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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by Halycon

  1. Here we go again... First of all take this as the reference: https://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:TX_shadow_scout If you scroll down you will find Antje's cummerbund do it yourself , have fun
  2. Halycon


    Congratulations Robert! Whar are the issues with loading em up?
  3. Hey brothers, would it be possible to show both of my costumes in my forums box? greetz Haly
  4. Welcome to the Elite brother Have fun with your new project!
  5. there is a whisper in the wind... it says *shiny* ... *glossy* ... *shiny* ... *glossy*...
  6. I have another one, RWA creations https://www.facebook.com/groups/rwacreations Ross offers the complete Shadowtrooper Kit in superb quality, very glossy (no shoes and gloves) All plastic parts, including the belt, neck seal , pauldron and holster.... Another big plus is, he offers the kits in two different sizes L and XL. Located in the UK. Personal experience: I have 2 helmets from RWA ( my first Shadowscout as kit and a second one, completely assembled ) prices are very fair , Ross answers requests extremly fast, helps with whatever your questions are and is also on youtube, with some tutorials...
  7. ...the ultimate armour in the 501st, what took you so long ? ;D
  8. Congrats brother... its great to see you in this armor, well done!!!
  9. There is a vendor on Facebook called "First Degree FX" , the size of the lense is 22mm , thats regular for an E-11 and the reason why i put the velcro arround it, the scope of my DLT20a is like 28mm on the inside. If you have it inside your scope with the rubber sealing over it, you dont see a difference to a real scope.
  10. Nice job Dan! I have this solution for a scope, done to my DLT20a, all you need is *first degree fx decals and lense* (they are on facebook and the costs were 23€ incl, shipping from UK to germany) First of all put a decal inside the scope, then cut a strip of velcro and put it arround the lense. Next you place the lense inside the scope. Now all you need is a rubber sealing ring and place it over the lense. This way you dont need no glue and can avoid the misty white residue and also it looks like you have a small digital dislpay on the lense... cheers TX-77239 out!
  11. yeah boooooyyy.... imagine we would come together and troop as skulls... the @Hydra is also one of the proud owners of one!
  12. you are welcome David just ask, we all help as much as we can... hope to see you in that black armor soon!
  13. do you wanna make it specialist or just regular?
  14. True words... keep your scrap in case you ever want to build a shadow scout helmet or repair a broken part on your armor. Scrap ABS parts + Acetone = ABS paste !
  15. Hey Ross, i answered your pm , check you mailbox.
  16. Hey SpecOps... just fnished my helmet and would like to hear your opinions about it. Assembled a RWA kit and painted it twice, couldnt find a reference for the decals to how exactly to put em but i guess this looks pretty close to how it should be.
  17. I would just ask a prop maker , maybe you have someone next to you, where do you live? I had the same case just a week ago, and i called a friend from germanys prop makers IronMotion, cover strips should not cost more then 2$ each. So the question is, where do you live? Is there a prop maker close to you? Another way could be to ask a garrison member, do you know any garrison members of your local garrison? Even if youre not a member of the 501st legion actually , a gentle person could help a possible new member... And if not, just contact a prop maker via facebook to send you some via post service...
  18. Have fun with it Mason ... can you change the sling or is it permantly mounted?
  19. In case of the german garrison it is not glossy enough, i can say that cause of my personal experience, i got an RS props Shadow and had to completley paint it with a more glossy black. But other garrisons with other gml's may approve it, depends on the gml. RS propmaster know the gloss problem, i have told them and maybe their next Shadowtrooper run (its not in the shop actualy) will be with a more glossy ABS.
  20. Welcome Chris, you will always find help here, so just ask whatever you wanna know, thats what we are here for...helping new TX units! SpecOps won't leave you alone ...
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