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Everything posted by IcyTrooper

  1. Excellent! I can see why we would want to keep it though, it is a pretty integral part of the costume so I can't see it being L2. I'm fine with L1 including illumination for the panel and then we can perhaps bypass the L2 requirements all together.
  2. First of all, I'd like to thank @RAIDER for getting me back onto this and assisting with this. I would like to apologize to @darthRivera for the lag in this, short of any excuses I've had some real world issues that have set me back away from costuming duties but I'm almost out of the water. The pandemic hasn't been kind to my job (as most people haven't either). That being said, let's keep it moving! I will make this a high priority on my end. Now onto this CRL!: Biceps - Text looks good to me, I'd make a motion to finalize it so that I can include it in the first post as the finalized text. Bicep pouch - Text looks good to me, I added zoomed in/isolated reference photos to Raider's post. One thing to think of for the pouch would be to add that the snap on that pouch is black. For the rivet I think we should just call it a snap and state that it doesn't not need to be functional in it. We should also put something in there that if there is any stitching it is black. That is similar to the requirements that they have in FISD with pouches on the HWT. Forearms - Text looks good to me, I'd make a motion to finalize it so that I can include it in the first post as the finalized text. Compad - That text looks good actually! Not sure we need any L2 stuff on it. Unless we keep it painted as a color for blue light blue for L1 and make the lit part a requirement for L2, just thinking of availability of parts. What do you think? I also updated the first post to have the added sections for this costume (e.g. bicep couch and forearm compad).
  3. Hello! I'm a tall trooper as well, I'm close to 6' 3" so I'd definitely recommend dropping those thighs a little bit. We are going to have a gap regardless but we can at least minimize it a bit How you had it here was very good:
  4. Hello, Kyle! You can probably do a combination of cheating the chest down as well as the ab plate up. If you heat mold the part closest to the shoulders you can sometimes use the fuller length of the shoulder straps to get a few more more distance on it. The biggest part is you don't want to see a gap between the ab plate and the chest plate. The cod piece you'll probably want just enough to go about a 1/4 of an inch around the goods. Do you have a Walt kit?
  5. @Dropkick Shane, I may not have a source for EU paint but I'd say look for something that is oil-based. It should stick to latex better than acrylic.
  6. Moving right on along. The color on the belt looks really good.
  7. I'd say that turned out well on the paint! It has a metal look to it, I like it.
  8. FYI, the following text was added to the helmet CRL: The vocoder is it's own separate greeblie with distinct tubes, not bumps molded into the helmet. This will align the helmets with the rest of the Inferno Squad CRLs.
  9. I think the part we are seeing is usually the ridge on the chest goes all the way to the neck, at least that is what I'm used to seeing with ROTJ TB's. The bicep stuff looks fine to me. Ultimately, the GML will be the one reviewing it and approving or not approving, so it is good that you are checking with them!
  10. Looking pretty darn good from what I can see so far. I'd see if you can bring the chest piece down a smidge in the front so that there isn't a gap between the ab plate and the chest plate.
  11. I can't see anything that you have missed in that list.
  12. Very nice!! I understand how that feels about making a mistake and the intuition. It is all a learning experience and just think of the knowledge you just gained! You'll also know how to fix it in the future as well if something breaks or rips, etc. and that is a big plus.
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