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Rocket Trooper (BF2)


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10 hours ago, Blackwatch said:

This may be academic, but Im not a Tk type TX , do we have a list of kits with parts featuring overlap construction? 

I know that the following do from FISD:

  • TK - Stormtrooper: ANH Hero (at basic, not for L3)
  • TK - Stormtrooper: ANH Stunt (at basic, not for L3)
  • TK - Stormtrooper: ESB (at basic, not for L3)
  • TK - Stormtrooper: ROTJ (at basic, not for L3)
  • TK - Stormtrooper: Incinerator Trooper (required for L3)
  • TK - Stormtrooper: Shock Trooper (required for L2)
  • TK - Stormtrooper: Sky Trooper (required for L2)
  • TK - Stormtrooper: Death Trooper - TK (required for L3 on some)

They removed it from L3 if I remember right on the TK Commander on the updates.

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Ok, great that helps thanks.  I know a lot about otehr stuff but when it comes to TK armor Im not up to speed. I aplogize for not answering sooner I could see you sent a message but I was not able to respond on my phone 

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I wrote up a proposal for the backpack. Please look it over.  I know its wordy but we can trim and edit for clarification. 



troopers here is my proposal. Bear with it, its a rough draft:

Rocket Pack:


Styled after the pack as seen in the battlefront II video game. An interpretation of the pack is allowed, but screen accuracy is encouraged.

Comprised of the main pack box, fuel tank at the top of the pack and exhaust ports at the left and right bottom of the pack.

Main pack box is rectangular in shape, flat at the top and beveled at the bottom, stopping above the thermal detonator.

It is mounted to the armor backplate   “0 II “ .

The main box features a depressed center area inset  approximately ½”-7/16” deep.  The depressed area is divided into five segments. There is a horizontal line at about midway up the depression, with  three  horizontal lines dividing the upper half into equal segments.  These three equal sized segments may be weathered light grey or dirty white.

There are three circular buttons approximately ¼” to 5/16” diameter below the bottom horizontal segment line, arranged horizontally toward the right side of the depression. These are black in color.

The bottom bevel of the rocket pack features a black rectangle on the right size of the bevel, approximately 2” tall by 2.5” wide. Horizontal black lines extend to the left from the upper and lower edge of the rectangle.

The pack center box may be lightly weathered.

The rocket exhaust ports are mounted to either side of the pack center box, curved at the top and are beveled at the bottom. They are mounted ½” below the surface of the pack center box.   The bottom of the exhaust  ports feature rectangular nozzles, inset into the exhaust port, and may extend ½” below the top of the bevel. This area is weathered per the reference photos.  There are two medium to dark grey rectangles 3/4” by 2” just above the exhaust nozzles.

The left rocket nozzle has a raised rectangle approximately 2 ½” wide by four inches long.

Rocket nozzles and ports may be lighly weathered.

The fuel tanks is slightly wider overall than the backpack. The center barrel section is as wide as the center section of the main backpack box, and is mounted directly on top of it. A horizontal groove divides it into top and bottom sections.

Two truncated cones extend to the right and left side of the barrel, ending in flat depressed caps which feature raised rings inside he flattened ends. 20 grooved depressions are seen near the ends of the tank. The outermost part of the caps  are painted light to medium grey.  The back side of the tank features two vertical oblong depressions 3/8” by 1.5” long, painted a light orange / peach color.  This is not the same color used on the helmet and shoulderbell.

The fuel tank may be supported by plastic structure as seen in reference material to help hold it stable.


Level 2

The backpack is as close to screen accurate as possible.

The black rectangle and horizontal lines in the lower bevel of the rocket pack may be made of separate individual plates instead of black lines to represent the separations.

Tank end cap layout should match reference photos as closely as possible.


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On 1/31/2019 at 9:41 PM, IcyTrooper said:

@Raider Yep I agree with what you said ? 

I have added a few details below but I feel like I may have gone to crazy. I think some of the crazier stuff we could move to L2 or L3 (like LED's and smoke, etc.)

