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Darth Emphatic

Detachment Web Master[CMD-DWM]
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Everything posted by Darth Emphatic

  1. Awesome. Looks amazing and a great cause!
  2. Congrats! Great feeling getting that final approval, isn't it?
  3. So nice and clean armor pieces. Looking good!
  4. Good scissors, a dremel can be useful, E-6000 if you don't already have some. Have an undersuit yet? Boots? Gloves? Lots to hunt for in the mean time.
  5. Don't worry, soon enough you will be chopping plastic like it aint no thang. It is scary at first, but you'll get the hang of it as you go. Definitely nice to practice on some spare pieces first.
  6. That looks killer! Can you make me one next?
  7. Yep, pretty much the same process. Get some armor, make it spiffy, and submit it. Will help you along the way. Which specific TX are you thinking about doing?
  8. Looks like kind of a leaning stitch, lol.
  9. Or a really nice trooper might be able to buy it in the US and then ship it to you. Let me know if that is your only option.
  10. Nice work, Jim. It looks great. If you can, please also send the pics to Jim (griffinx) and I, we can get them to the LMO for the CRL.
  11. Humidity and paint do not mix Hope it all game out ok.
  12. Try and fit it as close as you can without rubbing and it should follow the curvature of the cod. The CRL image shows this pretty well: Knees usually rest about halfway across the knee cap and hit just above the kneecap when bent. The photo above can be used as a reference again.
  13. Nicely done, Scott. You've joined a whole new world and look at that black armor shine!
  14. When are you going to start hosing classes (in Cali) on this stuff?
  15. I agree, much cleaner on the second. I think you'll need to shore up some of the symmetry, but this is really taking shape.
  16. I tested the main post links and they still work, so it is likely a user posted suggestion.
  17. Let me know if you don't hear from scootch; I can hit him up on Facebook.
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