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Everything posted by gmrhodes13

  1. I've not heard anything, as far as I know there is still some tweaking going on
  2. I used to be the same, so many projects going at once, I've slowed down these days, a few medical issues so I normally don't take on too much, 1 big project at one time
  3. Thanks for the kind words. I'm not sure what the situation is with covid in Jim's area, you could contact him via FB and see if he is still taking orders at this time. You can order longer legs which is what I did, the fit is great and I trimmed some off as they were just a little too long. I have extra room around the ab too which I added some padding. An enjoyable build as I never worked with flexible fibreglass before. Hope to see a build thread from you soon.
  4. You can use a Philips head screwdriver first, with a slight tap it will split the post so when you next use the snap tool it will spread the post more than just using the tool on it's own. Looking good.
  5. Nice work, I agree the 7 and 8th segments should be optional at this stage with no screen references available.
  6. This is why I posted the info above, I have only seen movie references with the zip at the front. I was also told by someone that worked in the costume department that they could confirm they were at the front the same as FOTK's in TROS and also TLJ.
  7. I used elastic for most of the parts with snaps. Harness is made from nylon. Vecro for spats.
  8. They were not on the first kits and had been updated, your image is small but looks like you have the updated pieces. Although Jim added the lines they are in the wrong spot, you could fill and re-cut, they should be lower and overlap the other lines by 4 Squared off side shin box and added details Neck lip update Shin magnet closure showing how much material was left after trimming.
  9. I didn't cut any parts to make shorter BUT I did trim off some material from the sides on the shins and thighs they are just too wide. I used magnets on the insides of the shins so they lock in nicely. Make sure you try with boots on or you may trim too much and they won't go around the boot fully
  10. If you can get it on and off then it should be ok, after all approval photos will show you wearing not separate pieces
  11. Hello and welcome back, sorry to hear you had issues with Anovos, many have been in the same boat. I also have a Jim kit and have had to make some adjustments to it (you can find my build here), there are some details missing from his kit as it was produced early on. The CRL is almost ready so that should help your build. Good luck and looking forward to seeing more.
  12. I wouldn't really think there would be a lot of objections to using 1/16th's, I don't think many GML's will get out a ruler when checking applications ?
  13. Looking forward to the progress, I added similar updates to my kit, also a few others
  14. SPATS perhaps Are fitted over the base of the shin Rest looks ok
  15. Looks good. Not sure about the chocolate bars terminology.
  16. I believe Mark will be coming up with some graphics for some of the detailed areas of the costume
  17. Neck Seal Gaskets shall be ribbed and made of rubber or a shiny black material Ribs stop at the base of the neck and turns into a smooth section forming the rest of the neckline Conceals the wearer's neck Zip at the back front Neck seal zip is on the front not the back. This was also confirmed by someone who worked on set who posted in the Sithtrooper FB group
  18. Now you've got me, I don't work in inch decimals only fractions, someone else will have to check
  19. An oval recessed detail is aligned with the index finger of each glove Oval recess is matte or satin black inside measurements are correct looks good
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