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Everything posted by gmrhodes13

  1. Variant Black Series Sithtrooper available at D23 also from Hasbro September 4th and no doubt what we will see in stores for Triple Force Friday October 4th
  2. A couple of merch items. Also a Tshirt with information on who the Sithtroopers work for Spoilers ahead
  3. Agreed there are quite a few differences from the toys, hopefully we'll get another trailer soon
  4. Their helmets sat up quite high too, looks a little weird the way the neck seal angles to the chin, I suppose the neck seasl could have been a little large.
  5. Be easier to sit in than most armor ? I noticed one of the floor troopers had a very bendy shoulder strap
  6. This one took a while, doesn't help when your image software crashes just as you are about to finish , short gaskets, very little rear details can be seen, the Hot Toys appear to be angled but the stage and floor troopers appear straight on front. Although I did find one image from the stage trooper with some horizontal lines in the top right corner, nothing there on the floor troopers though.
  7. There are a couple of things with the shoulder gaskets, at the top of the shoulders you can see on both the stage and floor troopers that the flat side section of the gaskets is being pulled out, I believe this is because of the arms pulling the gaskets down, they are also bunching up under the armpit. I have a rough idea how the angle should be on the shoulder gasket compared to the FOTK. Now I've done a real rough edit but if you pull the arm upwards the gasket appears to follow the angles of the chest lines, which is how I think it was supposed to work and not be pulled outward and downwards.
  8. A quick overlay of the F11's, there are a few differences and some glock references
  9. There are a few us out there who collect Lego and many wouldn't have been able to purchase the SDCC exclusive Lego Sith Trooper Bust, so for anyone with a lot of red and black Lego looking to make one you can download instructions here: https://www.lego.com/biassets/bi/6294948.pdf
  10. I think it's on the back of the shoulder straps, the straps appear part of the front chest/sides. Some images of the separation.
  11. Sounds like a good idea. 3 components as a group but 5 actual pieces. 1 Chest - consisting of 2 parts x chest/sides and 1 x centre section 1 Back/yoke 1 poncho I'm still looking into the shoulder straps, they appear to be on the front chest sections and go into blocks on the top of the backplate, there are clear separations there.
  12. Full armor with centre chest section and no poncho or small squares details
  13. Interesting read on MSW POSSIBLE SPOILERS AHEAD https://makingstarwars.net/2019/07/the-sith-fleet-the-super-weapon-and-what-it-means-in-star-wars-the-rise-of-skywalker/
  14. I did notice that, it was next on my hit list, can see it further around the ab too and I thought the same to keep the belt from going upwards. Yes and no, I think the neck and back section is "poncho" for sure but the front centre section between the chest I believe is still an armor piece which fits on to the back of the chest/side pieces and goes over the "poncho", that section is seen separately on the chest in the stage video, also if you look at the image below it is not in center alignment with the "poncho" neck details. as the chest section is off centre it should be trying to push the poncho into the same alignment and there is no bunching. There is also a gap between that centre chest section and the "poncho"
  15. No join between chest and sides, could be one piece (per side) with only the back plate and mid chest section holding the sides together.
  16. I think this image definitively shows the detailed small squares section around the front of the neck is not attached to the chest, it is in fact behind and part of the "poncho" "gasket". Notice the trooper on the right his chest is not central to the detailed section behind. Also the chest is up higher on the first trooper covering the square details compared to the rear trooper
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