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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by Fivezero

  1. @IcyTrooper New pics are up, take a look and let me know if those will work better. Also threw in a picture of the rail detonator, will get a description written up tonight for that. Also working on getting all of the STLs together that I made for this build. Will post a link when those are uploaded. Also going to get a Jumptrooper specific supply list together for stuff like the boots, etc. for any future Jumptroopers.
  2. Not a problem @IcyTrooper, I totally understand and agree. Had some issues with the setup (the shop is a bit cramped right now). Will see what I can do to get some better pics.
  3. So here it is! STILL found a couple things to fix, but that's all to make trooping easier. @IcyTrooper @nanotek I uploaded the Front and Back shots, take a look and let me know if you need me to retake them.
  4. Alright, back at it after a few busy weeks! Thighs are together, and painted the last few pieces. I still have to get the clear parts figured out, probably going to reach out to WTF. Originally I was going to sculpt my own bucks and form my own, but I'll see if I can make the WTF parts work for me. Next part that I'll tackle is the helmet! After that I'll get the TD together and then start wiring everything up and get lights placed.
  5. Yeah don’t worry @RAIDER! Meant to post an update on my Jumptrooper thread last night… Been working on the couple fixes this past week. One more fix and the Jumptrooper should be good to go. Plan is to get the last CRL pics taken by the end of the month (got some shows coming up). Just wanted to spend a little time on this build, just to get something done on it. The parts have been laying around getting dusty…
  6. Hey, meant to post this last night but got busy and forgot… Got the Jumptrooper back out and I have been working on the last couple items to tidy up the armor this past week. (just a few fitment issues). I have one more item to address and the Jumptrooper will be good to go for the last CRL pics. We’ve got a couple military vehicle shows over the next couple weeks. After that I should have a moment to get suited up and get those pics taken. Plan is to get it done this month for sure.
  7. So been awhile, but I'm back! Been working on this trooper this past week... So here's a few pics! Got some supplies... Printed the TD awhile ago, but painted the parts over the weekend. ^ Never gets old ^ Belt, now assembled. Currently gluing the straps for the drop boxes. Tomorrow I should get the drop boxes glued on. Kidney plate rivets attached! Edge Trim! Biceps being glued together. Now they just need to be scuffed, primed and painted! And here's the armor after painting the edge trim. The paint I used dried up a bit lighter than the paint for the armor, so I will end up repainting the edge trim. Attached the ab rivets and painted the edge trim to match the armor. Also something you'll notice is I buffed all the silver parts of the armor. This helped bring out some gloss and helps give the armor the look from the game. So yeah finally got some good progress on this build. All of the torso armor is finished. Boots are done. Biceps are assembled and ready for paint. I trimmed the thighs this afternoon, hope to get those glued together tomorrow. Should finish up the belt tomorrow too. TD needs to be wired and assembled. After all that I plan to work on the helmet. And then I have to figure out the clear parts... Right now I'm getting everything ready for their individual CRL pics, after those are taken then I'll do the final assembly/strapping/wiring/lighting to finish the build.
  8. So just a little update before the weekend, everything is looking good on this blaster! As expected had a few spots to touch up on the stock and knocked those out last night. Just now got done painting everything! If you look closely at reference pictures it looks like there's some texture on the whole blaster, so I tried to replicate that. If I were to do it again I'd probably hitwith some 400 grit just to knock it down. Also not 100% on board with the green I chose, might end up mixing up my own and repainting the stock. Otherwise I should be doing the final assembly tomorrow night, painting the small details and maybe a little weathering too.
  9. Alright here's some progress pics! Finished printing everything and started assembling on Friday. Overall, everything has gone together great and with minimal effort. I've got a few things I want to tweak on some parts before I release the STLs. Anyway, I'll let the pics do the rest of the talking! So all parts have been primed! I still need to look over the stock and see if it needs some more attention. Everything else looks great and is ready for paint! Still have to find a good grey/green for the stock. But I plan to paint everything this week and hopefully do the final assembly next weekend.
