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Showing content with the highest reputation since 03/26/2024 in all areas

  1. We are now live: https://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:Imperial_security_trooper
    7 points
  2. 6 points
  3. Note to start, using this as the start of the build thread, got contact going with Walt's Trooper Factory to figure out the source for the armor/helmet. No pictures yet, will update with such once I get started.
    5 points
  4. 5 points
  5. The digital repair of the chest and back armor has been completed.
    5 points
  6. This is a vacuum test for the thighs and buttocks. I think it looks pretty good.
    5 points
  7. The CRL has been officially submitted to the LMOs for final review with the text and images in the wiki.
    5 points
  8. Update: My Jim Tripon undersuit came today. The material is pretty incredible, and it fits well, though I do have some trouble lifting my arms up. I tried it on with my boots and am happy with how it’s looking so far. I’m also in the midst of printing my armor pieces. I’ve done quite a few already, but still have a bunch of the big pieces left. I’m going over to a trooper’s house tomorrow to learn about sanding/post processing.
    5 points
  9. Hello, in order to have the shields and baton holster included in the CRL, I would like to open a conversation to achieve it. After watching the episode several times, mainly to obtain the appropriate screenshots, there are a couple of things that stand out to me, as I am sure to many of you. The first of all is that they received advice regarding the use of the different items and how the stunts had to act as riot police. What's more, due to the high "physical" and action content of the episode,even though they are acting, the shields received a harsh treatment and they probably also had received advice regarding the materials and props necessary to give credibility to the scene. In order to have a professional point of view regarding this matter, I have requested opinions from professionals in the police field, and they agree that due to positioning, use of containment tactics, withdrawal and arrest, the stunts have been minimally trained. Regarding as it seems to be ,the material used, both, the holster of the extendable baton and the large shields, maybe it is material for police use, minimally modified to give a "star wars" appearance, as usual ,or custom made meeting the approximate specifications and standards of this kind of pólice material. I have received information about measurements, shapes and materials from various sources... and also carried out searches , what is more I was lucky enought to carry some. https://www.nidec.es/es/escudos-antidisturbios Regarding the baton holster, it is a small item with very little visual impact on the screen so it shouldn't have been very complicated to go for something simple. Several of the riot police who I´d shared the screenshots agreed that it was probably a simple glove holder. Sample: https://www.desenfunda.com/porta-guante-giratorio-en-cuero-parabellum-95165-pa-95165-209699.html?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiApsm7BhBZEiwAvIu2Xy2Ka5lGoW-2lLydRs9xaMAEuJcVEEY3-O7PXiZlhUItskAKjFS7YhoCWIoQAvD_BwE&utm_source=adtraction&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=adtraction&at_gd=90C7B9B01E546FEAAEDFD926DACA08011DCA9775 To me it seems like that, is very common and easy to obtain police equipment ,or maybe custom made as I said. There are very few clear shots of this item since it is a black item on a black background...in motion...in fact the closest and clearest one we have is during the confrontation , of one belt falling.... SCREENSHOTS: The shield is more complicated , they are objects of great visual impact, close-up filming and surely in the storyboard they were well represented, also on a practical level it is an action scene and should withstand harsh filming conditions. SEE HOW IT BENDS An item with these characteristics must be based on a real model or a real one. I would consider various options: A/Produce the item from scratch in the prop department , or request it to be manufactured and give it the final finish in the studio. B/Buy items with similar characteristics to those needed and modify them until their final form , ¿Second-hand police equipment?. C/Search the studio's wardrobe and props collection for the items they need and modify them ,a fairly common thing. As I have already indicated, after watching the episode several times, I highly doubt that they are resin cast (a common in shields), they receive an amount of "damage" that brings them