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In Memoriam[501st]
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Everything posted by Rat

  1. Thanks David. I'll have to ask my GML see what he says. I may end up having to order one, but I like the idea of making my own.
  2. Another question would duck cloth be acceptable for the belt?
  3. Yeah I came across a guy up in Canada that is shipping some to me today.
  4. So finishing up the thighs and halfway through the forearms. Retrimmed the ab button box. Getting to the final construction.
  5. I see what you mean. I'm sort of the new guy here for this costume and not yet a detachment member, but I believe I may be the first for the changes being proposed.
  6. Could I offer a third option of Royal Crimson Stormtrooper? If they are pulled from royal guards just seems fitting.
  7. Thanks David. Yeah I like it much, much better with the black. The black frown just brings out the menace factor.
  8. So went and upgraded the paint and went with a black frown. Talk about menace, this should be the standard. I also got the ab buttons squared way
  9. Correct David. I won't be finishing my build most likely until after the changes go live. I figured I'll wait on those two aspects until the changes are made. Though I am tempted to make the frown black just to see how it looks. I'm guessing the frown would be the same as it is currently and not ESB or ROTJ?
  10. Not according to the CRL on the 501st site. The CRL as Rea on there is only grey and must have the holster. I'm looking at the proposed changes.
  11. So after a bit of thought I think I'll be building my magma to the proposed changes to the CRL @Raider. Since I don't have a belt yet and I'm still gluing I will possibly be done building around the time the changes go live. So I will go with the black frown abd no holster option, unless there's a option for the holster to be on loops. But I don't see that as a possible option.
  12. Yeah I'm all for the name change to the Royal Stormtrooper.
  13. So glossy and shiny it will be. Especially if the renaming goes through with the pending poll, sadly I may not be able to vote on it. That is depending on where it gets posted.
  14. Thanks Ryan. I know when I first looked it was saying smoke or black for anything other than basic.
  15. So am I reading correctly that green lenses will be okay for specialist?
  16. So in reviewing this again I noticed there is a bit of a inconsistency. Unless I'm missing something. Shouldn't this be 10mm in and vertically aligned? "Three rivets shall be present on the left side of the kidney plate: a total of three fasteners, the heads should be rounded or domed, solid, approximately 5/16” (8mm) in diameter and equally spaced out the depth of the armor and about 4" (100m) from the edge. They should be aligned horizontally with the three rivets on the ab plate. They must be painted red. Paperclip brads are not considered to have a domed head. Note: The original TK armor used the bifurcated rivets or split rivets."
  17. So far I have built this to level 2. I will have to adjust my paint as I inadvertently transposed the ab button colors so adding a black frown will be simple enough if it is changed. I'm hoping to not have to shim, but if I need to I will.
  18. Ooooo... I'm liking the idea of the black frown and lack of holster, does anyone really ever use it anyways? I'll plus 1 that name change I know I'm the new guy around here for this kit, but I'm also thinking I may possibly be the first one to be approved when this changes. If I get done prior I would be interested in building to the new CRL.
  19. I'm hoping for specialist approval. But not sure I'll be able to get it. I'm building for it though.
  20. Yeah after reviewing I realized there wasn't. Now I'm confused as to where I saw that.
  21. So I just realized I need to repaint my ab buttons. I just noticed that I've inverted the colors.
  22. Yeah I'll double check it but I'm pretty sure that is what is stated for the weathering.
  23. Thanks David. Yeah I've just started gluing parts since I've been busy with a commission build. Bucket is almost done just need to do the lenses and fans. I'm thinking of doing nylon webbing for my strapping.
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