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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by toddo

  1. Pretty close. I eliminated references to a Level 2 as discussed in your CRL update thread. Otherwise I made changes in blue.
  2. Much cooler than the primer version I have sitting on my shelf. Keep going!
  3. Looking good! I love the pic with the incinerator. What a great combo.
  4. So cool watching your process Ty. Thanks for sharing.
  5. You guys look fantastic together, and I think is awesome that you fellows did this group build. I'm eager for you to get your hands on some legit blasters worthy of your costumes, perform your fixes, and get approved!
  6. Way to persevere. You'll have this thing dialed-in in no time.
  7. I agree with Steve. What do you have to lose? I look forward to seeing what you can do with it.
  8. That's awesome Dorothy. I have one of Ty's buckets in my garage that I haven't gotten around to working on yet, so beat me to it and bring this thing to life!
  9. http://studiocreations.com/howto/bikerscout/bike_armorforsale.html bottom of the page.
  10. The following are vendors in good standing with Spec Ops who produce quality parts: Shadow Stormtrooper and Nova Trooper Armor Sources: Name: ATA Kit: ABS (HIPS by request), untrimmed Contact:ataworks@yahoo.com Name: CFO (Cast From Original) Kit: ABS, ROTJ-style, great for a number of expanded universe costumes Contact: www.castfromoriginal.com Name: CAP-W Kit: HIPS Contact:https://www.facebook...8786578?fref=ts Name:AM/NE: Kit: ABS Contact: tupperwaretk@yahoo.com Name: RS Prop Masters Kit: ABS Contact: https://www.facebook...masters?fref=ts Name: Anovos Kit: PVC plastic Contact: http://www.anovos.co...ooper-pre-order Shadow Scout Armor Sources: Name: Studio Creations Contact: http://www.studiocreations.com Name: Altmann Contact: sparky.5@bigpond.com Magma Trooper Armor Sources: Name: ATA Kit: ABS (HIPS by request), untrimmed Contact: ataworks@yahoo.com Swamp Trooper Armor Sources: Name: Studio Creations Contact: http://www.studiocreations.com General Weir Armor Sources: Name: Studio Creations Contact: http://www.studiocreations.com Bandolier Only Name: Woodchuck Kit: Wood Contact: chckbowman@yahoo.com Imperial Navy Commando Armor Sources: TBD Evo Trooper Armor Sources: TBD Miscellaneous Accessories This List is not all inclusive there are other places to purchase items for your kits. Boots: Shadow Stormtrooper/Nova Trooper Variants http://imperialboots...ducts/tx-boots/ Men's Bass Amsterdam @ Zappos.com Men's Bass Amsterdam @ Shoes.com Boots: Magma Trooper http://imperialboots...-magma-boots-2/ Silver Lenses AFX Fast Shield @ Motorcycle-Superstore.com (Contributed by Obievon) Pauldron http://www.shoulderpauldrons.com/ https://www.etsy.com...oulder-pauldron http://www.ebay.com/...=item20e2552ec4 Webbing http://www.strapwork...yester_s/60.htm http://www.jontay.com/ Under Armor http://www.eastbay.c...thing/_-_/N-2e4 http://www.stormtrooperundersuit.com/ Other: http://trooperbay.com/ http://forum.501stsp...-for-saletrade/ Darman Props: neck seals and holsters. https://www.facebook.com/darmanprops Karin's Handguards: the best and most accurate handguards available. https://www.facebook...chein.5?fref=ts TKBoots: sold in white but perfect for painting. http://www.tkboots.com/ Imperial Boots: custom boots of various types including Magma boots. http://imperialboots.com/
  11. I have to admit that this isn't my favorite helmet, but painted-up it is looking super-cool Ty.
  12. KWdesigns might be able to help you out with the clone parts https://www.facebook.com/pages/KW-Designs/639921432693475, you could try hitting-up Scootch on FB for the TK parts https://www.facebook.com/pages/Scootchs-Custom-Fab-Shop/213924908786578?fref=ts, and ask Studio Creations if he has any shoulder bells. http://studiocreations.com/contact.htmlSometimes he has B-pulls he will sell at a reduced price.
  13. If you copy the IMG code on each pic's photobucket page, you can paste it right here and the photo will show like this: Boots looks great!
  14. The republic commando guys use EL Wire in their visors. You might investigate what they are using for visor material and how they illuminate them.
  15. Great work on the clone blaster Xavier. You capture Vader's voice well I must say. I use a complicated voice system when trooping as Vader to sound like that
  16. Custom coloring would be a no-go. As for the Spec Ops logo, after getting approved that would be up to you.
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