closer to modified real shields or shields built from scratch but with the same materials than a real one ,in short, we are talking about plastics. After having reached the final design, they can easily have ordered the necessary sheets from any company that works with polycarbonate, with the shape cut, folded, and the geometric pattern already milled or engraved. Doing the finish painting and putting the handles in the studio's prop workshop , regarding whether this can be done. I have also been talking about it with an advertising printing production technician , and he let me know that any large format printing press company dedicated to advertising , usually has the necessary machines for die cutting, bending and machining, methacrylates, ABS, forex, polycarbonate, etc... .. https://www.brettmartin.com/images/default-source/plastic-sheets/industry-case-study-images/application-spotlight-images/fabrication-spotlight-1-police-riot-shield-600x350536b1923-1dd9-4445-9b6d-885aaeced6c2.jpg?sfvrsn=61fcc077_15 https://www.brettmartin.com/ Obviously it's my opinion and I'm opening this thread to get more points of view, it would be great to have first hand information from someone who was on set. there are 16 large shields and 4 small shields. The width of the front part seems to be the same measurement, however on the large shield the "wings" seem larger and with fewer degrees. The height of the small shield seems to be the size of the large one WITHOUT the "window", in such a way that the geometric shape could use the same template for both, adding the small "wiew slot". Using chatgpt ,with the measuraments of the my buckle as a reference of a real item and superimposing a layer on the most complete photographs and then leaving only that layer: SCREENSHOTS: On the back there are not many screenshots available, but there are enough of the support elements that must be assumed common for the two shields and it is clearly seen that apart from the handles, the foam/forex, are painted in black. the handles on the left look like a kayak ones: https://www.amazon.com/-/es/Kayaks-correas-moldeadas-extremo-paquete/dp/B009DF8PIC/ref=sr_1_4?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.ivbQnwpozrpCiX3bxGAUn0wgZhqjR4H_M-x6sGJMUiVqRSo2GZDHX0xF_i6fSJmKpepCtL4xZ-WLMyQDFSTrPcDVF9_1e2XMdSST5nvEzfznmLIf29eAJR1P3efXh_jPah9Qg8Sme4I_TPbzR5YlcXRrGvU3k-HkIAghdAvmYkEPImuqXJ8qYxjk3ZnBi0BlOzMBT52gdbbY3yN-q7cSOfpPu-rmqA0ZGMvvPUyNJxEBoxtQCDb0xI4Xs4asELSP26DypOUCzQxQ6InxVcmYkFtN_-QgBKA4jN8AFfB12d93IWMRdOJ9xsQgqI7fAsXetMiebpXfcce1skwmec4NBTXoz60J6CadTskQZzCv1uFijx6NOAFWonHen8V-xPt1G0woIbWQMR7LJw0mSPnerXuASiGdv-E1w0_8RdEyNzCrBg8dpRcBVrjkF9IoeXLn.q3yknZ7_RJ51Pkv74CypE2oe4UyrNyPEK4TDk3KRx_Y&dib_tag=se&keywords=kayak+handles&qid=1737135103&sr=8-4 The handles on the right look something like this : https://www.amazon.com/-/es/tiradores-cuadrados-plástico-gabinete-equipaje/dp/B07YCGWBBM/ref=sr_1_8?__mk_es_US=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=18TZLCQZITBKI&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.J59q79WhD6nDUH7LKN6CJ549WYEBc8zn0N6e3POaGcizcZTvXsCKAVIJiakJdMwtrZFjHyAiVICToRIjon972qukfr1tNz2G3Q1ff11GJRrgaExsafiyT-0Cvzp-M7R8CVBgxh9LVjK6VRlkmmZB-M7hLGYWAZAhfOF8tuOuoJkk6RYFY_p4lvOUaVZ-Clc2DncE9b17YymM6hcq4_nEhR_iOKJDbIrWsFmOs752a9RglTNzzpLYRLFTqa3VReisCUQrbUXYGC_9PvA1Wn4NSqPfT4ENMdtgi1QYiQWm0xnrv2Pji4Dtch9kKuuP_fmfVqjt-p5pSrqArtroodHXiKDahpgiWCy4VqBVJcT3BEGXBc6Y_uvoa-nFhVXR7fp7ciUMPvCJ-ogbXt2GtZqRZc6b4dZTHJ7rRpNKoNY66qEEPTz2eDwVKm2n0BAtQYzX.arjk57vTrwMOmFVQSro4ycKmQAmzlBtXyx7MZWxP4WM&dib_tag=se&keywords=plastic+black+handles&qid=1737135532&sprefix=plastic+black+handles%2Caps%2C165&sr=8-8 SCREENSHOTS: EDGES AND MAYBE LAYERS? In my opinion they are two constructions of 2 millimeter polycarbonate or something similar, composed of two layers. One of the layers (the one on the back) with the high-density foam/forex supports, with the handles attached ,another layer (the one on the front) with the engraving, the two layers attached with glue and painted black. In the case of the large shield and since it is the first line, everything is also joined together by the 4 screws that can be seen. I await your ideas and/or opinions. As soon as we agree on some measurements and some details, I can make them.I have embedded the photos in the forum to the best of my ability/knowledge.Sorry for my use of English, I hope all the text is understandable, I'm a little rusty. If the moderators consider it appropriate to move this post to another thread, let them do so. Likewise, I can provide moderators access to a folder with the screenshots in case they consider it appropriate to upload them to the thread. Greetings.
