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In Memoriam[501st]
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Everything posted by Rat

  1. Trying some photo uploads through imgur, but im relatively new to this. I've been spoiled with tapatalk. For some reason it isn't letting me insert using the url though.
  2. So these are the boots I'll be using from CaBoots they should be acceptable at all levels. Caboots repainted for Magma Trooper build. https://imgur.com/gallery/AmMbfYy
  3. Hey David it's not as much that I read it anywhere but rather being unclear about it after reading through the CRL. Like I said I'm just getting use to the different format. Which is why I asked if it was basically a standard TK build.since outwardly it appears to be just that. That was all and really just looking for some clarification. But you've cleared it up some so thanks for that.
  4. Thanks Daniel, never Dan. Do I have it right yet? LOL!
  5. What paint did you use for the rivets? Maker and color code if possible. Please and thank you.
  6. Do you know if there might be a Testors/Model Masters equivalent?
  7. Okay then that makes sense. It's what I've been doing.
  8. Ah no I'm just having a bit of a time navigating these forums and I can't seem to access the 501st section at all. The same goes for Tapatalk, I try to log in and it says my user name doesn't exist. Just trying to learn the navigation and find some good build threads.
  9. I figured I would follow the magma CRL. The TK changes were pretty minor and mostly for clarity. So as I understand the magma CRL for basic and specialist no rivets are seen except for the thigh ammo belt correct? All white elastic is black. I also noticed that the reference photos show the drip boxes as being black, but that the crl model they are red. Is there anything to clarify that they should not be black? I sort of like the black boxes, but will keep them red if necessary.
  10. So it is safe to say I can treat this build the same as a TK?
  11. Yeah I was hoping to find a supplies list somewhere, but haven't seen it yet.
  12. So I'll need to get used to the new forum format, I've gotten used to FISD. So I'm an already approved TK at Centurion, third, level. My CO had a kit just sitting around collecting dust so he made me an offer that my wife was okay with and now here I am meeting you fine troopers over here. Still waiting to collect that BBB, but im gonna proactively start my build thread for the eventual early questions. So I've noticed the build will be familiar enough, but it seems some of the materials will be different. Such as I've noticed that the shoulder straps are supposed to be canvas and not elastic. Paint schemes are different, but I think use the same colors as the TK. Speaking of what is an appropriate red for the rivets? Is the bracket strapping system okay or should I use snap plates? See the questions have started. I'm sure I'll have a few more. So waiting on the BBB, boots Will be painted Caboots, I already have my blaster, my holster should double over, though I may make a new one. So I think that is it for now and I look forward to the build and meeting some new troopers as well as new detachment affiliation.
  13. One less question I'll need to ask about. Luckily I still have my paints from my TK. What about the red?
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