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Darth Emphatic

Detachment Web Master[CMD-DWM]
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Everything posted by Darth Emphatic

  1. Either way works, major price difference?
  2. Webbing looks a little funny to me. Not a huge deal, but a little different from most of the boots we wear.
  3. We can just argue that it works just like the Palm/HP Touchstone...
  4. There were only two things I noticed, BH pointed out the butt plate and then if you can tighten the bottoms of the thighs at all while still keeping them lined up (I was able to do this with my FX using angled cuts) it would help that gaping. Overall, great job man!
  5. Chestplate looks a modded FX, same way I just did mine.
  6. Now I just need to see if I got screw it up re-adding the return edge back on. The edge is needed necessarily, but it creates a much better look.
  7. Here is my reshaped FX chestplate. Still need to add the return edge back on it using my hobby iron. What do you think? To compare, this is what the FX looks like unmodded:
  8. Nice paint job, very impressive.
  9. Very cool. Some more step by step with photos would be awesome. I do have an upper body duct-tape mannequin I had the wife help me do, but I haven't fully filled it yet. I made it to help me work on my starkiller.
  10. Seems like its just attached a little low on the clips so much more of the clip is showing. Great work, by the way.
  11. Seriously. Great info, but would absolutely love to see it if possible.
  12. Gotta love shiny new armor. Looking good so far.
  13. If the kit needs to be trimmed down, there are always ways to add a return edge back on to the armor. I am doing this right now with my kit as I am trimming down various pieces.
  14. All really good info and congrats on the job. You are a lucky one and I am sure you worked hard to get there. Either way, I will be excited to see what comes out of this. I know many people that would be happy to shell $xxx to buy something ready to go. I will say, I don't believe there is any such thing as take it out of the box and wear it. How would you handle various sizing issues. We are all different sizes. Some tall and skinny some short and broad, some tall and broad, short and skinny, you get the idea.
  15. Nice work, man. The skill of some people truly amazes me.
  16. Have you taken a picture of the back plate when you pull your chest armor down? Need to make sure those remain balanced. Side elastic will help a lot.
  17. My only concern so far is the chest plate, it looks like it might have a hard time consistently overlapping the ab plate.
  18. So, you didnt just double up, you tripled up
  19. Hardest part of a tie as well so I am sure they can relate.
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