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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by toddo

  1. Silver is acceptable for Novatrooper Sentinel only, and even then the stripes are black on silver flashing.
  2. When it comes to Nova action, Ty's our man.
  3. Welcome! Wonderful paint job.
  4. I can't wait to see the whole thing.
  5. I think the return edges on your bells and so forth should be trimmed closer. Often you can see a line on the inside that will guide you. As for the ab plate, cut along the second, outside line. The idea is that everything should basically fit over the existing molding. WHy would you use Dave's ab buttons when yours are built-in so nicely? I'd save them for another project.
  6. For shims I use sign material from Lowes or Home Depot and spray paint it. Scootch is great and delivers quickly, but you'll have to paint his stuff to as it is HIPS rather than ABS. You can Velcro your new shims into the armor if you'd like in case your weight fluctuates back or *ahem* further
  7. My boots have laces inside. You can do either way, but I like to be able to tighten my boots a bit.
  8. That material looks fine to me, and those boots should serve as a decent base.
  9. Cool photo. Slap some tube stripes on there and call that bucket done
  10. Ty, I had a big day at work today with a corporate visit, but I just kept thinking about how psyched I am to see the EVO in person.
  11. Welcome Mauri. I'm not sure what you mean by starting this project with illusion. Are you building a Shadow Scout?
  12. So the FX bells are oversized. In your photos this results in them covering a bit too much of the bicep. There are two things to do: 1. take about a half-inch off the bottom edge or so. 2. round the corners more like so: It's easy. I just take a sharp exacto blade and score it lightly with one pass usually. Then I use needle-nose pliers to snap it off. You can sand any rough edges really easily if needed.
  13. Yeah, that's not too bad. You can also trim the bottom edge of the chest to the correct shape and size. I definitely would do that to the shoulder bells as they look jumbo in these photos. It's easy enough to do and will really improve the overall look.
  14. I used the Meltonian paint for my Skytrooper boots. I lightly sanded the boots first, then soaked them well in rubbing alcohol. That all took off the sheen and made the leather more permeable. Then I sprayed the paint on the boots and have had no problem yet.
  15. Especially given her size, I would replace the helmet. Otherwise you are going to have a large bobble-head effect. I have trimmed-down the chest plate and shoulder bells on an FX fit successfully. Those are things you can do as well to help make things fit better. When you trim the chest plate, you can re-shape it to the correct curve at the bottom too.
  16. I used a straight Xacto blade
  17. Looking good! I'd love to update the CRL photo when you are finished.
  18. I agree with Chef on both the gloves being passable and the boots looking amazing. While the details in the sole aren't required for approval, they sure do give it that something special. I was worried about doing it, but it turned out alright. With the attention to detail you paid to the boots, yours would look smashing.
  19. At any rate, I'm glad that we haven't decided to Deep Six the program.
  20. I would send those photos to Francois and let him know.
  21. This project sounds like it is under water, get it?
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