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Everything posted by retrofire

  1. Check out the thread on this from Chaos in the DT main page. Sorry I can't link to it tapatalk generates a huge link address when I tried to copy it. He does a nice job with the pouches.
  2. Boba is a great example of this. There are the two versions for ESB and ROTJ but also the version that was originally designed by Ralph McQuarrie. The BH det has five versions of Fett that are in work that are pre production versions. These are just a few examples of how CRLs have split off into their own areas between art and film. I think you have some great ideas and posting up the scout references allows folks like Antje and Steve to get the membership engaged. This has always been an accommodating det and I'm sure they would be happy to help to include a new costume to the SpecOps family.
  3. These are great points. The problem with comics, games, and animated is the inconsistencies in the characters usually due to the artists. JRS found this with the Battlefront II and the Pathfinders with the Rebels Biker Scout. In the case of the Rebels Biker Scout there was no strapping to be seen as the animators didn't add it in. That being said I agree with making the CRL better where SpecOps can but I don't think you can just cut/paste the Biker Scout CRL paint it black (or green) and say it's good. What I suggest is to start a new thread where the references are posted and allow the members of the det to review and make suggestions as to what should be changed. Some things might be obvious and others can be agreed upon. Either way the references will make a big difference.
  4. Its always best to stick with the CRL of the character your building. As a GML that's what we are going to review your costume against. The Shadow Scout isn't just a Biker Scout in black ABS its a different chap all together. The references it was taken from are not film so there is a lot of leeway with this character. This is to say they could only glean the costume information from the comics they came from. You can't match the two CRLs as they both evolved independently. Antje is the Shadow Scout Armourer here and you can always raise CRL level questions to her. I know they are always open to discussing CRL questions here in SO. Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk
  5. Take a look here for for the background. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Storm_commando
  6. As for the knees you can use either. It's a matter of preference and comfort for me as I'm a smaller scout. As for the flight suit most scouts use the Redkap and remove the pockets on the front and rear. Standard issue flight suits tend to have too many pockets and zippers requiring a significant amount of modification.
  7. Lots of good advice from 762. When you replace the belt you also want to replace the knees as well. Those are an older mold. Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk
  8. It's about time you got some armor! These folks are the best and they'll have you rolling along in no time!
  9. If you have tapatalk you can drop images into the post as you write it. That's what I use and it makes it a lot easier.
  10. If you have tapatalk you can drop images into the post as you write it. That's what I use and it makes it a lot easier.
  11. The links aren't working at least in tapatalk. Maybe I'll try via the forum and see if that works.
  12. It's really nice! I got the whole belt assembly (belt, TD, drop boxes). My only nit is that the belt is prone to cracking but some abs shims are helping with that. I finished all my measurement pics and armor pics this weekend so I just need the suit up pics for Lancer. I'll be submitting to the Lancer gauntlet as soon as I get those done. As far as this project goes the helmet is assembled and I'm sanding it down and I'm moving through the strapping. I also got a mirrored motorcycle visor that I'll trim out for the eyes. My Lancer submission was taking up a lot of time but that's almost done and I'm ready to move on to something else.
  13. Oh goodness Antje I became a GML, accepted a position as a Pathfinder Armourer, worked on finishing my sons magma scout, and finishing the parts I got from Constantin for my Biker Scout level 2 submission. I've been sewing all new strapping for my shadow when I've had a moment to breathe. Don't worry I plan on finishing this and submitting for Specialist before the year is out.
  14. This is awesome! Thank you so much for doing this! I hope this gets pinned to the Scout section.
  15. Nice work! It's really coming together. Do you have a way of securing the blaster in your boot holster? One thing I've learned while trooping is that it tends to drop out when you least expect it and that sometimes the little ones like to reach down and pull it out of your boot. Some options here are Velcro on the guard and holster or an elastic hair tie. For the hair tie you can install a hook out of scrap ABS in the holster and loop the band around the scope. When you're marching or interacting with the crowds it'll give you piece of mind knowing it's not going to go anywhere. I say this from experience of almost losing mine more than a few times.
  16. That is a sweet looking lid! You did some fantastic work! Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk
  17. Do you have any overlap in the visor? I'm building a Chef lid as well and I had enough overlap to square off that angle on the front.
  18. Either lid will work fine. The Chef lid is a bit tighter than my ALT but not by much. You can raise the visors on both but I rarely, if ever, do. Being here in Phoenix it's just cooler to remove my lid instead of raising the visor. There are rare times during troops when I'll raise it if a kid is upset at the armor so they see it's a person. If that's your intent then I would recommend putting a little extra work in to the visor bolts (lockwashers, washers, and good nuts) on the front end to help with a smooth opening and keeping it raised. Both face plates sit fine and I have Velcro on the inside edges to keep them closed. I think both sculpts look good and I'm happy with them. A good basis of comparison would be to check out RS Props. They did a very short run of LFL accurate Scout buckets so that's the closest you'll get to the real thing other than screen caps or images from the costume books. If you have someone in your Garrison that has a MC give it a try and see how it fits on you. If you like it and can find one second hand that would be the way to go but beware of ordering one. Both Chef and Steve are active in the forums and have good customer service so if something goes wrong you have alternatives. I'm still in the middle of assembling my Chef helmet so I don't have any good pics of it to share yet but here is my ALT Scout. I've replaced the Snout with one from a maker on Pathfinder.net as it was more accurate. Steve has since updated his sculpt to match the accuracy. The decals above the snout and fishhook were also replaced with a set from Trooperbay as I felt they fit better. Both makers are responsive to feedback and adjust their products according to it. Hope this helps some. We have a whole sub-forum dedicated to the scout lid over at the Pathfinder forums might be worth checking out if you are still on the fence.
  19. Obtaining a MC helmet is iffy at best. MC has a bad reputation for taking forever to deliver and sometimes not at all. There's an ongoing thread over on the 501st forum about that. I would go with either an Altmann's or a Chef. I have both and quite frankly I love them both. Spikes comes fully assembled and for extra cost Chef can assemble yours as well. It all comes down to checking the costs and delivery time but you can't go wrong with either.
  20. That's really awesome of you Antje but I'll poke around and see if I can scare some up locally.
  21. Antje has any though been given to replacing the 35mm elastic with 38mm? The 35mm is really hard to find here in the US. I'm working on my strapping but I want it to meet Specialist. Sent from my VS985 4G using Tapatalk
  22. I'm building a magma scout for my son and working on my Shadow as well as improving my current Biker Scout to meet Lancer Spec. My sons kit is Walt's.
  23. Thanks Antje! Yeah it's in work but slow. Got the helmet rough sanded but not ready for paint yet. I'm finishing up my last bit of work to submit for Biker Scout Lancer and finishing my sons armor so this has been on the back burner for awhile. Once I get those out if the way I'll be full steam ahead on this. It may take me a bit longer as I'm going to go for Specialist right after basic approval so I'll be putting in a bit of extra time in it. Thanks very much for the reminder just have a few things to get off my plate first😉
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