  • Styled after the pack as seen in the Battlefront II video game.
  • A loose interpretation is allowed, but screen accuracy is encouraged.
  • Comprised of main box and fuel tank at the top of the pack that creates the look of a "T" and exhaust sections on the left and right bottom of the pack.
    • Main box which is the base of the T will have a recessed section with 3 indents/strips of the same size and width followed by 3 black circles below the lowest of 3 idents/strips. There will also be 3 indents/strips that are black at the bottom of this main box with a silver rectangle offset to the right of the middle-most black indent/strip.
    • The fuel tank at the top will have a raised center section with lips on each end and a seam in the middle that goes through recessed elongated slots that are illuminated or painted orange. Connecting to this center section are two identical caps on each end with evenly spaced recessed elongated slots around each end cap (8 should be visible when looking from the back) follow by a silver/grey circular lip at the end facing outwards. On the inside of each circular end cap there are 3 separate raised circular greeblies that are silver and arranged as per the reference photos.
    • The left and right exhaust sections are similar with visible seams where the edges join. There is a black/silver stripe at the bottom of each section port in the center just before the actual exhaust ports themselves. At the bottom of the exhaust section is an actual exhaust port greeblie that is black and recessed inside each exhaust section. A silver rectangle is present on left exhaust section only and goes the length of the flat section before the curves and slants of the exhaust section.
  • Pack attaches to the O II portion of the back armor via a raised section.

@IcyTrooper Got it.  Thank you!  I'd like to read it a few more times.  Overall we are on the right track.  Probably need to simplify a bit or break into different pieces so verbiage isn't unclear.  Need to read it when I'm not tired and can think straight lol.

Here we don't typically do L3…not saying we can't ever…just a heads up.

Oh…and I did finally see that overlap method used this weekend on a set of 850 Deathtrooper forearms.  Got it now.

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@izzi requesting pack shots to gauge size/proportions of the pack in relation to the trooper?  I will see if I can get my son to find the disc and hop on the game to get a straight on back.

@Blackwatch you just posted your response lololol.  I'll read that through as well in comparison w/ Icy's.  Thank you both.

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@Raider haha yep I figured it would have to be broken up some more because I felt like I got a little wordy! L2 and no L3 actually makes it a heck of a lot easier so that is cool. ? I like the description by @Blackwatch too.

That overlap method is pretty neat once you see it in action and the pieces are designed for it. That tank trooper I did which is pretty much a combo between shoretrooper and death trooper was my first time doing overlap. I can see how it wouldn't work on other kits if the mold wasn't designed to produce plastic with the ability to overlap.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know mines wordy but we can hack it down. Im sure theres other ways of saying it too.  Its not a super complicated pack, but it has wierd shapes that have to be defined. 

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2 hours ago, 14166 said:

Awesome! Can’t wait to get this CRL rolling!

Waiting for terms to switch over so new CRL team can begin work (though several members are carryovers).  Post Mar. 1 we can hit it.

While we wait, can we get thoughts on what @izzi brought up...the size of the pack itself when compared to the reference pics (note the top cylinder's positioning in relation to the trooper)?

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Sorry I didn't get back to this, slipped my mind after I asked about the other pics and liked them ?

Proportions seem interesting.

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Yeah that is what I'm seeing. I personally think that proportionally it looks ok but I'm not CRL team-six. On the video game image it seems like the pack is a little smaller and the fuel canister tank is a little smaller as it is below the helmet or to the neck area, but I think that is getting really technical and may be a video game illusion.

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It looks considerably smaller and doesnt seem to pass above the bottom rim of the helmet

The pack itself is flush to the back as well. Curious...how do u have that attached?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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To me, it looks like the canister is just a bit big in my pack.



I have it screwed into the back plate. The space on the pack didn’t have enough depth to be flush for the O II.

It probably weighs like 4lb’s. I could try cutting out the O II and using earth magnets?

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I have the 3D model for this trooper (been thinking about building this one) and I can get it scaled correctly and I can get measurements of the parts in question, if you guys want or need it. :D



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