Build Update:
Painted H harness parts, boots and gloves. Had a nice hot weekend during Father’s Day, so safe to say painting conditions were ideal. Everything seem to turn out well.
However, the paint feels gritty to the touch. I have had this same result with Montana Gold consistently.
Has everyone else had the same thing happen? Is this okay for trooping/approval, or do I need to take a high grit sandpaper to it?
along with painting, I did a suit test with the belt.
As you can see, I need to remove the buttons on the breast pockets and add pockets to the legs. I have an exact copy of this jumpsuit so I can remove the breast pockets and attach them to the legs. The suit seals up via buttons rather than Velcro. They are covered(evident of the photos above).
Just wanting to confirm my thought process on modifications is correct. Thanks for your help.