    4 points
  10. Boots done! What do you guys think? Action pose:
    4 points
  11. This is a composite ribbed fabric with a thickness of 5mm. I added Velcro to it and it perfectly blends with the leg armor.
    4 points
  12. Since my approval years ago I see that the CRL changed and update the TU for the helmet. I searched around and found the WTF was able to provide one for me...but it's awful. The quality of the resin case was very bad and the scale seemed off compared to the CRL photos.... So I've modeled my own for 3d printing and I'm giving the files away. If you spot any glaring inaccuracies, I'm willing to try to fix it or share the fusion source. Merry Christmas! nocjef TX66667 IATCommUnit.3mf
    4 points
  13. With great satisfaction I inform you that my Mudtrooper has been approved by my Garrison! Thanks to everyone for the support!!! I made this costume trying to meet all the requirements to be a "Specialist", I hope I will succeed. In a few days I will forward the request in the appropriate section of the forum...
    4 points
  14. Well... I think this journey is pretty much over 🥲 Thank you so much for your support ❤️ Today I sent the photos to my Garrison GMLs for approval. Here are some oh them showing the full costume and weathering. I hope it will be approved as is, otherwise I will make the changes they ask me...
    4 points
  15. This is awesome. Thanks everyone for the work in getting this to the finish line.
    4 points
  16. We received the new images last night and are editing them. LMOs are standing by for our upload. Very close everyone.
    4 points
  17. Thanks for all the great job. Can't wait to see all this photos at you wip BigJasoni
    4 points
  18. Good news, the LMOs have approved this as a NTTL costume for placement with us, we can continue the CRL development and costume refinements!
    4 points
  19. I'm back! Lately I've had a lot to do and little time to dedicate to the Muddie, also a lot of the work was gathering informations, taking measurements, strengthening some pieces, adding snaps. In short, little that could be photographed. But I finally got to painting! On the inside of all the pieces I applied a dense primer in order to seal the fiberglass (one of those products that take forever to dry 😨). On the external side I applied two layers of a gray universal primer: Note that the upper belt is missing because the one I received from Philoprops is already painted and with partial weathering. As a second phase I applied two layers of matt black paint: In a few days I will apply the texture on the helmet, and then proceed with painting all the pieces with Pantone 350U green. In the meantime I decided to take care of the respirator. Here are the parts I will use: - Straps, two-piece buckles and 4mm hex socket cap screws provided by a friend of mine from the 501st Italica Garrison, who became a Mudtrooper before me - other buckles taken from the famous Yugoslavian backpack (they have rusted a little, and I would say this is a very good thing 🥰) - Isopon Aluminum mesh to put in the filters and in front of the mouth - disks that I cut out of a forex panel to close the filters internally. In the next post I think I will be able to show the respirator almost finished and ready for weathering!
    4 points
  20. As far as 3d print files Christhepropguy has the most accurate files. His kenobi clone trooper is very accurate witch is the same armor. If you buy those files and message chris he will give you the purge trooper specific parts aswell. Definitely get the helmet from kenyon. He is the only one who has a totally accurate helmet.
