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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by toddo

  1. I suggest the grooves “may be painted or unpainted.”
  2. Does anyone have 3D files for any of the detail pieces for the death trooper such as the back details, the knee stuff, buckles, etc?
  3. @wook1138 thanks! That’s a really valuable build thread and really helps me understand what I need to do with this ol’ kit.
  4. That’s terrific. Thanks @Chaos
  5. I think I can close up the legs, and I plan on replacing the ribbing so that it extends the length of the thighs. I’ve really been trying to make sense of what the thigh should look like. I think I’m getting the picture now. The CRL photos are making more sense with this context as well.
  6. Thanks, Icy. It is indeed one of the early 850s. Thanks for confirming about the gasket length. I’m also thinking that I need to add cover strips as this one has them built in overlap-style as opposed to butt-join.
  7. I’ve acquired a set of 850 DT armor, and I’m a bit confused about the thigh design. At the knee end of the thighs, there are free-floating bits that I don’t see on other kits. Does anyone have experience with this, and is it acceptable?
  8. Well thanks for everything you do for this detachment, Ty!
  9. Excellent work, Ty. It's always refreshing to see you working on costumes nobody else even thinks about and making them awesome.
  10. I was LMO when the IAT was made official, so maybe I can help here. The belt is a cool find that I don't recall being brought to my attention at the time. That said, one of the things we must keep in mind when dealing with comic book references is that a costume can look drastically different from issue to issue or even from cover art to the inside of the pages. Sometimes this is due to varying artists, and sometimes from frame to frame things are remarkably different even from the same artist. What we have to look at is what the character looks like most of the time across all the references. With the IAT, I can tell you there were quite a few references from a number of sources, and it was quite a challenge to find the consistent visual story to standardize. I think overall the finished result is pretty good, despite a few stumbling blocks along the way. It's kind of like this: in ANH there are stormtroopers. There are two CRLs for these, stunt and hero. Both are seen throughout the film in a wide array of frames and scenes. Now, there are other variations seen on screen including duct tape on the Tantive as well as the famous Mr. No Stripes. Neither is in the CRL. Instead we have to go with what we see most of the time with consistency. I hope this perspective helps.
  11. Long story short, it was an error that occurred during routine database clean-up. All is well with the Battlefront Shadow Stormtrooper. Now let's see those builds coming through the GML queue!
  12. They are the same armor indeed. Level 2 for the Sentinel is more ROTJ armor, but that isn't hard to achieve from the same same base armor either.
  13. Mine were cast as part of the main tanks, I can lift the unit by those black pipes. Are you using separate pipes for those?
  14. I think you guys have a good CRL going here, but I want to add my two cents. We have a number of lines that discuss internal strapping. CRLs don't get into that typically. If it is a connection that is visible from the exterior, such as the chest/back straps on the scout or the hinges on a protocol droid's shins, then it belongs. But discussion of internal bungies doesn't belong in the CRL.
  15. In this pic you can see the mesh I'm talking about in the armpit area:
  16. I'm digging the undersuit Jim, but I'm worried about the heat it will trap inside. I was looking at what I think was a screen-used Shore suit the other day in person, and I noticed that behind the armor the suit consisted of a mesh fabric that isn't meant to be seen. That would allow for maximum heat-escape. This idea is similar to what is used on the back of Vader undersuits and on the abdomen of Kylo Ren's.
  17. Well-done Jim. Thanks for keeping the size of the helmet small enough to not be a bobble-head for those of us under a million feet tall.
  18. The notch is fine but is not required. CRLs are to act as a guide, not a bible. Have your GML touch base with us, and we will help him understand.
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