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Everything posted by gmrhodes13

  1. Roger that, I pointed it out more to stop confusion with the belt differences from basic to L2, it would be hard to convert the belt if you did the basic requirement and then wanted to go L2. It is L2 in the CRL ROTJ but the actual CRL full trooper image has the correct L2 belt details as does the image of the belt
  2. The belt should not have button covers at all just rivets, nothing present in the centre of the belt either. I see the rivets for L2 but should also perhaps mention that they are aligned on the ends of the belt not in the centre like ANH TK's Sorry was not trying to derail was just pointing out that @14166photo shows 3 button covers, 45 deg cornered belt and the outside button covers are aligned centred on the end of the belt not at the belts end. Also noticed a typo in L2 The best is has tight horizontal ribbing. (Source) The belt has tight horizontal ribbing. (Source)
  3. One other thing in regards to the belt does not appear to have cover buttons just rivets, also there is no centre rivet. The width of the fabric belt is a lot narrower too much like the TKC.
  4. Late to the party but I did comment on FISD that your chest box is a little too close to your helmet and needs to come down a little, you may be able to drop the whole chest plate down Not sure if that's your latest images but shoulder bells could come in more, there is a large gap between them and chest, compare with reference images. One think I did just notice is that your shin cover strips on the rear are opening on the wrong sides, they should cover outside over inside so the gap can not be seen from the outside. Also appears the front cover strips are open and the thighs too, fronts should be glued shut? Add some paint to those ammo strip rivets also Ends of belt should be squared off, not cut angled corners. Great work so far
  5. A thread for Sith Trooper references. Some nice pics of weapons, blade and claw weapons appear to have same base/handle sections. Mega barrel F11D Although a little hard to make out it appears the circle on the backplate is only half black, and there is shoulder tabs, can't wait to see more images from SDCC One detail on the smaller figure is the inset box on the forearms are not on the inner of the box, they are on the outer. May just be one of those quirky things we see on figures from time to time TFA CRL: Forearms shall have a box on the bottom the wrist end. Each box shall have a single black square in the lower inside corner.
  6. Although a little hard to make out it appears the circle on the backplate is only half black, and there is shoulder tabs, can't wait to see more images from SDCC
  7. One detail on the smaller figure is the inset box on the forearms are not on the inner of the box, they are on the outer. May just be one of those quirky things we see on figures from time to time TFA CRL: Forearms shall have a box on the bottom the wrist end. Each box shall have a single black square in the lower inside corner. They've definitely seem to make it hard for makers to copy, how many more lines could they add, there's even lines on some of the ab boxes. Even though it won't have a TK designation I'm still keen on adding one to my costume list, about time I had a TX costume prefix. Looking forward to the progress Ready to wear armor ?
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