    4 points
  21. @Chaos thanks for the tag in on it! I'm a little hesitant on using this thread to work on the 3D modeling of the costume. I'd like to keep this thread for pulling the reference images out and then drafting the text. I'll go ahead and create a 3D modeling development thread for the past few questions. @Andreas Funk
    4 points
  22. Andreas, wir haben in letzter Zeit nicht viel an der CRL gearbeitet. Die größten Herausforderungen sind 1: Referenzfotos und 2: Jemand, der einen Bausatz gebaut hat, der als Diskussionsstoff für die CRL-Entwicklung verwendet werden könnte. Wenn Sie sich aktiv an der Diskussion und Entwicklung der CRL beteiligen und Ihren Build als Beispiel verwenden möchten, sind wir gerne bereit, den CRL-Prozess für dieses Kostüm fortzusetzen. Zumindest müssten wir mit klaren Fotos in höherer Auflösung von jedem Teil Ihres Kostüms beginnen, und zwar weitgehend in der gleichen Reihenfolge und Ausrichtung wie die CRL für eine bereits fertiggestellte CRL. Am besten geeignet wäre wahrscheinlich der Death Trooper, da es den Anschein hat, dass viele der im DT verwendeten Produktionsdesigntechniken auch im Gen 3 Dark Trooper verwendet wurden. Sobald wir Ihre Fotos haben, können wir beginnen, Ihre Fotos mit den Referenzfotos zu vergleichen und mit dem CRL-Verbiage-Prozess zu beginnen. Ich werde den Kommandostab markieren, damit er mitmachen kann, und auch @HidingInCosplay, der, wie Sie wissen, auch einen Kostümbau abgeschlossen hat. Ich bin zu 98 % mit meinen modifizierten 3D-Dateien unter Verwendung vorhandener Dateien und Bildschirmreferenzfotos fertig und zu 30 % mit dem Druck fertig. Wenn wir eine CRL erstellen wollen, ist es meiner Meinung nach die beste Vorgehensweise, eine Bildschirm-„Helden“-CRL zu verwenden und nicht die Disney-Requisite, da wir die CGI-Bilder reproduzieren müssen, die für das Erscheinungsbild des Dark Trooper erstellt wurden. Wenn wir von Detachment Leadership das „Go ahead“ erhalten, wird sich dieser Thread höchstwahrscheinlich in einen echten CRL-Diskussionsthread verwandeln. Stehen Sie bereit und bereiten Sie die Fotos vor. Jeder, der Fotos veröffentlichen möchte, muss diese auf einer Foto-Sharing-Site wie Imgur platzieren und die Option „Direkter Link“ verwenden, um diese Fotos in seinem Build-Thread zu platzieren. Es macht es viel einfacher, wenn wir mit dem Diskussionsprozess beginnen. Andreas, we haven't done much development on the CRL lately. The biggest challenges are 1: reference photos, and 2: Someone who has built a kit that could be used as a discussion piece for the CRL development. If you would like to be actively involved in the discussion and development of the CRL and use your build as an example we would be more than willing to continue the CRL process for this costume. At a minimum we would need to start with clear higher resolution photos of each piece of your costume much in the same order and orientation as the CRL for an already completed CRL. Probably the best one to use would be the Death Trooper as it appears much of the production design techniques used in the DT were also used in the Gen 3 Dark Trooper. Once we have your photos we can begin to compare your photos to the reference photos and begin the CRL verbiage process. I will tag the Command Staff @IcyTrooper @Dropkick @RAIDER @Blackwatch @rickyboyblue @SithThundercracker @Katiebug0747 @tipperaryred @Darth Corndog so they can chime in and also @HidingInCosplay who as you know has also completed a costume build. I am 98% with my modified 3D files using existing files and screen reference photos and 30% printing complete. If we are going to do a CRL I think the best course of action is to go with a screen "hero" CRL and not the Disney Prop as we need to replicate the CGI imaging that was done to the Dark Trooper's appearance. If we get the "Go ahead" from Detachment Leadership, most likely this thread will transform into an actual CRL Discussion thread. Stand by and get those photos ready. Anyone who is going to post photos will need to place those on a photo sharing site such as Imgur and use the "Direct Link" option to place those photos into their Build thread. It makes it a lot easier when we start the discussion process.
