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Rocket Trooper (BF2)


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@14166 Can you upload the new helmet pics (fill size) to the dropbox that you had setup? And when you get the shins can you do the same and upload there as well?

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12 minutes ago, IcyTrooper said:

@14166 Can you upload the new helmet pics (fill size) to the dropbox that you had setup? And when you get the shins can you do the same and upload there as well?

Yes sir. I just updated that helmet in the dropbox. Did it post?

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Late to the party but I did comment on FISD that your chest box is a little too close to your helmet and needs to come down a little, you may be able to drop the whole chest plate down ;) 




Not sure if that's your latest images but shoulder bells could come in more, there is a large gap between them and chest, compare with reference images.


One think I did just notice is that your shin cover strips on the rear are opening on the wrong sides, they should cover outside over inside so the gap can not be seen from the outside.



Also appears the front cover strips are open and the thighs too, fronts should be glued shut?

xmfNUyd.pngAdd some paint to those ammo strip rivets also ;) 


Ends of belt should be squared off, not cut angled corners.

dIpD7y4.png Pshkq4c.png


Great work so far


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2 hours ago, 14166 said:

I added updated hoses. Does that picture work?

I'm not seeing them on the ALL UPDATED PICUTES VER 3 album.

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I just got a chance to look at the pics.  11 years as a TI and I have to say it looks to me like the chestplate needs to drop and that will fix most of the chest box height situation. I spend a lot of time fitting the box to the wearer when I set the armor up for my local Pilots (Im Flight leader).

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@IcyTrooper I updated the boots. 


Ill see see what I can do for the chest. 

I’ll work on the belt. 

I painted all the rivets white. 

The thighs are closed, if we bend the plastic anymore it might crack.

I’m waiting for the E6000 to dry on the lower leg and I’ll retake those pictures soon. 

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One other thing in regards to the belt does not appear to have cover buttons just rivets, also there is no centre rivet. The width of the fabric belt is a lot narrower too much like the TKC.




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3 hours ago, gmrhodes13 said:

One other thing in regards to the belt does not appear to have cover buttons just rivets, also there is no centre rivet. The width of the fabric belt is a lot narrower too much like the TKC.




All great points.  At which point we decide on what is Level 1 worthy vs. Level 2 (here we dont do Level 3).  The side rivets for example are already listed as Level 2.  Belt width would prob be an additional one in my opinion.

Center button?  That one could go either way.

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5 hours ago, Raider said:

All great points.  At which point we decide on what is Level 1 worthy vs. Level 2 (here we dont do Level 3).  The side rivets for example are already listed as Level 2.  Belt width would prob be an additional one in my opinion.

Center button?  That one could go either way.

The belt should not have button covers at all just rivets, nothing present in the centre of the belt either. I see the rivets for L2 but should also perhaps mention that they are aligned on the ends of the belt not in the centre like ANH TK's

Sorry was not trying to derail was just pointing out that @14166photo shows 3 button covers, 45 deg cornered belt and the outside button covers are aligned centred on the end of the belt not at the belts end.



Also noticed a typo in L2

The best is has tight horizontal ribbing. (Source)

The belt has tight horizontal ribbing. (Source)



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5 hours ago, gmrhodes13 said:

The belt should not have button covers at all just rivets, nothing present in the centre of the belt either. I see the rivets for L2 but should also perhaps mention that they are aligned on the ends of the belt not in the centre like ANH TK's

Sorry was not trying to derail was just pointing out that @14166photo shows 3 button covers, 45 deg cornered belt and the outside button covers are aligned centred on the end of the belt not at the belts end.



Also noticed a typo in L2

The best is has tight horizontal ribbing. (Source)

The belt has tight horizontal ribbing. (Source)



Ur good.  Not derailing. Just pointing out. Thats the process.

Essentially its more like a ROTJ belt.  No button covers.  On that CRL thats listed as an L2 requirement as are the angled corners.  I would take this to mean that they are not necessary for Level 1 approval.  We can do similar.


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9 hours ago, Raider said:

Ur good.  Not derailing. Just pointing out. Thats the process.

Essentially its more like a ROTJ belt.  No button covers.  On that CRL thats listed as an L2 requirement as are the angled corners.  I would take this to mean that they are not necessary for Level 1 approval.  We can do similar.


Roger that, I pointed it out more to stop confusion with the belt differences from basic to L2, it would be hard to convert the belt if you did the basic requirement and then wanted to go L2.  It is L2 in the CRL ROTJ but the actual CRL full trooper image has the correct L2 belt details as does the image of the belt ;) 


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  • 4 weeks later...

So a little update. We got a new belt and corrected the edges, size, and texture. 


I think lvl 2 should be a 2” belt that has the small ribbbing. 



And yes I will be painting the rivets white. 

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On 8/20/2019 at 10:23 PM, 14166 said:

So a little update. We got a new belt and corrected the edges, size, and texture. 


I think lvl 2 should be a 2” belt that has the small ribbbing. 



And yes I will be painting the rivets white. 

Sounds great and I like the ribbing suggestion (as pointed out in the reference pic a couple posts up).  I will let @Blackwatch make the text adjustment as he's been managing that.

Any other text adjustments in mind?  From what I can see we are set, but asking just in case anyone notices anything else.

I'm pinging @rickyboyblue to see where we stand w/ pictures and what we need and what we need to redo.  @IcyTrooper you still have what you compiled so far correct?

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@Raider I'll create a Google Drive shareable folder tonight for the stuff that is done. It looks like we have the following:

  • Back Armor
  • Boots
  • Bucket Backet
  • Bucket Front
  • Bucket Left
  • Bucket Right
  • Chest Armor
  • Chest Box
  • Forearms
  • Hand Plates
  • Hoses
  • Neck Seal
  • Posterior Armor (both kidney and butt plate)
  • Rocket Pack
  • Shoulder Bell Right
  • Shoulder Bell Right
  • Gloves
  • Shins
  • Thermal Detonator
  • Biceps
  • Thighs
  • Entire Costume Front
  • Entire Costume Back

The only they we are going to have to make sure is that the color of the shots all match. @rickyboyblue and I were talking about this before as the pics need to all be taken on the same day or light so that they are very similar.

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2 hours ago, IcyTrooper said:

@Raider I'll create a Google Drive shareable folder tonight for the stuff that is done. It looks like we have the following:

  • Back Armor
  • Boots
  • Bucket Backet
  • Bucket Front
  • Bucket Left
  • Bucket Right
  • Chest Armor
  • Chest Box
  • Forearms
  • Hand Plates
  • Hoses
  • Neck Seal
  • Posterior Armor (both kidney and butt plate)
  • Rocket Pack
  • Shoulder Bell Right
  • Shoulder Bell Right
  • Gloves
  • Shins
  • Thermal Detonator
  • Biceps
  • Thighs
  • Entire Costume Front
  • Entire Costume Back

The only they we are going to have to make sure is that the color of the shots all match. @rickyboyblue and I were talking about this before as the pics need to all be taken on the same day or light so that they are very similar.

Yes.  Let’s review all available shots when the google drive is available.   For consistency and accuracy.


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