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Master Tej

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Everything posted by Master Tej

  1. After reading about TL-017, here's my theory about him and the Novas. They are completely a seperate class from all the Shadow Scouts, Shadow Stormtroopers, etc. As a Nova, the lowest ranking ones we currently know about have black, silver painted armor, like TL-017. Higher ranking ones have Gold painted armor in the same pattern as him, and possibly a pauldron. Finally, the highest ranking ones are the Nova Elites, and get special equipment, such as backpacks and exclusive blasters. Nova Medics are included in the Nova line as special, maybe elite, medics. Again, this is nothing more than idle speculation, just an idea. -Master Tej -
  2. Where do you buy all of this tape and lighting from? - Master Tej -
  3. I agree with Dizzytrooper. Since it's sorta kinda maybe reflective on the grayish areas of the armor, it should be a dull silver. - Master Tej -
  4. I've got another question. When it comes to the pack, should I paint the brackets that hold the stinger piece black? Or can they be silver? - Master Tej -
  5. Wait, is it Black and Gray, or Black and Silver? - Master Tej -
  6. Nova grunt? Perhaps one doesn't get the gold unless they're an officer? - Master Tej -
  7. *Cough, you should make a tutorial, *cough. - Master Tej -
  8. I wish I could drive that truck! Or even see it. That would be cool. - Master Tej -
  9. Jetpack for non-Legion official events? - Master Tej -
  10. Agh! It's actually scary! - Master Tej -
  11. ATA said there's about a 5 month wait, and that was just over 5 months ago. I'm hoping it'll be ready in the next month or so. And thank you for that, Al. I'd been wondering for a little while about the sanding. 3m pinstripe tape . . . - Master Tej -
  12. Looking forward to the end, it's close! - Master Tej -
  13. Well, blood's really controversial over on FISD. People have huge arguments about how it affects the 501st and what they represent. Personally, I think blood in reasonable amounts really adds to a zombie, but others don't. - Master Tej -
  14. Anything on the helmet? - Master Tej -
  15. Congrats on the election to DL! - Master Tej -
  16. Is it necessary to have the chin strap? - Master Tej -
  17. How do you "hide" the elastic suspending the arms? - Master Tej -
  18. Alright, I've got another embarrassing question. When it comes to nylon webbing for a support system, what is a good width of webbing to get, and approx. how many feet? The webbing is used to hold up the torso/midsection (not arms or legs), right? Also, I've got a small problem with my boots. They're the right size and fit me fine and all, but, when I walk in them, the right boot bends at the toe when I walk and kind of digs into my foot. This doesn't happen with the left boot, just the right one. Should I put something in the boot to make it not bend as much? EDIT: Would this Devcon work for armor? http://www.ebay.com/itm/ITW-DEVCON-14300-PLASTIC-BONDER-PLASTIC-WELD-WELDER-EPOXY-NEW-SEALED-/190794455227?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2c6c3c58bb - Master Tej -
  19. I just noticed that there is a logo on the collar of your undersuit. If that's the undersuit you're using, be sure to remove the logo. - Master Tej -
  20. http://www.stormtrooperundersuit.com/ This is where I got my neckseal, gloves, and undersuit from. It's a bit pricey, and you have to ship from the UK, but they are all excellent quality items as far as I've used them (keep in mind that I haven't actually trooped yet, I can't confirm them for that ). - Master Tej -
  21. Progress Update: My armor should be ready very soon. I've endured the wait, so I'm hoping to report with my big brown box soon. In the meantime, here are some pics of what I've got. Is this the right type of Gold? Evilboy's Fan System Clamps and E-6000. We have some more clamps of varying size. Will one tube be good for one suit? My I-Comm and wireless Amp set-up with PTT. Does this look fine for the gloves set? Today, I also received, from Dirtyboy, the stinger piece and Mortar tube radar dish for my pack. However, they were made to be for Sandie's, and so are not matte-black and are weathered. Before I paint them, what should I use to sand them? Also, this is super-embarrassing, but why will I sand areas of the armor before painting? Everyone talks about doing that, but I just don't know why that is done. Thanks, everyone, for the help you've given me, and I apologize for dragging out this thread to such a ridiculous length without any actual armor. - Master Tej - *This was my 501 post!*
  22. We're getting restless to see this! - Master Tej -
  23. Looks nice! I really love the red ABS. - Master Tej -
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