So, guess what. This nice new bucket I have been trying to complete, the one I paid to get its nice new paint job, I have all but ruined.
Apparently, my glue gun was hotter then I thought and it had a weird reaction with the plastic, actually sucking it in. I don't know if its the plastic, or the surface coat/sealer, but I essentially have divots all around the dome. They are very easy to see in person, but do not photograph well. I did the best I could in this pics:
The worst thing is I had already pulled a lot of items out of my other bucket so it is out of commission right now and would be difficult to get back up as well. I could sand down the bucket all over again, fill, and sand, and then get it repainted, but I would then have to pay for it all over again. I really should have fiberglassed the whole thing inside, I knew it was thin.
:( :( :( :(