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501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by marktoots

  1. Done 😉 Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  2. Will do ☺ Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  3. Jim is this something you can sort out? Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  4. I'm on vacation at the moment but will be posting up when I get back ☺ Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  5. Has anyone else noticed that the sidearm on the two SWCE Death Troopers are secured differently!? Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  6. Ok. That's cool. I'm happy to stick with it 😀. I was just putting the idea out there 😉 Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  7. I did contact Shawn. I really like his SE -14R but the one on the DT has all the barrel details in place and the scope mount is different ☺ Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  8. You wouldn't need to draw it you could fire while it was on the belt! Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  9. None of the SE-14R kits that are currently available seem to have the level of detailing seem on the SWCE mannequins. So I have ordered a cheapish SE -14R kit today with a view to modifying it to match (at least on the visible side) ☺ Will provide updates when available. Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  10. I think spotting the snap fastening was a pivotal moment in my thoughts on the holster! Sad I know!!!! Anyway, I have now produced a sketch of what I think it may look like having dug around in my reference photos a bit more. I've marked one of the snaps as double sided as this maybe how the belt loop is made rather than a seam. This is an assumption based on the photo in my previous post above. Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  11. Thanks. I've been scratching my head about how it might look as well we may have to wait until the film is released to know for certain assuming they actually use de-holster the sidearm!! While having another look at it I have just spotted a snap fastener that I had previously overlooked! Meaning that the loop at the top of the holster is not continuous. It also explains the seemingly random piece of leather that is sticking out in the reference photo used in the write - up ☺ Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  12. As Barry said 😉 The real difficulty will be in getting a boot that has a similar horizontally heelless ribbed sole as this is the destinctive feature of these boots. The specific type of boot has been put at level 2 but I am wondering whether to relax the entry level requirement for the ribbed sole? The 501st should be going for accuracy where it is possible but I only know of Dr Martin's who produce boots with this sole and I don't think they do any other styles without a heel. That said that does not mean they will not do more in the future! ☺ Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  13. The Prop Den have posted these on their FB page: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1161986347199709&id=411305008934517 Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  14. Details updated Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  15. Details updated Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  16. Done. I'll start migrating info into each of the topic areas later and then try to keep the first post in each area up to date with information as it comes to light but hopefully we now have a more structured discussion area! 😊 Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  17. This thread will detail any variants to the standard Death Trooper that are seen in the film and shall be updated with any new details/information that comes to light during the research and building of this costume. Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  18. This thread will detail the specific parts of the belt of the Death Trooper and shall be updated with any new details/information that comes to light during the research and building of this costume. Belt The belt itself is made from fine fluted rubber safety matting with a triangular profile. It has 28 ribs across its width making it approximately 80 mm wide (the ribs are at 3mm centres). The belt has no visible join. It is assumed that this is hidden behind one of the pouches. One of the SWCE mannequins had black duck tape wrapped around the belt behind the rear pouch on the right side. While it is unlikely that this was the means of joining the belt in the film it does support the theory of the hidden join being behind a pouch. Belt Buckle There is a Vader style belt buckle (without the black backbox) located centrally on the front of the belt. It has an elongated "D" shape with overall dimensions of approximately 50 mm high x 110 mm long. There are four square ended graduated height coin slots cut into the left hand side of the buckle (as you look at it) but it DOES NOT have the disk that is evident on the Vader buckles. The buckle is made of brushed aluminium and is constructed of at least two layers with a total depth of 6 mm. It is believed that the top layer is 2 mm thick and has the coin slots cut straight through as high resolution images indicate that there are no tool marks on the metal exposed at the base of the slots. Pouches There are three large fabric pouches attached by belt loops to the belt: two at the front either side of the buckle (see photo above) and one on the right side of the wearer and towards the back. These pouches are constructed of black duck cotton fabric and have hard covers attached to the flaps. The pouches are believed to be approximately 170 mm high x 70 mm wide x 35 mm deep and are constructed from three panels (front, rear and one that wraps around to form the sides and base) plus the flap. The flap looks to be attached to the rear panel rather than being an intregral part. The pouches have a webbing belt loop sewn onto the rear panel. There is a fourth pouch of a different design and material located to the front left of the wearer. Clear images of this pouch have been difficult to come by but the general concensus is that it is constructed of a thick black leather with a single snap fastener on the flap. Belt Boxes There are two belt boxes of a hard construction installed on either side of the belt slightly to the rear. These have not visable mechanism for attaching them to the belt and it is assumed that they are bolted to some form of hidden plate installed on the inside face of the belt. The boxes are 70 mm square and 35 mm deep with a pertruding front panel that has a "flap/handle" at the top. Holster To the right of the wearer there is a holster for the SE-14R sidearm. It is made of black leather and is attached to the belt via a belt loop. The sidearm is held in place by a leather strap which wraps around the barrel behind the pistol grip and is secured by a snap fastener. There is a second strap with a snap fastener that either wraps around the scope or is attached to it's mount. Latest images show that the width of the strap that forms the body of the holster changes with the belt loop being approximately double the width of the main strap.
