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Note to start, using this as the start of the build thread, got contact going with Walt's Trooper Factory to figure out the source for the armor/helmet. No pictures yet, will update with such once I get started.5 points
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my armor maker sent me a bit plastic plate to cut to fit to make the bridge. it should match sheen etc for the two components. It can be seen mostl from behind as Del walks by the viewers perspective. A heavy duty slab of velcro would hold it in place thats how my local Idens is put together, shes got heavy duty 2 inch velcro front and back to close it up.3 points
Hello, in order to have the shields and baton holster included in the CRL, I would like to open a conversation to achieve it. After watching the episode several times, mainly to obtain the appropriate screenshots, there are a couple of things that stand out to me, as I am sure to many of you. The first of all is that they received advice regarding the use of the different items and how the stunts had to act as riot police. What's more, due to the high "physical" and action content of the episode,even though they are acting, the shields received a harsh treatment and they probably also had received advice regarding the materials and props necessary to give credibility to the scene. In order to have a professional point of view regarding this matter, I have requested opinions from professionals in the police field, and they agree that due to positioning, use of containment tactics, withdrawal and arrest, the stunts have been minimally trained. Regarding as it seems to be ,the material used, both, the holster of the extendable baton and the large shields, maybe it is material for police use, minimally modified to give a "star wars" appearance, as usual ,or custom made meeting the approximate specifications and standards of this kind of pólice material. I have received information about measurements, shapes and materials from various sources... and also carried out searches , what is more I was lucky enought to carry some. https://www.nidec.es/es/escudos-antidisturbios Regarding the baton holster, it is a small item with very little visual impact on the screen so it shouldn't have been very complicated to go for something simple. Several of the riot police who I´d shared the screenshots agreed that it was probably a simple glove holder. Sample: https://www.desenfunda.com/porta-guante-giratorio-en-cuero-parabellum-95165-pa-95165-209699.html?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiApsm7BhBZEiwAvIu2Xy2Ka5lGoW-2lLydRs9xaMAEuJcVEEY3-O7PXiZlhUItskAKjFS7YhoCWIoQAvD_BwE&utm_source=adtraction&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=adtraction&at_gd=90C7B9B01E546FEAAEDFD926DACA08011DCA9775 To me it seems like that, is very common and easy to obtain police equipment ,or maybe custom made as I said. There are very few clear shots of this item since it is a black item on a black background...in motion...in fact the closest and clearest one we have is during the confrontation , of one belt falling.... SCREENSHOTS: The shield is more complicated , they are objects of great visual impact, close-up filming and surely in the storyboard they were well represented, also on a practical level it is an action scene and should withstand harsh filming conditions. SEE HOW IT BENDS An item with these characteristics must be based on a real model or a real one. I would consider various options: A/Produce the item from scratch in the prop department , or request it to be manufactured and give it the final finish in the studio. B/Buy items with similar characteristics to those needed and modify them until their final form , ¿Second-hand police equipment?. C/Search the studio's wardrobe and props collection for the items they need and modify them ,a fairly common thing. As I have already indicated, after watching the episode several times, I highly doubt that they are resin cast (a common in shields), they receive an amount of "damage" that brings them closer to modified real shields or shields built from scratch but with the same materials than a real one ,in short, we are talking about plastics. After having reached the final design, they can easily have ordered the necessary sheets from any company that works with polycarbonate, with the shape cut, folded, and the geometric pattern already milled or engraved. Doing the finish painting and putting the handles in the studio's prop workshop , regarding whether this can be done. I have also been talking about it with an advertising printing production technician , and he let me know that any large format printing press company dedicated to advertising , usually has the necessary machines for die cutting, bending and machining, methacrylates, ABS, forex, polycarbonate, etc... .. https://www.brettmartin.com/images/default-source/plastic-sheets/industry-case-study-images/application-spotlight-images/fabrication-spotlight-1-police-riot-shield-600x350536b1923-1dd9-4445-9b6d-885aaeced6c2.jpg?sfvrsn=61fcc077_15 https://www.brettmartin.com/ Obviously it's my opinion and I'm opening this thread to get more points of view, it would be great to have first hand information from someone who was on set. there are 16 large shields and 4 small shields. The width of the front part seems to be the same