  10. So been busy prepping all the parts to 3D print them and been busy printing the last couple days. If everything comes out good, I should have all the parts printed this week. I also ran out and grabbed some aluminum stock for the internal reinforcements, they've all been cut and are ready for parts. So far all the parts have come out great! Little cleanup needed where the supports were, but not a huge deal there.
  11. So here's an update on the blaster, just about done now! So I finished up the last little spots and gave it a few more coats of flat black. After the paint had some time to cure, I then "polished" it a bit with a rag. The paint is still flat but has a nice shine on the high spots and edges. Makes the details pop out a bit more. After that I gave it a quick weathering pass and then painted all the details with some metallic silver. After that I painted the scope with the same silver to mimic the look from the game. Only thing left now is to throw some clear UV resin on the scope. This week I plan to do some paint experiments to mimic the red lighting on the front of the weapon. If it works out, I'll paint this thing. Otherwise I plan to leave it as is. I will probably end up making a revised 3D model of this thing at some point, so I can stuff some lights in the front. Anyway, plan is to have the Jumptrooper finished up next weekend!
  12. Thanks guys! Yeah the jack stands are great, used them a few times for other projects. They worked great on my WWII M1A1 replica when I wrapped the wire on the tube. Anyway, I haven't touched the BF launcher in a couple weeks, was working on it while printing my Jumptrooper blaster which has taken priority. So once the Jumptrooper is finished, I'll get back on the launcher.
  13. Hey thanks guys! Yep, I want to print it out myself just to verify everything works as intended. As I mentioned, this thing should come off my printer and be ready to glue together and paint (aside from the stock). After that I'll release the files for everyone.
  14. So I'm in a bit of weapon mood right now, doing some upgrading on my armory. One of my favorite designs is the TL-50 as it appears in the new Battlefront games. I had printed one awhile ago, but decided to reprint using my new resin printer. But got kind of angry at the video game model while prepping it, so I decided to remodel it this past week. So why remodel it? Call it lessons learned from my Jumptrooper blaster... Individual parts that are easier to print, finish and assemble Internal reinforcement to tie everything together Export at higher resolution (smoother parts) So here it is! Original model on top with my new model on the bottom. 65 unique parts, with 104 total parts in the assembly. All measurements were taken from the original models with a few small tweaks. The stock (highlighted in blue) is the only thing that is being used from the original model. Since the stock is so long it will need to be split and glued together, there will be seams to be filled/sanded. So since I'm sanding it anyway, it won't be too much more work to finish it. Also I'm a little burnt out from modelling right now... Still a few things to clean up/verify and then I can start exporting the models. When I'm ready to release it, I'll post a link.
  15. Just a little update on my launcher. Been working on the launcher off and on for the last couple months. Here's some pictures. Still have to make the U-track for the front of the launcher and then paint it. So here's some pictures for you guys!
  16. Thanks guys and thanks @IcyTrooper for that list! Matches what I have so once I get the last couple things finished on the armor I'll get those taken. So here's the progress on the rail detonator. Sanded everything smooth then proceeded to work on blending the stock with the rest of the blaster. Lots of sanding and filling as always. Finally glued the grip panels on as well. A couple small spots still left to sand and it's ready for more primer and I hope to get some paint on it this weekend! Like I mentioned, I'm trying to get this done at the same time as the armor and we can call the CRL complete. After I spray the paint base coat, I plan on digging the armor out to wrap that up while the paint dries/cures. And then do the detail painting on the blaster after the armor is done.
  17. So the resin parts are fairly strong for the most part. They will take some abuse but not quite like FDM parts. So they're strong, but not quite the same for sure. I've had some edges get chipped on this blaster just removing supports or bumping it with a file. But outside of dropping it on a concrete floor, it should hold up just fine. I'll never make armor out of it for sure, and if it was something I really cared about I would probably make a mold and a urethane casting. For making detail parts, it is fantastic (originally why I got mine). This blaster is kind of a test blaster, to see how it holds up, might end up making a mold at some point. Regardless I absolutely recommend grabbing a resin printer if you're thinking about it. I found a great mic tip file on cgtrader, and here it is right out of the printer, ready for paint.