    4 points
  23. Small but important update! Got my custom boots in from Crowprops in a day early! They fit perfectly! Now all soft parts are done!
    4 points
  24. Did we confirm it is the Merr Sonn Power 5? Is it on an IOC CRL presently that you could link? We are going to be adding the Version 3 helmet option soon. @Dropkick will need to model it, I think we may have gotten the pics but we have to check them out again. I know that we have the text for it prepped. There is a Legion web team CRL backend system transition going on at the moment, so updates to CRLs are sort of in stasis at the moment until that is finalized.
    3 points
  25. WIP on the shields. I've one real and used shield that a friend gave me, saving it from going to waste ,It was quite deteriorated due to its use in practice but I am using it to do painting tests and visual comparisons of the grades of the side "wings". Regarding the holster, in the photo it is mounted on a belt section, as soon as I have a moment I will do a fit test with the belt and the baton + photo
    3 points
  26. @RAIDER thank you bud. I hadn't attached it and won't. Earlier in the thread we were unclear whether it referred to the greeblie, or the "thin line decal" that passes over the tank. (I accidently broke my tank greeblie and would have had to print a new one, so this is good news!)
    3 points
  27. Im knees deep in my own! Im glad to see this wip! I held a Wampawear inferno / Iden suit today and its very soft/ light/ non structured. Im very curious how your crow suit will be. I orderd a Jim Tripon suit last night for my own build, and ill be evaluating that suit once I get it. Thanks so much for posting, we need more Dels!
    3 points
  28. @Aesmodan I would think the CRL 1" specialist requirement is easily accomplished. Eventually space the boxes per the CRL and align them so the strap and slots are even and then either tack them in place with hot glue or E6000. That way if you even have to make adjustments they can be easily moved.
    3 points
  29. I know there is a vendor on Etsy that sold them, called Spatcave. https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1430704966/imperial-army-trooper-web-harness Listing says sold out, but might be worth a go message him?
    3 points
  30. Thanks @Chaos. Working from home today, so I'll look into those adjustments. -I can confirm on the chest the recessed pill shape is painted flat black. The overhead hallway light with reflected off it at a weird angle. -Good catch with the thighs, I can add a second strap for each today or tomorrow. -I'll need my wife around to help with the abdomen/belt/codpiece adjustment and I'll need to get more snaps for that anyways.
    3 points
  31. ok I played with my stl file a bit to make it look a bit better again my research said 1.5 inches long and 1 inch wide I changed the open end to make it a bit more symmetrical and made the boxes on the side go through the side for a better detail that more matches the original makers design i hope this makes it as close to the game reference as possible I hope you all like it del buckle.stl
    3 points
  32. I added the darker green, brown, and dyed most of the components. The armor just needs some black detail, a black wash, and to reapply the decals. The dye didn't really take to some items so I'm planning to pick up some new webbing/etc. Happy holidays!
    3 points
  33. These are the attachments of the thighs, and their performance is also good.
    3 points
  34. FIrst update- Happy to report that the first plate printed without any issues! The second plate of greeblies is currently printing. Here's a look at the results: While I have my resin printer going, I also started up my P1S to print the first plate of ABS parts. here's a look at that: Im printing the ABS parts at a .28 layer height. While for PLA this would be quite high, for ABS it works just fine. It sands quite easily, and printing at a higher layer heigh will allow me to print through the pieces much faster. Im also going to do my best to accurately calculate how much money is going into this kit, as I mentioned before that it can be more cost effective than purchasing a kit. If you take a look at this image, it's saying that this plate costs $1.64. However, I recalculated it with the accurate filament price, and it nets out to $1.48.
    3 points
  35. Some molds are ready, I will conduct some vacuum tests tomorrow. This is a comparison between the old mold and the new mold.
