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In Memoriam[501st]
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Everything posted by Rat

  1. Congratulations on the approval!
  2. Separate batches I believe, but it was pretty consistent. It takes about three cans for the full kit.
  3. @TDNick0205I used dupli-color Flash Red automotive lacquer. Belt is Tkittle.
  4. The fun add ons. So a little more to do on the force pike and just started the kama. There may or may not be a Phasma styled cape too. The fun add ons. So a little more to do on the force pike and just started the kama. There may or may not be a Phasma styled cape too.
  5. So time to finally finish off this armor officially for Specialist approval. Though I am playing with some fun add ons that are in no way approvable such as a crimson themed force pike and kama. I will possibly add a Phasma style cape as well eventually.
  6. I used automotive laquer for mine, but that was purely for color consistency. So I would think that it would depend on what color you are needing. Black or brown would be easy to use a leather paint as it's a neutral color. But when it comes to other colors that will make it tricky.
  7. Thanks @Blackwatch I can't find the one Walt supplied. I had to trim it down a little bit, it had a long stem on the back of it, and it popped out of my finger in my garage.
  8. So does anyone have a part number for the retainer clip greebly that goes in the trident?
  9. @DashNolanfeel free to reach out if you have any questions.
  10. Got this one as well. I just need to get the rest of the scope or a replacement for it.
  11. Just some basic Rust-Oleum black flat.
  12. So finally got the DLT-20a finished up. Got it painted and some light weathering. I also acquired a SE-14 that I'll be working on also. So I'll have the entire array of crimson weapons.
  13. So a quick update. So a little better look with better lighting of the armor chest, back and TD. Holster and pouches. So the holster straps needed dying and I didn't like the raw leather edges on the pouches. Holster mounted, yes it is on the left side, for some reason the image mirrored. So that's it for now I will likely be clear coating tomorrow.
  14. Right now it is strictly a matte finish. I had to paint the TD tube so I wanted to make sure it all matched. So I will be putting a gloss finish on it.
  15. Oh yeah and I got my U-trim in. So I hope this is the right size. I know these photos will look like the paint is textured, but I don't think it is. Just more a product of low light, but I'll know more tomorrow after it dries. I may need to do a wet sand if it is.
  16. So update time as I haven't done so lately. Still working, but just haven't updated. Lots of stuff has happened so let's get to it. Up first is the scout belt. All the strapping has been done still need to refinish the back of the belt and paint the rivets. Up next the Ople lenses still working the mounting, but they will be mounted with velcro. So I may need to trim a little more on the eyes, but they are looking good so far. Up next is the side shims that were not included with Walt's kit so I had to fabricate them. I used some beware of dog signs for this. So I did some test fits on the belt, then a paint test for the mohawk and painted the mic tip and ear greeblies. So I just got the paint down on the rest of the armor and it is drying now. Just need to get the helmet put together and painted then decals and clear coat and done.
  17. Thanks man. I do not regret going with the black frown. Bring the menace! LOL! I got a pauldron coming too and got that DLT-20A in the works.
  18. No I realized I will need to actually trim my strip down as it is the same width as the bottom of the trident. So I'm hoping to get that out of the way this week.
  19. Rat


    So is there any reason why it doesn't show it in the CRL?
  20. Rat


    So any consensus to this question?
  21. Just mocking it up and looking through them it's awkward.
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