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501st SpecOps[TX]
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Everything posted by toddo

  1. Try switching the ears. I think you are reversed.
  2. I've used those for a couple of helmets in the red-mirrored version. It's great stuff. It isn't rigid like a welder's visor, but it looks great. It could always be backed by a clear visor if one were concerned about rigidity, but it isn't a necessity.
  3. You can attach the belt in a number of ways. A lot of us use snaps. What you could do is rivet that belt to the canvas. Then order some of those little square things from Scootch and glue them over the rivets, and Robert is your mother's brother.
  4. Which helmet is this for, scout or shadow stormtrooper? For Shadow stormtrooper, a lot of use http://www.afxhelmets.com/parts/fastshields.php
  5. No problem. Good luck on your approval!
  6. I think it's gorgeous. Admirable work sir. I'll PM my address, and you can send it there
  7. The only thing I can see is that the butt flap and rider's patches in the rear shot look to be riding higher than preferred. I don't know if your GML will hold up approval for that, but it's worth mentioning. I wonder if you could tug down the jumpsuit a tad to compensate. Otherwise it looks good.
  8. Usually ATA parts have a decal inside that reads "ATAworks". Did yours have that?
  9. Solid, Have you contacted ATA about this?
  10. from this angle it looks fine. Nice job. I overtrimmed my first pair of ears.
  11. The flat black looks pretty sharp over the gloss.
  12. The frown looks fine. The black on the vocoder is outside the area on the top. What kind of paint did you use?
  13. I hear you. I have shaky, cramped hands and I've been hand-painting helmet details tonight as well. Take your time. You can do it.
  14. I have a number of buckets, and I only have painted one inside. I find it 100% unnecessary IMHO.
  15. how exciting! ATA is a pretty simple kit to work with. Having said that, it is possible to mess-up and over-trim. Be sure to read build threads like crazy. The shadow stromtrooper and white stormtrooper are made the same way, so look at every build thread you can if you haven't already. When trimming armor, I've tried a lot of different methods, but my favorite by far is to use a fresh razor blade to score followed my bending and snapping. Nice, clean lines with usually no need to sand. My understanding is that when red plastic is stressed, it turns white at the stress point. However, heating the area carefully will restore the red color. Be sure to ask specific questions and post your progress as you go!
  16. considering that Weir is a general, I'd keep it bright red.
  17. It can be very frightening to start work on hard armor. I stand by everything that has been said here about research. You'll get all the support you ask for here. Fear not. We are here to help, and like all of those before you, you'll be in hard armor in no time.
  18. the visor off Ebay works great. I have installed that material in my Shadowguard, Gree, and Shadow Clone helmets.
  19. Chef's suggestion is the same fellow as mine. Keep in mind that neither comes with the hard plastic. It is more like a mirrored sheet. I use it for my Utapau Shadow Clone.
  20. I've had luck with this guy. It isn't a hard visor, but it looks great. You could always couple it with a clear visor to make it rigid if you felt like it, but you don't need to.
  21. what did you use for the greeblies? They really are a nice detail.
  22. Nice job. You have the rubber trim even. You might weather the boots a bit more as in the photos they are more white than the shin armor. I'd also recommend a few more chips to the red flashing on the helmet to be more consistent with the game images.
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