    3 points
  36. The arm mold has been completed and is currently being produced.
    3 points
  37. This is the front mold for the waist, which took me 9 hours to rebuild. The sudden drop in temperature caused the failure of thigh mold printing, and it needs to continue to work hard.
    3 points
  38. 3 points
  39. The cutting has finally begun. Only had time for some basic trimming.
    3 points
  40. @Andreas Funk @IcyTrooper @tipperaryred What do you think guys? We good with the chest and shoulder armor? If so I can save this and post up the back armor. I am really surprised more people haven't chimed in on this. I guess we will hear from others when we go live with this. They always seem to have comments after all the work is done.
    3 points
  41. Well...it's been a minute! I haven't forgotten about you Spec Ops or my Death Trooper build. Just was focused on getting stuff done for DragonCon and now that it is done, here's an update of what's happened since last time. So back in May, I was painting the helmet parts to get the gloss black look. After still getting the orange peel look, my garrison had an armor party in June. I brought my kit and talked to more experienced troopers and they told me straight up to ditch the Rustoleum and either use Duplicolor (which I now have), or Montana Gold. I also have acquired the 2K clear coat. When I wet-sanded it and applied the Duplicolor and 2K, I got myself a spray tent and fan and had a very cool/low humidity day to try my hand at it. There was noticeable improvement, but I didn't give the 2K enough time between coats (only 5 min. as opposed to 15 min.) Since we are in the high 60s/low 70s now in Chicago, I'm going to take another attempt at painting the helmet and other parts before winter. But today was another big step. I met up with my GML and brought everything over for a proper test fit and to get the strapping down. I had already connected the shoulders to the biceps and did the cording for those, so we set the snaps in place for the shoulders to the back plate near the neck. I also practiced walking with my Crowprops shoes, shins and thighs. I can move pretty comfortably in everything. My next bit of homework is attaching the snaps for the kidney armor to the back armor. We think where we held it in place with duct tape for now is a good spot. If consensus agrees, i'll add the snaps for it it. Then the butt armor will be added next,as we were referencing the Jolly Rogers 1942 Build guide, and attach it to the cod piece. Then the belt afterwards. Overall, I asked my GML what he thought, and encouragingly, he said, "You're close to being done." That was such a morale boost. Any feedback is welcome!
    3 points
  42. when I did mine i used a serger and ran off a bunch of the thread from the serger like when you finish the stitch. I layed it out on wax paper in six rows and put fabric glue on it and let it dry, then I glued it to the back of the glove with more fabric glue, and painted the whole thing. Theres photos in my IAW WIP topic. If you are going for L2 approval Ill recommend taking off the buckles. I know there is an image showing a buckle on one of the pouches, but thats an abberation we are working to fix in the CRL, and there are no buckles present in the source art.
    3 points
  43. Hi Michael, That sort of question is usually best answered by your local Garrison or Squad. In my own Garrison, I believe the ruling would usually be that if we are attending an official Disney/LFL troop then we are restricted to the props in the character's CRL. However in all other troops (the vast majority), there is no issue at all bringing other suitable props. It is however up to your own local staff to decide.
    3 points
  44. Everything should be done! Unfortunately I caught something and I'm sick at the moment but, all that's left to do is comb over the CRL again and suit up to take pictures for my application! That's for a later date though when I can breathe normally and can tolerate wearing my bucket...😅
    3 points
  45. Excellent build! Love all the attention to the detail. We’re looking forward to seeing you as Muddy specialist number 11! Keep up the great work. Love that hose to mask attachment, I may need to do that to mine as well.
    3 points
  46. I agree with most of that, low-poly has given us a good ability to upscale some stuff on our end. I mentioned that to the LMOs in the past to ensure that we have good quality on what we see. We could refine our costumes for that for sure, it would be a grandfathered scenario as you suggested.
    3 points
  47. I guess I'd better get on with it then! Thanks guys for all your hard work with this
    3 points
  48. Take a look at this post:
    3 points
  49. This has been submitted for LMO review.
    3 points
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