measurement, however on the large shield the "wings" seem larger and with fewer degrees. The height of the small shield seems to be the size of the large one WITHOUT the "window", in such a way that the geometric shape could use the same template for both, adding the small "wiew slot". Using chatgpt ,with the measuraments of the my buckle as a reference of a real item and superimposing a layer on the most complete photographs and then leaving only that layer: SCREENSHOTS: On the back there are not many screenshots available, but there are enough of the support elements that must be assumed common for the two shields and it is clearly seen that apart from the handles, the foam/forex, are painted in black. the handles on the left look like a kayak ones: https://www.amazon.com/-/es/Kayaks-correas-moldeadas-extremo-paquete/dp/B009DF8PIC/ref=sr_1_4?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.ivbQnwpozrpCiX3bxGAUn0wgZhqjR4H_M-x6sGJMUiVqRSo2GZDHX0xF_i6fSJmKpepCtL4xZ-WLMyQDFSTrPcDVF9_1e2XMdSST5nvEzfznmLIf29eAJR1P3efXh_jPah9Qg8Sme4I_TPbzR5YlcXRrGvU3k-HkIAghdAvmYkEPImuqXJ8qYxjk3ZnBi0BlOzMBT52gdbbY3yN-q7cSOfpPu-rmqA0ZGMvvPUyNJxEBoxtQCDb0xI4Xs4asELSP26DypOUCzQxQ6InxVcmYkFtN_-QgBKA4jN8AFfB12d93IWMRdOJ9xsQgqI7fAsXetMiebpXfcce1skwmec4NBTXoz60J6CadTskQZzCv1uFijx6NOAFWonHen8V-xPt1G0woIbWQMR7LJw0mSPnerXuASiGdv-E1w0_8RdEyNzCrBg8dpRcBVrjkF9IoeXLn.q3yknZ7_RJ51Pkv74CypE2oe4UyrNyPEK4TDk3KRx_Y&dib_tag=se&keywords=kayak+handles&qid=1737135103&sr=8-4 The handles on the right look something like this : https://www.amazon.com/-/es/tiradores-cuadrados-plástico-gabinete-equipaje/dp/B07YCGWBBM/ref=sr_1_8?__mk_es_US=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=18TZLCQZITBKI&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.J59q79WhD6nDUH7LKN6CJ549WYEBc8zn0N6e3POaGcizcZTvXsCKAVIJiakJdMwtrZFjHyAiVICToRIjon972qukfr1tNz2G3Q1ff11GJRrgaExsafiyT-0Cvzp-M7R8CVBgxh9LVjK6VRlkmmZB-M7hLGYWAZAhfOF8tuOuoJkk6RYFY_p4lvOUaVZ-Clc2DncE9b17YymM6hcq4_nEhR_iOKJDbIrWsFmOs752a9RglTNzzpLYRLFTqa3VReisCUQrbUXYGC_9PvA1Wn4NSqPfT4ENMdtgi1QYiQWm0xnrv2Pji4Dtch9kKuuP_fmfVqjt-p5pSrqArtroodHXiKDahpgiWCy4VqBVJcT3BEGXBc6Y_uvoa-nFhVXR7fp7ciUMPvCJ-ogbXt2GtZqRZc6b4dZTHJ7rRpNKoNY66qEEPTz2eDwVKm2n0BAtQYzX.arjk57vTrwMOmFVQSro4ycKmQAmzlBtXyx7MZWxP4WM&dib_tag=se&keywords=plastic+black+handles&qid=1737135532&sprefix=plastic+black+handles%2Caps%2C165&sr=8-8 SCREENSHOTS: EDGES AND MAYBE LAYERS? In my opinion they are two constructions of 2 millimeter polycarbonate or something similar, composed of two layers. One of the layers (the one on the back) with the high-density foam/forex supports, with the handles attached ,another layer (the one on the front) with the engraving, the two layers attached with glue and painted black. In the case of the large shield and since it is the first line, everything is also joined together by the 4 screws that can be seen. I await your ideas and/or opinions. As soon as we agree on some measurements and some details, I can make them.I have embedded the photos in the forum to the best of my ability/knowledge.Sorry for my use of English, I hope all the text is understandable, I'm a little rusty. If the moderators consider it appropriate to move this post to another thread, let them do so. Likewise, I can provide moderators access to a folder with the screenshots in case they consider it appropriate to upload them to the thread. Greetings.3 points
WIP on the shields. I've one real and used shield that a friend gave me, saving it from going to waste ,It was quite deteriorated due to its use in practice but I am using it to do painting tests and visual comparisons of the grades of the side "wings". Regarding the holster, in the photo it is mounted on a belt section, as soon as I have a moment I will do a fit test with the belt and the baton + photo3 points
Similar to Ryan, I use military helmet padding. I've gotten what Ryan's linked which works great, but after some testing i personally preferred these: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0C5CKP597?ie=UTF8&th=1 Either would work great, imo.3 points
Thanks! I'll talk with the GML who will be handling my submission and let them know your thoughts. I appreciate it!3 points
@RAIDER thank you bud. I hadn't attached it and won't. Earlier in the thread we were unclear whether it referred to the greeblie, or the "thin line decal" that passes over the tank. (I accidently broke my tank greeblie and would have had to print a new one, so this is good news!)3 points
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some work before the freeze sets in. I got my pipes set and sanded the hell out of this print and welded the parts of the forward scope assmbly together. Its at the final putty round now, heavy application to make it "rounder". February Update:3 points
With the Del Meeko CRL in use since 2021, we are opening a new discussion topic for change proposals. As with all CRLs and CRL changes we will clear and lock one part at a time. We will not hopsoth all over the place to your particular favorite thing you want to talk about. We will start at the helmet and work to the boots, clearing one item at a time until the Detachment feels it is ready to submit to the LMO for change review. https://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:TX_Inferno_Squad-Del_Meeko2 points
