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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by toddo

  1. Please let us know how they work out when you receive them.
  2. The iComm setup will be quite fun to play with
  3. I used the AFX Fastshield meant for motorcycle helmets. It's plenty strong and looks amazing. https://www.denniskirk.com/326524.sku?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cse&gclid=CJmh6PiPx8MCFYeBfgod0UkAjw
  4. I'm originally from Iowa, so I feel ya. Out here in Seattle when we get an inch we freak out and close everything down.
  5. Just when I think I have a strong handle on this costume-building thing, Ty comes along to put me in my place. Keep it up my friend.
  6. I don't think I've ever seen anyone make a belt in such a fashion before. Very cool.
  7. You are right about the reference. That is how it should be done. My Novas have the sniper plate painted as well as the ridge all the way around.
  8. Congratulations! Well-earned.
  9. At least there are boots readily available for the first time. In the past everyone had to paint theirs.
  10. Well, years ago there was an FX run of the stuff. That is long gone. Every once in a while one of those suits pops-up for sale, but they are usually in disrepair, so don't count on that option. A while back ATA ran suits in red ABS which are glorious and far more accurate than the FX stuff of old. I believe Terrell isn't running red anymore, but you might as well contact him to see. ataworks@yahoo.com ImperialBoots is now offering red TK boots which is a godsend FWIW.
  11. Good start on the boots.
  12. I was wondering about vision in that thing. The mouth should offer more visibility than let's say 4LOM.
  13. I've been waiting for someone to make this costume. It should be an ambitious undertaking, and I look forward to seeing your progress Jason.
  14. As for building to Specialist, I think that's a splendid idea. Here are the requirements: http://forum.specops501st.com/index.php?/topic/2814-specialist-requirements-shadow-stormtrooper/ Check out others' Specialist applications as well to get a good idea of what we look for.
  15. Lewis sells his B-grade E11s for $150. I have a couple of those, and I can tell what is B about them.
  16. I think Chef has you covered. Overall she looks great!
  17. Yeah, that Valspar gold is way too copper. I tried that on my C-3PO stuff, and it was terrible. Smells weird too.
  18. I didn't clear coat mine as it actually dulls the gold paint. I brushed on a clear coat with my Nova Medic, and that worked great. You could always try on a spare bit of ABS to see if joy like the result. I haven't needed it with my Nova really.
  19. Did you already pick-up the white armor? If not, hit up Scootch. He can get a set of black HIPS to you right away usually. You have to paint it as well as it isn't shiny, but that's not too big a deal. If you have the white stuff already, then I can weigh in there as well. My shadow stormtrooper helmet was originally an ESB stormtrooper bucket. I primed and painted it with Rustoleum, and have had to do very little in the way of touch-ups over the course of quite a few troops.
  20. Fun pics. The only recommendation on your helmet that I would make is to replace the neck trim with the proper S-trim stuff. What you have is fine, but we like to see the fancy S stuff for Specialist applications How do you keep the dog hair off your armor? My stuff always wants to be covered with it when I'm working on it.
  21. Once again, I agree wholeheartedly with Jerry. The gold wants to escape everywhere both through the masking, especially on the tubes, and as a fine mist of beautiful gold that will ruin your day.
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