tomorrow. Fivezero
  8. Hey everyone, so I was looking through my screenshots from SWG for some Darktrooper pics and found some interesting things. This first pic is a Novatrooper Medic. The only difference being red stripes instead of gold. This other guy is called an Assault Trooper. He has the gold stripes of a Nova but with white armor. So yeah just thought I would share those interesting screenies I found. Fivezero
  9. Woot, so now that I'm done overhauling my Novatrooper, I think it is about to time to get back on track with this project. Got some biceps, forearms and shoulder bells in the mail today Now to trim them and start modifying. I'm thinking about bulking up the biceps while the shoulder bells need to be cut some ways and expanded to make them look bulkier. But I'm a little undecided about the forearms. Do you guys think I should cut out the ridge and add a piece a little lower in the armor to get the look in this pic? Or should I just smooth out the ridge with some Bondo? Been playing around with the leg armor too, but nothing has really been achieved there. I also started sculpting out a helmet while I was messing with my Nova, it's really, really, REALLY rough right now (just the basic shape, no details on it not to mention my dirty hands have contaminated the clay ), so that's why I have no pics of it today. After looking at my jetpack I tore off those hideous nozzles, they didn't look right to me at all. I went and got a PVC pipe and will try working that out to get some nozzles. Finally, I started bondoing my chest/back armor to make it nice and clean and smooth. So yeah... Fivezero
  10. Do it, Novas rock. Also Mini-Nova thinks you should do it too. Fivezero
  11. Alright so here's my new pics: I got the ab button details on there now. It also looks like I need to pay just a wee bit more attention when putting my pouches and arm armor on to make sure everything is aligned properly. Fivezero
  12. Thanks for the comments everyone I don't have the button details yet. I'm working on them though.
  13. Yep, everything's done on this thing except for my DLT-19 (which is about half done) and other little adjustments to the armor. Here's a pic of the pack. Oh and this picture also shows those white spots on the shins, which are taken care of too. Fivezero
  14. So I've set down my Darktrooper project for the last couple weeks to work on my Novatrooper (I had it posted on the old boards). Here's what it used to look like: And here's what it is now (I took this picture at work on Halloween): So improvements I've made are: Dyed the pouches black and stuffed some cardboard in there to give it life Got the courage to paint the horizontal gold stripes on the helmet (don't know why I was so scared in the first place) Messed with the knee plate a little so it wasn't underneath my thigh armor (still adjusting the thigh armor a little bit too) Fixed the gap between my ab plate and chest plate Although you can't really see it, I've adjusted the butt plate so it isn't hanging low like it used to I'm going to try and get some more pictures of the armor this week as well. So there ya go, enjoy Fivezero
  15. Oh I got what you guys are saying now, whoops I think I will try cutting some PVC this weekend then. Thanks for the advice Fivezero
  16. The nozzles do taper, just kind of hard to see with the screenshots, here's one I used. I'm also going to try and squeeze them and make them a little narrower and add some plastic to make the nozzles thicker and make the holes not as huge. Here's the taper. You can kinda, sorta see it a little bit. Now highlighted. Either way I might try and remake the pack at the end, or at least redo the nozzles and the part they sit on. I'll see how it goes.
  17. Quick update for today. Got the front and back armor connected together and I've been working a little bit on the jetpack as well. Here's some pics of the jetpack. The black is only temporary. I did that so you can see the nozzles of the pack since they were transparent. Enjoy
  18. Actually I do have some updates on this, just haven't had time until tonight to take some pictures. I have the back mostly finished and have started making/attaching side panels to connect to the chest armor. And now for what I have done on the chest armor. I'll finish it up once I have it connected to the back armor and then start making the shoulder pieces to connect on top. When everything is put together I will be putting plenty of Bondo on to smooth everything out. I have also started on making the jetpack. Nothing too impressive to show yet, it's just a box right now. Anyway there ya go, enjoy. Fivezero
  19. So I have the back armor almost put together, just a couple more pieces to cut out, re-adjusting of some spots and some cleaning up to do. The big space is where I'll put the jetpack of course, when I finish that. Also received some leg armor in the mail today. Going to try and heavily modify it to make it into Darktrooper legs. Fivezero
  20. Hey thanks a bunch guys. And Izzi don't worry I have plenty of screenshots myself (I play SWG).
  21. Hey everyone. So I think I'm gonna attempt to make a Phase II Darktrooper based off of the SWG version. Here's a couple screenshots I am using right now to construct the bottom armor. So here's what I've done so far. Got the bottom armor pretty much done except for a couple things. I think I'm going to redo the belt, not really liking the way it's looking. I've also started constructing the back armor. I'll get some pics when I'm done with that. Fivezero
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