@IcyTrooper I ordered a silver lens from TrooperBay at the same time (for the Shadow Scout), and had tried putting that in behind...It improves things, but is perhaps too dark. Ordered several pairs of cheap red and mirrored lens ski goggles that are flexible, we'll see how that works out... Completed the bondo, put on two coats of primer... and then the bondo raised in 3 small and 1 large chip and flaked off (at really weird places on the top and back ridge of the crown, where I haven't worked for days...) It's been -20 to -24ish C here and I have an uninsulated garage, so I imagine that was temperature flux (wet sanding indoors and then painting it outdoors too quickly... (?) I think I didn't sand enough of the shiny layer off the helmet around the trapezoids on the back, as the primer dried but left a weird lightning bolts / 'crows' feet' pattern... sanded it off and will move to acetone/bondo paint, I think.2 points
Got the poncho and scarf ordered, those were relatively easy to find. And found out jimmiroquai is still selling, so slowly getting the funds together on that part.2 points
Have you tried putting a tinting film on the backside of it? That can usually darken it for you.2 points
Like David mine relies on Velcro. A couple of very large pieces on the inside of each side of the front and back plates, and then a thin strip on the front edges of each of the connecting panels. They're not holding any weight, they just need to sit in place, so thankfully it doesn't take too much to hold them.2 points
That was my bad on my end. I tried doing it from my phone and it said no lol2 points
OK so assuming my coveralls from herotekX fit, the only thing I'm missing at this point for approval is boots! However every link/thread on here talking about them is YEARS out of date, so practically any boots they list are either out of production or at best around in limited quantity/sizes and because of that I was having a REALLY hard time finding any boots that fit the criteria AND ME! But after some searching and a bit of back and forth running a couple different boots past my garrison GML, he did find one pair online from JCPenny that he said would work WITH A LITTLE MODIFICATION! The Frye and Co. Mens Orson Flat Heel Motorcycle Boots My GML recommended that these would work provided the ridiculous buckle/strapping AND the top loop was cut away as cleanly as possible. He even marked out where/what to cut for me, so I'm gonna pass those images along on here so hopefully this will help anyone else like me who is trying to put an IAT together at present.2 points
Sorry for the delay - I had to dig my secondhand Walt's kit out of the WIP bins. The greeblies have been attached on mine (separate pieces, not part of the vacuum-form). The guy that I bought the kit from didn't mention having to source any parts, so I'm guessing that the greeblies were included along with the printed inserts for the back. [img]https://i.imgur.com/nv8YcVr.jpeg[/img]2 points
Whats this? Am no deid! Clearly I'm not, and neither is this build. Basically I've been spending the last months trying (and failing) to get that indent done. The original plan was to just use a rotary tool and carve the indent out, and to skip the unneccesary baggage of the attempt, it didn't work well enough Note the rather crunchy looking result. Anyways, fill it in and try again. This time after asking some friends in the garrison I went for using an older soldering iron to burn the indent in, but also using half a large washer as a guide. Hot glue the wsher down, heat the iron up, then draw the indent on. Easy right? Yeah, this took multiple attempts, I kept filling it in, regluing the washer down, re-burning the grove, prime, sand, and repeat the process. Eventually I got it to this level which I think looks "acceptable. I can see some imperfections on it which I may be able to fix with sandpaper and some more filler applied with a toothpick Honestly this was hard, but does show it can be done, but better just to have the indent on the piece from the start. Other things to mention just without pictures. I got a 3D printed kit for an E-10 that I've also been slowly chipping away at, and I ordered the soft parts from Jim Tripon. Photo's of that caming soon.2 points
David summed it up exactly. The CRL gives you the choice of attaching the upper part of the pouches to the rear strap of the tac-vest, or the bottom edge of the pouches to the overbelt. Personally, I have loops attached to the rear of my scout pouches, and simply thread the tac-vest strap through those loops each time to let the pouches hang down from them.2 points
Rick I spent a lot of time on that topic today. When we were writing the CRL the game images show it being hung by the lower leather srap on the tac rig. That will jus pull it down, however its accurate. Anton got us a ton of screengrabs that clearly show this. its allowed to hang from the bottom edge overbelt at your discretion which will be fine for L1, but the game images do show it hanging from the strap. I know thats going to be an issue.2 points
Agreed! Ive been doing this since 2008 and I have a LOT of helmets. Different types that wear differently. I have used the second type of pads that have the pieces joined together. black Catarpillar knee pads hot glued into the helmet hard hat suspension system with a snap back (not the knob type adjustment) bump caps but down to fit inside a helmet and velcroed in the traditional foam cloverleaf hth2 points