  19. This thread will detail the boots of the Death Trooper and shall be updated with any new details/information that comes to light during the research and building of this costume. Base Boot Thanks to some impressive high res photos of the boots on the SWCE Death Trooper manaquin the base boot has been confirmed as the Dr Martin "Jered" Style Padded Boot. Image thanks to Christopher Pearson. Sadly they are now out of production but there are a couple of suitable alternatives which have a similar style sole: Dr Martin "Mayer" Style Boot - It has the same sole and a similar vertical leather strip running from the heel to the top of the boot but does not have the padding. Again, it is believed that these are now out of production. Dr Martin "Talib" Style Boot - It has the same sole but like the "Mayer" some of the features on the upper are different. The current CRL requires the "Jered" for level 2 Clearance. Boot Cover
  20. This thread will detail the specific weaponry of the Death Trooper and shall be updated with any new details/information that comes to light during the research and building of this costume. Sidearm The sidearm is a SE-14R Light Repeating Blaster with the dust cover slid back. (http://starwars.wiki...peating_blaster) It has a printed circuit type detail on the underside of the block that is to the rear of the pistol grip. Blaster The standard issue blaster is a modified E-11 with a barrel extension/suppressor. It is fitted with a tactical light and a retractable stock both of which are known items: The tactical Light is a Surefire M300 Mini Scout (http://www.surefire....cout-light.html). As a costume part the original is expensive however there are Airsoft based alternatives. The retractable stock is from the ultra compact variant of the Heckler and Koch HK416 (the HK416c). As with the tactical light there are Airsoft based alternatives available. The blaster also has a "targeting laser" mounted between the barrel and the folding stock. The blaster has red and white detailing as well as being fitted with a red led lit charge indicator on the barrel between the magazine and the retractable stock. There are also red leds mounted into the plug part of the hengstler counter.
  21. This thread will detail the armour of the Death Trooper and shall be updated with any new details/information that comes to light during the research and building of this costume. Due to the complexities of the armour this post will reference further topics covering each of the individual armour parts: Shins http://forum.specops501st.com/index.php?/topic/5600-death-trooper-rou-armour-shins/
  22. This thread will detail the specific soft parts of the Death Trooper and shall be updated with any new details/information that comes to light during the research and building of this costume. Neckseal and Poncho The neckseal and attached poncho are made from the similar fabric however the first has horizontal ribs and the latter has vertical. Furthermore the neckseal has a gloss or semi-gloss finish but the poncho may have a matt finish. The horizontal ribs on the neckseal are 8mm wide matching those on the elbow and knee Gaskets, but the vertical ribs on the poncho are 6mm wide. There is evidence that the neckseal (and maybe the poucho) has a concealed vertical join at be back of the neck which is hidden by the helmet and raised neck plate on the back armour. The poncho extends from across the shoulders to under the shoulder armour and vertically down behind the cheat/back armour to a point just above the bottom of those plates so as not to be seen. Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  23. Hi all I don't know about anyone else but I am struggling to locate/keep track of everything that is being discussed and agreed about the DT costume both here within all the wips and on other social media sites. As a result I propose to create a number of topics covering various aspects of the costume in a similar manner to the Shoretrooper thread .ie. Soft Parts Armour Blaster(s) Gloves/Handplates Boots Belt Optional Extras/Heavy Gunner I know that we are currently a small but dedicated group who have a love for the DT costume but eventually others will see the light and come looking for information. Categorising it will save them having to read through all the WIP threads and other sources. It is not my intention to stop discussion of the costume from happened elsewhere, in fact I would actively encourage it. All I ask is that when there has been a major part find, a consensus reached or some of key info item obtained then the details are posted in the appropriate topic Thoughts? Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
  24. Jim (Griffin-X) posted up some nice photos last night and one has confirmed my suspicions about the D-Rings on the chestplate. The lower ones and their alignment suggested that the were not part of the armour strapping system as they are nit horizontal but rather had some other purpose. The close-up of the Death Trooper with the heavy weapon, pauldron and ammo harness shows that the strapping of the harness is attached to this lower d-ring and I suspect the upper one too! But that leads onto another question, how is the armour joined under the arms!?! Sent from my SM-G800F using Tapatalk
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