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Everything posted by gmrhodes13

  1. Found another side photo with the gap between the back plate and sides. I'm wondering if the chest/sides are one piece (one each side) and the back plate just attaches over the top. Looks to be a separation on the shoulder strap to backplate tabs and they may slip into the tabs on the back plate.
  2. Having another look at the stage video from the other side and it appears each set of armor only has 1 gasket, the other image I posted makes it appear that there are two but I now think it's two hung sets, the gasket could have been hung on the coat hanger sideways, if that makes sense, so the square cut out can't be seen from the side. Next image under we see the armor sets hung from the other angle, each with an undersuit and only one gasket The gasket could also have the square detail section seen at the top behind the chest plate. I also noticed in the video it shows the chest could be in pieces, the centre section is seen as grey with the chest sides red, perhaps it was a trial fit but there is definitely a gap between them. I'm still not convinced with the back, if the back is actaully separate to the sides/wings, small dark areas can be seen at the bottom which could be Velcro? also gaps in the sides. Image under we can see gasket/rubber material under the should straps and a gap under the backplate at the top. So I think the gasket is one piece and has the stepped areas seen around the neck and also the square details on the front behind the chest.
  3. Would be the camera angle I would say, their magma boots are different though, that image is for the FOTK red version but from the side
  4. ? Well I know IB have them: Select red https://www.imperialboots.com/product/trooper7-first-order-stormtrooper/
  5. I agree, the FOTK CRL will be undergoing an update soon and I'll be pushing for the removal of the ANH and ESB boots option I think it was first added as there suppliers of the FOTK boot where scarce but not an issue these days
  6. Will we be allowing Magma trooper boots as that style (white) are in FISD's FOTK CRL for basic approval? ANH/ESB TK boots are allowed. I ask as I've always thought it odd, really you should have the boot that is seen on that particular trooper but in this case there is a boot cover plate. Great work BTW ?
  7. On this image if you look at the bottom edge under the back plate you can see a little black area, this could be Velcro (or just a shadow) which could mean the back plate attaches to the back/side wings. In the middle image below we can see the back plate appears to be attached to the sides. You can also see the chest plate has the shoulder straps attached. I think the two poncho style areas just sit on each other under the chest and back, but why not make them one piece?, I'm wondering if the front poncho has that ridge detail seen on the top front of the chest, but again with no other references it's really hard to tell. Be glad when the evolution of stormtroopers video is released for a better look, still won't be able to see all the details though. It's definitely not straight forward.
  8. I'd say those details would really be for higher level anyway and not needed for basic approval. No doubt when higher res images are available we'll get the definitive answer
  9. If you blow up the following image a definite slit/opening is there in the middle just not as pronounced as the Anovos Another angle, can just make it out.
  10. I did see that but looked as if it was just on the Anovos helmet and not the figures or display trooper, I'll do a bit more searching through my images.
  11. Another Hot Toys unboxing, has some nice details and shows the dodgy blaster attachment, I think I prefer the FOTK version ?
  12. I did find some low res images of under the brow, you can just make out the indents, hot toys figure and evolution display sith trooper. They are not as defined as on the Anovos and appear to be slightly further back.
  13. Spats Finished in a high gloss deep red that matches the colors of the entire costume. The spats wrap around the lower ankle. The spats are enclosed on the outside of the ankle with a greeblie that overlaps the open side. There is a visible seam on the inside of the ankle.
  14. Just looking at the forearms and apart from the outside differences the cover/top plates are also different in width, length and the left is shorter, stops before the front and back ends (tapers back from the front).
  15. My pleasure Mark had some time on my hands and at the end of the day the more info that is shared then the better the costumes will become "troopers helping troopers"
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