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Everything posted by marktoots

  1. That's what I thought Need to modify my mold though which I'll do when I mix the silicone for the handplates molds. Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  2. I did consider that but could not work out an easy way to do it! I've got some threaded inserts on order and will give slush casting a going once I get back from holiday. I decided to start sculpting the handplates tonight. Using air drying clay as the base material on which I'll layer P38 (bondo) so that I can get the smooth finish and sharp edges Once they are finished I'll be casting them in Black silicone rubber to make them flexible. Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  3. Awesome mate. Well done Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  4. Another small milestone, I now have a complete set out of my molds I am thinking of doing a limited production run of these after I come back from holiday. Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  5. If you look at the images below you can see on the left the neck seal and on the right the boot cover. They have the same micro pattern in the material. Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  6. It looks to be the same as the gasket material but with a hem down either side and possibly across the bottom. Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  7. Modified boot description to include a level 2 Clearance description. Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  8. Yeah, that's a good idea. Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  9. Hi Greg. Great that your journey has started. An observation on the Talib boots - the Dr Martin bits on the SWCE costumes have been confirmed as the Dr Martin Jered boot which among other things has a vertical leather strip running from the heel to the top of the boot. The Talib style does not have it. There are other differences too but this is probably the only one that is visible once the armour etc is in place. I don't know about other garrisons but I know that the UKG would be concerned about this? Also the in development CRL has this vertical strip specified, but of course it is in development so can be changed. I'd be interested on what others think? Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  10. And here it is with a little bit of cleaning! I think the white residue is from the clay used in the mold making. Next on should be better Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  11. Look what just came fresh out of the mold! I was so excited I didn't even clean it up!!!!! Lol. Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  12. Another small milestone tonight. I have got the first cast from my belt box mold. Tiny bit of shrinkage on the back corners (fillable though) and a bit heavy for my liking! It had been suggested elsewhere that I should try slush casting it instead. So I give that a go and see how I get on! Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  13. Same for me Everyone loves Special Forces right, and these troopers have SF written all over them? Thanks mate, there is some great work going on with the armour. We are a small but dedicated bunch I've not been able to cast the shoulder buckles yet as I ran out of silicone for the mold but I should have some more tomorrow. I am happier with the lower d-ring casts now. There are occasionally a couple of large air bubbles on the underside of (which will be out of sight when mounted on the armour) but I have technique for dealing with them I hope to be able to supply these, along with the shoulder buckles, in due course. They will come cleaned of overspill, etc but will require finishing/painting by the purchaser. Fabric has arrived for the large belt pouches and so has the abs! Now to finish my vac former. Lol Also got some black silicone pigment as I am going to turn my attention to the handplates soon. Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  14. A little more progress tonight. I've started on the blank from which I'll form the mold for the belt boxes. Going to make them from resin as the ones on the CE dummy had some form of back plate helping to secure them to the belt so I am going to cast some wing nuts into the resin as anchor points It's intentionally deeper than the reference one as the blank has some fill lines on it, I don't want to overtop the mold! Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  15. Yeah, I started a thread about the straps here and on the R1 armour fb page asking about that. So far I have come up blank! Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  16. Sadly the profile isn't right. The Shore Trooper and Death Trooper straps have a squarer profile with much narrower gaps between the ridges. Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  17. Well it's happened! I have actually made something for this build! I did a test cast of the lower chest plate d-ring using the mold I made yesterday. I didn't get the mold to mate very well so there was a fair amount of overspill to clean off and I have a few large air bubbles on the underside, but I'm pleased with it Just need to figure out how to deal with the air bubble problem before I do it again. Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  18. Awesome work Kevin. Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  19. Have taken another look at the above photo and I now think the fabric I originally thought was part of the small pouch is actually part of the larger pouch in front. The flap of the larger pouch is off to one side. Therfore, my previous observation is probably a red herring! It has been suggested that the smaller pouch is similar to a leatherman pouch. Am interested in others thoughts? And for completeness the dimensions look to be: 120mm high X 60mm wide X ~35mm deep With a flap length of 90mm. Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  20. I have found an alternative image that has confused things. This was taken at SDCC I believe and gives a slightly clearer image of the pouch. The problem is that the lay of the fabric on the pouch is similar to the larger one which is made from duck cotton, this makes me question my first thought that the smaller pouch is leather!? I guess they could have varied the material used! Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  21. Update: From the limited photos that I have got my hands on thus pouch looks to be made of black leather with no visible stitching except maybe where the leather forming the pocket is attached to the slightly wider leather cover flap which also forms the backplate! I am unsure whether the pouch has a belt loop or is fixed directly to the belt, however I suspect it has a belt loop fitted. The cover flap is secured by a single snap fastener. Does anyone else have any thoughts?
  22. I happened to be looking over the hi-res entertainment weekly shots trying to get a better idea of the SE-14R holster and spotted something that looked odd on the left side! Only when I looked at my grainy shot did I realise!!! I hope someone comes up with something better Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  23. Belt material sample has arrived and it looks like a good match! Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
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