  18. Actually yes I do! But nothing with the armor... Yeah I know the other hobbies kinda took over for a minute. Anyway here's what I've been working on the last few days! Got a resin 3D printer a few weeks ago and first big project was printing out a new "Rail Detonator" and I'm loving this resin printer, so here's a few pics! Again loving this new 3D printer, it saves so much time sanding and filling compared to my FDM printers. So yeah, trying to get this thing together and then I can finish up the last couple things on the armor and then FINALLY get the last pictures that we need taken.
  19. Hey thanks guys! Already plugging away on the fixes. I plan on making up new straps for the chest/back tomorrow and might be able to get these extensions painted. Aiming to have it ready for round 2 on CRL pics.
  20. Well, we're really close now! Unfortunately didn't get a chance to do a test fit before the troop, but it overall it went well! Very comfortable for a fully armored trooper. As always, have a couple small fitment issues to fix. The big thing is the jetpack/backplate combo were sitting too high up so the jetpack was angled forward a bit too much. This also made a huge gap between the back and kidney. Simple fix, just adjust the jetpack harness, but this will create a gap between the chest and back plate. So to remedy that I'll make a filler panel to go between the two to keep that "seamless" look. So I'll get going on the fixes this week and try again for the CRL photos.
  21. Hey thanks guys! Yep definitely been itching to get back on this project! So here's what I got done yesterday. Started off by shaping the kneeplates a little bit and adding a little more curve to them with a heat gun. After that I printed some little blocks to attach them to the shins. Then measured and drilled holes for the bolts and bolted the kneeplates to the shins. Finished it off with some black paint on the back side and foam at the top of the shins. So that's the last big item for the Jumptrooper... Going to do a test fit this weekend and make any adjustments if needed, but I'm calling it done for now! Give me a couple weeks and I'll get the last CRL/approval pictures taken.
  22. Wow, been a minute... What's up Spec Ops, Fivezero checking back in... Got busy with the military vehicle hobby, actually had shows this year! And there were a LOT to go to (, but everything's done until next summer.... Had the cannon out for it's first show too... And spent a few weekends working on my Chevelle too So anyway that's the summary of where I've been and why I haven't been working on armor... well not working on 501st related armor... So I finally dug back into the Jumptrooper build this past weekend. Mainly had a lot of little things to wrap up so that it can actually be worn (not just cobbled together for CRL pictures). Lots of finalizing connections for parts and what not. Big things were I printed out these magnet adapters for the chest hose. Had to attach the pouches to the belt permanently and then attach the belt straight to the ab plate. This is me testing out the hose connections and taking some pics to see how it looked. Must have hit something on my phone as I didn't intend for it to look like this... Thought it looked neat. So that's it, getting back on the armor train. All that's left is to permanently attach the kneeplates and that should be it for the Jumptrooper. I've got a local comic con coming up, plan to wear the Jumptrooper there and get the last CRL pics taken. So we're almost there! Oh yeah been repainting the Shadow Stormtrooper too...
  23. Didn't use it on this build (yet :P). But I used Angelus Paint on my TFU Shadow boots. Very impressed with it, going to redo the Jumptrooper boots once the CRL is live. Also get some acetone to take any existing finish off the boots (be very aggressive here).
  24. Minor update from yesterday/today. Ab buttons appeared (all 100 of them...) and promptly painted them just now. Also modeled up a new TD. This will be printed in a clear plastic and I'll use the existing parts supplied with my kit to finish it off. Also note the large box that is used to attach the TD to the belt (this is present on the model). Haven't figured out how I'm going to attach it yet, but the shape is there. Game model for reference. Newly modeled TD. The actual printed pieces (tube and box).
  25. @IcyTrooper , uploaded the images to the folder. Look for "Ab New" and "Chest Hose." Let me know if those will work or if you need to retake them, thanks!
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