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Darth Emphatic

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Everything posted by Darth Emphatic

  1. No restriction on gender if doing the helmeted or unhelmeted version, but must look the part if doing unhelmeted version.
  2. Like with any limited reference costume,decisions are made for uniformity purposes. That's what ends up in the CRL.
  3. Not a problem. Post what you have a you go, preferable labeling each piece with text above the photo link so it's easy to keep everything straight. Best to link to a photo sharing site so we can have as high resolution photos as possible. Thanks!
  4. Hey Kevin, As you complete different pieces of the costume, if you could take pictures of the parts for the CRL, that would be awesome! You can post them up here if able. thanks!
  5. Hey Maxime, As you complete different pieces of the costume, if you could take pictures of the parts for the CRL, that would be awesome! You can post them up here if able. thanks!
  6. All, I've finalized the CRL draft on the 501st wiki and sent it over to the LMO team to review. Time to start working on CRL pics
  7. Okay, I've got the whole CRL transferred over into the wiki format. Now I am just going to do some proof-reading and then we'll have a draft up for the LMO team to review.
  8. I've seen a 6'5'' shadow scout, but not 6'7''...that will be awesome! Death trooper next?
  9. Thanks for all the update work. I am running back through the backend work on the CRL that gets posted to the website. I'll compare to the previous version to account for any changes and then we should have an unpublished draft by the weekend.
  10. Congrats! I'd have to check the roster, but pretty sure we are still on single digits.
  11. Return edges are not a requirement on any armor. They can look good; I added them to pieces of my shadow stormtrooper, but you definitely don't have to do them.
  12. Thanks for the additional info. On the topic of Del, before the books game out, just from the trailers, it was assumed Del was JRS and Gideon. With more info from the books, that swapped as Gideon is very clearly a pilot in there.
  13. Wow...thanks for pointing that out. I can clean that up.
  14. The question on the belt is will it look any different between the two. If not, basic approval can be the simplist solution.
  15. I am not opposed to levels, but any ones we include will be based on assumptions from other screen similar costumes, since there won't really be a 'more' accurate version of the digital armor. I hope that makes sense
  16. In the flight suit section, the inferno squad patch is mentioned twice.
  17. Ill be doing a lot of single posts as I review and work on converting the CRL. Sorry! There is discrepancy in the helmet area. One of the early bullets listed bubble or flat lenses and one near the end just says bubble.
  18. I wonder if the helmet should really be under optional accessories...
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