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Darth Emphatic

Detachment Web Master[CMD-DWM]
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Everything posted by Darth Emphatic

  1. Why outside cannon? Don't want to do the appovable kashyyyk trooper?
  2. Ken, you stole my words, lol. Its such a great sight.
  3. It would be awesome to get some scale with it. Even knowing how tall the case is would help matched with some straight-on shots.
  4. Action figures are notorously inconsistent and as such not typically acceptible as costume reference for 501st approval. A movie, a comic, or even a licensed detail bust could probably get us there.
  5. Yep, I second what todd said. I also dremeled a lot of pieces and the sanded. For whatever reason, that's what worked best for me. Good luck!
  6. Is it in a spot that is likely to crack again?
  7. They sit almost flush with the bottom of the belt
  8. They are not technically approvable as the statue is the only source and none of the others have them, but I do think its a cool feature for non-official events.
  9. Great post, Charlene. Looking forward to your progress.
  10. Phillip. Hang in there. We've all been there and you can get through it!
  11. Dan, this is looking great (nothing less was expected) and we all appreciate the work you've put in.
  12. Yep, it is a good source, but from what I heard last, they are on back order, so it depends how soon boots are wanted/needed. Painting is still an option and can result in a closer color match.
  13. To expand on what Toddo said, one thing to try and do is keep the proportions with how the source material looks compared to the rest of armor. Without actual measurements, that's what we have to go on.
  14. The biggest issue is having a non-action figure reference. Im all for it when we get a proper reference for it. Also, no reason you cant do it for non-official events.
  15. Pretty sure walts kit is pulled in red (what makes it great), but youll still need red paint to do the boots
  16. Yep, they arent as snazzy (yep, I said snazzy), but the last ones are the best choice.
  17. Sometimes its an accuracy thing with on screen. Id be curious to hear what Chef thinks.
  18. It is approvable per the crl's which rule the standards. Detachment set specialist requirements, so if they exist, they are not set by the garrison. You can use the AM bucket. I'd ask the GML to confirm where that requirement is stated in the crl or where the LMO has indicated it is not allowed. Barring that, they cant deny your approval on the basis of a made-up garrison rule.
  19. For the chest to back, the biggest reason is storage. If the ront is permanently connected to the back, you cant confense as much. Dossnt mean it cant be done and zi have no problem storing my scout this way, but the fact rhat my shadow stormtrooper back plate separates from the front gives me extra space in my case.
  20. Just make sure all mods are done with the jumpsuit before adding the velcro and to triple check placement becore sewing them on. I taped mine on first to check to mske sure everything sat where I wanted both standing and sitting before I sewed the velcro on.
  21. I think I know what kind of plugs you are talking about. That is a really good idea.
  22. How much of the rivet is sticking through the boot? I actually sanded mine down on the inside using my dremel then put a foam covering over them. On the knees, I sewed velcro to my red kap suit and put it on the top inside of the knee armor so they always stay in place.
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