Thanks guys! All I have left is the helmet at this point. I completed the helmet that came with the kit but opted to go with a newer one from SC. So, once I have that on-hand, I'll finish it up and get this dude approved.
16. The cummerbund. This part is completed and made so the pouches can attach to the chest plate. For my TB scout, the pouches attach directly to the cummerbund. This causes issues and weighs it down. I like this change over and seems to work much better.
Hmm...I'm bald and have just about completed my Storm Commando. Plus, thanks to Izzi, I have extra parts. Maybe I'll do a Weir!
AND Scott, nice work on this one!
Congrats Nick...and so glad you can start your box party! Yes, Lexan scissors are a good choice. Some folks use a dremmel but I have always relied on a trusted pair of cutters.
Welcome to the Spec Ops site! Glad you got this worked out and are returning the Rubies armor. Although it could be modified for approval, you're better off getting a real armor kit. Take a look around the site and let us know if you need any help.
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