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Darth Emphatic

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Everything posted by Darth Emphatic

  1. I would love to see some pictures of the airsofts and real guns referenced just so we can put it all in perspective.
  2. Yes, please post your images when you have them. We can work on a crl. There wont be too many key differences from the standard. More of a varient.
  3. Sounds like Allan is going to give them a go. For the money, they might be worth the buy and try, but if you are really worried about it, we know the whites work well and are comfortable. The next step would be to hit up every boot/shoe store in you area and hope to get lucky.
  4. I feel you. You should talk to Toddo, lol. Its just too much fun once you get started
  5. Chris, sorry it's taken so long to get to your post. Instead of dying, I think you would be stuck painting. People have done this the other direction for ages (from black to white). It can absolutely work, but will require touch-up from time to time. If you want a cheap option, just to give it a go, the ebay list here would fit the bill for approval.
  6. The ebay listing looks like the same boots. Can't say how comfortable they are, but from a design standpoint, they absolutely work.
  7. What ever happened here, Robert?
  8. I am looking forward to a lot of solid build threads once those Anovas TX's are out there.
  9. Missed this the first time up. This is amazing! Oh, to be skinny enough to fit into that. Are you on the 3PO diet?
  10. Hey David. Your access needs to be updated now that you are approved. Ill do that now.
  11. This is why I dont make real assessments from a cell phone. All good points, Chef.
  12. Looming good from what i can see on the phone
  13. Congrats, Phillip. I know ot was a tough road but now you are past it. Get trooping trooper!
  14. Dan, I am back in gear and I appreciate your patience. You had mentioned other support images. I don't think we ever saw those. Before I move forward with the LMO's, can you tell me if you do indeed have any other supporting imagery and can you produce it? If not, I can still attempt to move forward, but any other imagery would only help our case, barring major inconsistencies.
  15. I'll have some leftover patches in the next month most likely and you should be done with your costume and have it approved by then, right?
  16. I feel like I am being teased right now just waiting for the big photo to drop, lol. Keep these coming!
  17. You live! Awesome to hear on the submission. Post up the pics if you'd like. I would love to see it.
  18. I have an Anovos kit sitting in a box staring at me too...I think it might just keep sitting for a while...all that white is a bit oppressive
  19. Okay, got it. I thought you might mean that, but then I wonder if maybe there is some other lens out there I am not aware of. The CRL doesn't support it because there is no source for it. To be fair, the 'magma' trooper has very little source material to begin with and has been inherited in it's current iteration from years and years ago as a red stormtrooper copy essentially. Heck, the gentle giant statue was really model of 501st members wearing red stormtrooper armor as opposed to it coming out of some lucasfilms databank. All that being said, the problem we'd face is having no source to support mirrored lenses.
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