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Everything posted by gmrhodes13

  1. No blaster stock on this images, also no atmospheric sensor sampler head on shoulder, may have happened in editing
  2. Noticing a few details many are missing on their 3D print versions
  3. Was a very early fan edit before actual images were released, there's a few versions of GT stripes
  4. Not sure why some files I have posted don't show but when you click on them they come up, I try to save as png as it keeps details better than jpg. I do have copies of everything I have posted if any are needed to be converted to another format.
  5. Thanks guys happy to be of assistance, looking forward to seeing this CRL come together.
  6. Appears the card image and fig have a different amount of helmet lines for the sith jet trooper
  7. Sith jet trooper has same blasters as standard Sith trooper
  8. For those of us who don't have the black series fig yes, interesting description on the box Also a higher res from LFL HQ
  9. Correct, I posted that info in the sithtrooper thread
  10. Red's always a funny color depending on light and shading, I'm sticking with base red at this stage, I've been looking for any type of red rubber or silicon to match for belt and "poncho" can find quite a lot premade in china but matching that will be difficult. At the end of the day it comes down to what prop makers can use to replicate the look, well at least for basic approval anyway.
  11. Thought I had seen that shoulder bell detail before, Saw Gerrera has/had one, an atmospheric sensor sampler head
  12. There was rumours of both white and red as we have seen the white from D23, it was also mentioned in upcoming figures as a "Sith Jet Trooper" and also Disney hoodie
  13. I noticed there are a lot of details which have been mentioned were undergoing updates but images appear to be the old ones?
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