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Turning to the really dark side

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have you tried switching the bells around. Also have you taking the return edge in to the recess of the bells or gone straight across ? This can cause them to stick out as the edge on bicep is not sitting in bell. Another thing is the elastic round the bicep from bell is it not as tight as the other? You could stick some pics up of bells return edge so i can take a good look mate. Dont get the heat gun out they shouldn't need that.

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Thanks for the suggestions guys I really appreciate it :thanks: and.....the Anovos kit has a distinct left and right bell with a slight forward curve on the notch (more on the left than the right) so that`s not it, there`s no return edge left to trim, including the recess and the elastic are as tight as can be....I´m now thinking perhaps it`s to tight causing the bell to squeeze to hard round the bicep..hmmm....I´ll have another fitting and see...and pehaps the right bicep is somewhat twisted not allowing the bell to fall in place....

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Looking back at when its on your dummy its all sitting nice, so could be a litte tight as i expect you got a bit more muscle then that, how does it feel on ? I wouldnt worry to much mate. i found elastics need to be broken in they will find where they need to be over after a few kit ups. Ive not seen a anovos kit in person i know RS and TM have the distinctive swoosh on there suits so hard to comment.

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Sorry for jumpin in late here, crazy weekend. There is a left and right bell just like the RS.


Daniel, if you're still fighting the upper connection having to much gap you might want to switch out the elastic for Nylon webbing. Also, not sure how you made your chest to back connecting straps (and not sifting through your build to find out) but if you double up on the material and place the snap on the inner 1/3 of the material (offset, closer to your neck) that should be enough to hold back the stress.


As for the lower section of the bell, removing a good amount of the lower return edge and when doing so shape it to follow the outline of the bicep is key. Then using strong elastic on the lower section to hold the bicep tight will help keep things aligned.


Did I read somewhere you're having an issue with your biceps twisting?


Hope this helps.

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Thanks for the suggestions :yes: ....back to chest are canvas straps from trooperbay, they are quite rigid..I`m going to swap to more heavy duty elastic and try a little patience as suggested by Kylorick and if that doesn`t work then try webbing....lower bell elastic are as tight as can be and I already removed all of the return edge. The bells sit really tight on my shoulders so in order to get a perfect fit I may have to use "the heat" but that will be my last resort...I made them as big as possible (cutting outside the trim line on the sides) but I have broad shoulders.....looking at the picture, the left one is really close to the shoulder bridge and there`s still gap to the chest and looking closely you can see the edge of the bell digging into the "meat"....maybe I just have to live with some gap....The twisting bicep is not an issue per say but more me putting it on wrong I think cause the right bell didn`t stand out as much on previous fittings.....I really appreciate you guys helping me :thanks::icon_bow: (gotta run for the buss)

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Well if you have broad shoulders shoulders there's not much you can do except find larger bells. Not sure it's worth it to be honest. Your armor already looks pretty clean. If the DO here's says your good to go then there's no worries mate. :thumbsup:

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Yeah I was thinking about the FX bells, they are bigger but then it would be a mix and eehhh....don`t like that so I`ll just work with what I have...and as I said I really appreciate everyones suggestions, it`s a big part of the fun in doing this build, that you all take the time to look and help :yes:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Bought a military sniper-case for the armor, kinda proper for a stealthtrooper :yes: painted it black and pimped it out a bit , not finished yet but think it will work just fine and everything but the helmet fits nicely inside




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  • 2 months later...

hmm ya know the battle front shadow storm trooper has a cog on the chest if you were interested in keeping and getting it approved possibly....

here is the links





if not no biggy and good work on your build :D

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Thanks ^_^ and I might do it further down the road but for now I will stay Rogue :whistling:B) I`m currently waiting for 2 Brown boxes from Anovos, one for a OT TK (ANH) and one to make into a hybrid commander/shocktrooper (got the commander helmet last week and the armor should have been shipped but it got delayed..again! And..awesome Magma Trooper on your part! :salute:

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No worries yay for being rogue lol :) Well best of luck with your builds hope it all works out :P thanks my magma is my baby <3

Thanks ^_^ and I might do it further down the road but for now I will stay Rogue :whistling:B) I`m currently waiting for 2 Brown boxes from Anovos, one for a OT TK (ANH) and one to make into a hybrid commander/shocktrooper (got the commander helmet last week and the armor should have been shipped but it got delayed..again! And..awesome Magma Trooper on your part! :salute:

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