Hey all! I need some advice. I'm working on a Del Meeko build and have run into a snag involving the belt. I know the two "scout" patches are to go on either side of the thermal detonator, but looking at my existing setup on my Biker Scout... I have all of like an inch of room between the ends of the belt and the detonator. I can maybe gain an inch of space if I drop the belt further down my hips, and a bit more if I cut the detonator down a bit, but short of custom making my own belt (which I would rather not 3D print one) I'm not quite sure what to do in this instance. Any thoughts or suggestions? Reference picture, my old Scout submission photo showing the complete lack of space.2 points
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I have finished the mold for the leg today, and I will start vacuum testing and installation tomorrow.2 points
Alright everyone due to some health complications and some things in my life I haven’t been around to post but I did in fact get my kit completed and approved. I attended my first troop last Saturday and it was a great success. Thank you everyone. I’ll post pictures soon.2 points
Chest printed pretty well, need to clean up the lines where I welded them the pieces together but all in all I think the fit is good.2 points
2 points
Outstanding work mate! Looking forward to troop with you (and your shield) again :)2 points
Perfect! I also printed the shoulder straps in TPU at 0.12 and it came out well, I think with a quick coat of filler it should be easy approval Ill post photos of it shortly. currently working on building the DLT19X2 points
https://databank.501st.com/databank/File:Tx_shadow_scout_back_greeblie.jpg @Aesmodan if you look at the top panel you can see there is no greeblie. It is flat on top of the tank.2 points
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Nice find! Thanks for sharing with everyone. Boots were a sticking point for mine as well.1 point
Hi @ruby I've have an IAT Andor & as I'm based in Ireland, I sourced both the armour & soft parts from Jim Ttipon in Singapore. Perhaps some of the US based people here can suggest a source closer to home for you. Have a check through some of the build threads here - there's a great source of information.1 point
That is a tricky one! I can however think of one possible solution that might satisfy the text of the CRL. The scout pouches can either be attached to the overbelt *or* to the rear strap of the chest rig (which usually sits a couple of inches above the overbelt). If you attach your pouches to the chest rig strap, this might let you position them either side of the detonator (as required by the CRL), but hanging down *over* the ends of the overbelt (instead of hanging between the detonator and belt,where you don't have the space!). This isn't *technically* how Del wears them, but neither is it specifically prohibited in the CRL text. Given that your only other solution would be to source a drastically undersized belt and/or an undersized detonator, I think this would be a fair compromise. However please reach out to your local GML to chat about this and see if they would be happy to clear the costume like this. If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to let me know. Good luck!1 point
That is a very similar chest rig to Del's, and I know a lot of the early clearances used that exact rig. Just keep a close eye on the CRL text if you go with it, as there are some key differences which will necessitate some modifications.1 point
Hallo Habe jetzt alle Teile abgegossen und festgestellt das es mehr als 300 Teile sind bis das Kostüm fertig ist. Werde mein Projekt wohl DARK 3.0 nennen 😉 . Aber mit den Gelenken funktioniert einwandfrei und es wird langsam. Viele Grüße aus Germany https://imgur.com/GSYpvao https://imgur.com/EzuHDfn1 point
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Im knees deep in my own! Im glad to see this wip! I held a Wampawear inferno / Iden suit today and its very soft/ light/ non structured. Im very curious how your crow suit will be. I orderd a Jim Tripon suit last night for my own build, and ill be evaluating that suit once I get it. Thanks so much for posting, we need more Dels!1 point
Unfortunately, my Scout Boots were awful and need some major rework so I put the project on hold for a week. Today was just a trial to see how things look together so no Balaclava/gloves/detonator/shoes(lol) but things are looking pretty good. Once the boots are done, I'll do another suit up correctly. I know I blend right into the tree behind me, but trust me, I'm in the photos.1 point
Since my approval years ago I see that the CRL changed and update the TU for the helmet. I searched around and found the WTF was able to provide one for me...but it's awful. The quality of the resin case was very bad and the scale seemed off compared to the CRL photos.... So I've modeled my own for 3d printing and I'm giving the files away. If you spot any glaring inaccuracies, I'm willing to try to fix it or share the fusion source. Merry Christmas! nocjef TX66667 IATCommUnit.3mf1 point
These are the attachments of the thighs, and their performance is also good.1 point
Some molds are ready, I will conduct some vacuum tests tomorrow. This is a comparison between the old mold and the new mold.1 point
The arm mold has been completed and is currently being produced.1 point