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501st Retired[501st]
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Everything posted by Chef

  1. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/BIKERSCOUT-BIKER-SCOUT-STYLE-INSPIRED-LEATHER-GLOVES-SIZE-MEDIUM-DISCOUNTED-/300982624868?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4613f66264 There you go.
  2. Looks cool. You might just want to secure the flaps on your pouches. They are looking a bit 'flappy'. Drop some padding in the pouches to give them some body. Other than that, good job.
  3. yup, way too low. they want to be about 2-3 inches below the belt.
  4. Get in buddy... And just remember to ship the mustang over to me when you're finished.
  5. There is no 'official' orientation of the TD Greeblie, with screen evidence to suggest both. But most tend to favour the tabs uppermost as you have got there. So I would go with that. You should be able to carefully remove the blob of E6000 with a scalpel blade (use it like a razor). Peel it up. Whether the solvent will have marked the plastic is another matter. But don't panic. It's just weathering.
  6. that is exactly what I do. I do have the frontal sections either on poppers or velcro so they are removable, just in case you can't get your head through the hole.
  7. Green... Probably (and I can say most definitely...) an oversight on my part. I'll go back and amend that.
  8. Why is it not built yet?? Chop chop!
  9. Looking cool bro. I'd swap out the Thermal Det greeblie on the back, for the newer updated one. Other than that, nice job. Well done.
  10. If you aim for specialist on the Storm Commando, and you add in those detail parts as mentioned above. You'll be good for both.
  11. The actual armour set is identical, so there's no problem there. The issue comes with all the little details. Obviously there are the Bandoliers. Then there is a red helmet lens (1st problem, because you either have to devise a way of having a removable lens, or have two lids. Then we have red Bicep Greeblies (see above). I don't get this myself, because most of the main reference pictures for Weir show the greeblies as black, and as we know, we don't like to use the Hasbro toys as reference unless we really have to. Then there is a red V detail on the belt (same problem as the two above). And that's really it. And a neck seal...
  12. looking good bud, keep it up.
  13. Good effort buddy, nicely done. Don't forget to do the cuts in the boot soles though. Let's get you up to specialist from the off.
  14. Can you post a link to the sort of shade you require. I've got 40mm Olive Green webbing here. Or I've found this in the UK. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Rufflette-38mm-Polyester-Webbing-2m-Forest-Green-/380479608032?pt=UK_Crafts_Sewing_Supplies_MJ&hash=item58965a14e0
  15. Generally you want the bund to come to about 2" below your armpit. I normally measure right from the crook of your armpit to your belt line, then use this as your fabric measure. When you stitch and fold the fabric, you tend to loose an inch on either side, making the bund nicely 2" shorter than that line. Perfect. Yes, you'll want to keep the stitching as neatly tucked away as possible. I make the main part, then turn it inside out. Fill it with padding, then sew the ribs. Then I put on the bottom part.
  16. It's no great biggie.... something like this.
  17. I'd say that if you are keeping your lid on, then you'll probably be fine without the neck seal, as all the references are not overly definitive when he's see with his lid on. If you decide to go for the bald head, lids off look, then you'll definitely need one, because it is clearly visible in the source material. Any Rosso, Scarlet, or other good red should be sufficient. Don't make them too shiny.. He is a General after all, and a bit of a nasty bugger to boot, so I doubt his gear would be squeaky clean. All that Sullustan blood tends to make a mess. There isn't a specialist status on Weir, but if you follow the one for the Storm Commando, you'll be on the right track.
  18. Knee top strap... I'd definitely go with the new greeblies on the Thermal Det. Beyond making sure all the strap sizes are good, I'd probably just add in some weathering to the suit. (clean swampy... sounds a bit like an oxymoron to me!) The flaps on your pouches have a funny curve in them, whether this becomes an issue is difficult to say. I'll have to check the references, but I think the grey on the bund and knees could probably do with being a little darker, unless that's just camera flare? Also, the V on the crotch, ideally should be a 'curve'. That's one of the later 'standard' scout updates, so this bund may have been made prior to this. The V is still acceptable, so this is just in case you want to. loose the mesh in the ears on the bucket. Are there any detail stitch lines on the dog bones on your boots? Cheers Rob.
  19. Dizzy, I think you'd need to reference those pictures you speak of. The joy of comic references is that specific colours cannot be adequately defined. Silvers for instance, can be depicted as grey or white. Contrasting shades of black, can be depicted as greys or blues. Beyond the comics, you then need to take into consideration other source material, such as the Gentle Giant busts or other 'LFL Approved' merchandise. It's only in conjunction with all those sources that a CRL gets put together. We're always open to discussion, but we do need to go through all the source material.
  20. To keep the weight down, why don't you use foam board? that can be pretty sturdy when all glued and bonded together.
  21. It shouldn't be hard to source the elastic. Just look on eBay. I get all mine from there and have never had an issue. You're going about it the right way by aiming to do it from the start. It's not actually much in the way of extra work when you do it as you go along. But it is a pain to do it when you've completed the costume. The detailing on the boot soles is actually a pretty easy thing to do. Shouldn't take you more than an hour.
  22. Yup, looking neat. If you need any help, just give us a shout.
  23. That face mask looks like you could mod an "Army of Two" style face mask, to get something very similar. The gauntlets... Could you use some Fett style ones? (I've got bucks for these). Shoulders are very similar to Snowie Style ones, but without the detailing. I can do snowie bells, but nothing smooth. The chest plate looks very 'animated clone' (don't have anything for this... sorry). Knees, I'd do out of foam-board or similar.
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