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Photo update, I got some frosting on my ab buttons but I can clean that up easily.
Also the cod and posterior rivet and snaps.
So got the rivets into the ab and kidney, hand plates done, TD almost done. Will get photos later. Pretty much need to cut cover strips and start gluing.
Not much more on the bucket, but then I get to start on the body.
Thanks. Yeah I want to repaint one of the rear traps as I'm not happy with it and the lines on all of them need touch up work. But it is almost done. Thanks.
Okay update time So I'm pretty sure my paint match is much better and my GML is okay with it, still off but much better than the two colors of plastic. The bucket is almost complete. Need to do some paint touch up and add the mesh to the hovi tips, but other than that it is done. I did finish off the buttons, just didn't get a photo of it.. So progress is made. Also I'll be able to focus on this as my commission is nearly complete.
Also I still need to take a little more off the opening so my head will fit.
So I didn't get the rivets in, but I noticed I may need to trim the cap a little more as it seems to not fit quite right under the ears. I will do what I can to get it done especially since I need to work on the commission bucket for this weekend when I'll do another test fitting and turn that over so she can do the electronics. So I'm hoping to get the bucket together and painted this week.
So took the plunge and got the alignment sorted and added some screws for a temporary hold while I get it all straight for rivets and proper fitting. Might want to get that right side shaped just a bit more for a better fit. The left side isn't too bad and fits well. I suppose the wonkiness applies to all the different buckets. The hovi tips are good I think, but I'll be adding some washers for good measure and a bit of extra support.
Working on the bucket now. I'm pretty sure I've got the alignment right. I'm not sure if I need to trim a bit more or some reshaping needs to happen though. This is where the shaping May need to happen. Lots of resistance trying to put them together. I'm hoping I can get it all riveted together this weekend.
Thanks Ryan. I'm working on the bucket as well, but having a hard time with getting it aligned properly. I'm sure it is mostly from the trimming. So I'm working on that and all my clamps are in use on my commission.
So I've been sidetracked with a commission build for a future garrison mate. I did however manage to get the TD trimmed and mocked up. Need to get it painted and some flat aluminum for the brackets though.
So I've taken a bit of a break from the bucket to concentrate on the rest of the kit. I've finished most of the trimming still need to take a bit off of the shoulder bells but the rest is done. Sizing, fitting and gluing now.
So just getting ready to start cutting and I'm sizing things up. I am realizing that unlike my Anovos TK this is going to require far less trimming and shaping. The Anovos was a bit large in both the forearms and thighs, this will not be. From my understanding Walt's kit is roughly 90-95% the size of most other kits. It is definitely making me think before cutting.
Yeah I've gotten to the trim part and just getting to where I'm gonna be sizing.
Bucket is coming along. Not sure what is up with the right side though. aƦ
Pretty good Ryan I cheated and used my belt sander. The teeth and eyes were dremeled and then I used an exacto toclean it up more. Need to get pics as I have since I have questions about the bucket. Plus I think it is ready for construction.
I started on the bucket as well. Still needs fine sanding and some detail sanding but looking good.
Trimming is mostly completed I'll be using snap plates with this build so I've minimized the return edge to between 3 and 5mm. So up next will be sizing and construction.
Do I've begun tough trimming. I've noticed there really isn't much to remove so this should go pretty quickly. Need to figure out how much return edge I want to keep though and for some areas it won't be much.
So a bit of mail came in so snaps are in hand, Tandy line 24 of course. Then I picked up the BBB on Wednesday prior to our Weird Al troop. Yes it looks pink, but it is red. Just waiting on a replacement thigh ammo pack. But the trimming shall begin this weekend.
Thanks Ryan my GXO who I'm getting them from was unsure about the color.
Let the packages arrive. Just got my hardware set from Joseph over on FISD. Now that my image uploading issue is solved the real build thread can start. This will be much like Ukswraith, Sony's build thread. I'll cover it all as I go.
Ah success now the real fun can commence.
Oh so it seems I will not be able to use my tablet at all.